Daniel Miller | RLA, LEED AP replied to the topic Recommendations for Photoshop Rendering File Sizes? in the forum TECHNOLOGY 10 years, 10 months ago
To keep file sizes down in PSD renderings I’ll group like items (trees and shrubs, furnishings, etc.) in folders and then export them to other files, which i then close and import back in later — keeping only a flattened version of the trees in my working file, to compress file size.
To accurately import/export files to and from your file…[Read more] -
Daniel Miller | RLA, LEED AP replied to the topic Recomendations for landscape design software?? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 10 years, 10 months ago
Sorry all, I know I’m opening a can of worms here, but — J Robert, we get it. You despise computers and their software and constantly argue that “real LAs use pens and hand draw everything” — but it’s not true. Saying that simply dismisses everyone’s abilities, training, insight, knowledge, etc. just because they work on a computer. It’s ok…[Read more]
Daniel Miller | RLA, LEED AP replied to the topic Recomendations for landscape design software?? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 10 years, 11 months ago
Maybe I’m the only one, but I like this little program called AutoCad. Seems to work for me…
Daniel Miller | RLA, LEED AP replied to the topic Getting back in the game – Teaching an old dog new tricks in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 11 years ago
I’d say the key to most people having a job (or having kept a job through the past few years) is versatility. Not always true in every firm, but most levels and titles within the office do Cad to some extent — from intern through PMs and associates, etc… it’s a necessary evil skill. We all get that; so brush up on it.
But, aside from Ca…[Read more]
Daniel Miller | RLA, LEED AP replied to the topic I am looking for information on what school districts are doing or want to do more innovative school yards here in Northern California in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 11 years, 7 months ago
A lot of grade schools in Berkeley/Oakland (Rockridge) area are doing a lot of veggie gardens. Alice Waters (chef/Cal alum) has done a ton of work to initiate some fun stuff in the area.
Daniel Miller | RLA, LEED AP replied to the topic Liability/Insurance considerations if hired by company as independent contractor (1099)? in the forum PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE 11 years, 10 months ago
Just don’t stamp or sign anything and you’ll be fine. You, individually, aren’t liable nor responsible for any work that goes out of the office that doesn’t have your name, stamp or signature on it.
Daniel Miller | RLA, LEED AP replied to the topic Travel Photography in Portfolio Q in the forum PORTFOLIO & RESUME 11 years, 11 months ago
1] make sure it’s good photography. not ‘your mom thinks it’s good because she loves you’ — but actually, good. if it’s artistic or documentary — whatever — make sure it’s good. everyone puts photos in a portfolio these days — if you can’t stand out in a positive way then ditch the idea.
2] Personally, I wouldn’t put any photography in a po…[Read more] -
Daniel Miller | RLA, LEED AP replied to the topic California Supplemental Exam in the forum PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE 11 years, 11 months ago
from the date i passed the test to the date i was notified everything cleared and was being sent to me was close to 6 weeks. i’ve heard some people it’s 3-4 weeks, but there was a computer issue on their end when it was my turn. they’ll tell you 4-6 weeks if you call to ask and weren’t really the most helpful until i called and said it had…[Read more]
Daniel Miller | RLA, LEED AP replied to the topic California Supplemental Exam in the forum PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE 12 years, 4 months ago
Interesting. I just passed CA and found it to be confusing — at least in terms of what the focus was . I’d say close to 25% of it was on water conservation through current irrigation regulations, where as I would have thought it would be geared more towards health, safety and welfare of the public — you know, landscape architect stuff.
I wo…[
Daniel Miller | RLA, LEED AP replied to the topic California Supplemental Exam in the forum PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE 12 years, 4 months ago
My recent exam had a lot of native plants and plant groupings. Oaks, slopes, fire, erosion, etc….
Know your irrigation — MAWA, ETWU,(MWELO)/ AB1881, CIMIS; backflow preventers, reclaimed/recycled water in irrigation.
Know your Cal Green. Know your CEQA too and about EIRs and NDs.
Know your ADA information — clearances, slopes, cross slopes,…[Read more] -
Daniel Miller | RLA, LEED AP replied to the topic California Supplemental Exam in the forum PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE 12 years, 4 months ago
Has anyone taken the exam in the past 6 months that I can run a study guide by (via email) to see if what I’m studying is comparable to what you saw on the exam?
Daniel Miller | RLA, LEED AP replied to the topic In Case of Emergency- What if this Tag-Team Actually Wins ? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 12 years, 5 months ago
Haha… way to push an “open discussion” about an eternally sensitive subject then rudely pounce on the first person who has a differing viewpoint than yourself.
How has the economic stability and/or job growth for our profession been in the last 4 years under Obama? Not great it seems. How will it change under a Romney/Ryan ticket? Who kno…[Read more]
Daniel Miller | RLA, LEED AP replied to the topic double and single steps in outdoor patios. in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 12 years, 5 months ago
For steps, it’s always safe to use the 2R(isers) + T(read) = 24″ – 27″ — that formula gives steps a well proportioned, non-awkward and safe feeling when being used
I tend to try to steer clear of the single step because it usually ends up being a trip hazard — but that being said, if the grading dictates that say a single, 6″ riser is all…[Read more]
Daniel Miller | RLA, LEED AP replied to the topic LARE Review in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 12 years, 5 months ago
Success? Eh…. hard to say. Jerry Hasting’s is incredibly helpful and knowledgeable — but if you can get your hands on the worksheets/study materials it’s almost just as helpful. I’d recommend studying a lot before deciding to sign up — and go in with specific problems/issues you’re having and get the assistance you need with solving s…[Read more]
Daniel Miller | RLA, LEED AP replied to the topic California Supplemental Exam in the forum PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE 12 years, 5 months ago
I called. They answered — and they said I just need to wait for them to send me the paper saying I passed. So I assume this is what I’m supposed to be doing — just waiting on them. I can’t just send in my application and check, can I?
Daniel Miller | RLA, LEED AP replied to the topic California Supplemental Exam in the forum PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE 12 years, 6 months ago
Just thought I’d bump this to the top to see if anyone has any further insight/ideas/tips/hints, etc…. It would be much appreciated – just as the previous posts are appreciated.
I have a question about the newer, multiple choice process: after finishing the 5 national exams, what’s the next step? Will something official be mailed/emailed ou…[Read more]