Andrew Garulay, RLA replied to the topic "Critic's Notebook: L.A.'s landscape architects labor in anonymity" – LA Times Calender Magazine in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 years, 10 months ago
Perhaps it is the success of a well created piece of nature that makes one disassociate people from it. A building is so man made that it makes people think “who made this”. An outdoor space, even if built of hardscapes and line along with plants just feels much less associated with a human creator.
People tend to view a park as land that wa…[Read more] -
Andrew Garulay, RLA replied to the topic Seeking Alternatives – How to become a RLA when the traditional jobs just aren't out there? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 years, 10 months ago
Here is the deal as I see it. This is a diverse profession folks. There are a lot of career paths within it and a lot of different ways to get to various points along that path.
Lorna is quite clear about her path – to return to work as a licensed LA in her family’s business. I know several people with LA degrees who went into business prior to…[Read more] -
Andrew Garulay, RLA replied to the topic LA Fees in the forum PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE 13 years, 10 months ago
I had an interesting conversation with an engineer/surveyor principal regarding landscape architecture fees today. He actually wrote a guide and conducted a seminar for a surveying professional organization about fee structures for surveyors, so I regard his knowledge in this even though he is not an LA. He discussed with me the general approach…[Read more]
Andrew Garulay, RLA replied to the topic Hunting in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 years, 11 months ago
The only major city with real estate value going up…. barely.
Is there a ton of LA jobs there? I doubt it, but growth in LA jobs tends to generally follow rising/falling real eastate values. -
Andrew Garulay, RLA replied to the topic Seeking Alternatives – How to become a RLA when the traditional jobs just aren't out there? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 years, 11 months ago
If you can’t get intern time, set yourself up to have an advantage over others when the jobs to become open to hoards of people waiting to fill them.
Many are going to be spending this time getting LEED accredited, or working for landscapers, nurseries, or graphic art related jobs. … those “extras” are going to be a dime a dozen in my…[Read more] -
Andrew Garulay, RLA replied to the topic Hunting in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 years, 11 months ago
Washington, DC
Andrew Garulay, RLA replied to the topic Off Topic…sort of…Walker knows how to hit a bee's nest. in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 years, 11 months ago
“As you can see from what is happening in California, with our new governor Jerry Brown, the taxpayer is represented through the electoral process, in negotiation with unions.”
That is what happened in Wisconsin, but it went the other way. Sometimes it swings left and sometimes it swings right….. and the farther a pendulum swings from the c…[Read more] -
Andrew Garulay, RLA replied to the topic As A Landscape Design Build Company Is It Abnormal To Team With A Landscape Architect If You Yourself As The Owner Is Approached To Do A Project With An Architect? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 years, 11 months ago
No one should be stamping other people’s work, but being hired as a consultant to work together is pretty normal. You should write up a contract that protects your liability and also reserves some rights for you to use your participation and photographs of the project for advertisement or other uses.
Andrew Garulay, RLA replied to the topic Women working in a male-dominated industry in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 years, 11 months ago
There are some seriously messed up posts on this thread.
Andrew Garulay, RLA replied to the topic hourly rate for small side jobs in the forum PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE 13 years, 11 months ago
I do full site plans including driveways, swimming pools (grading and retaining walls with spot elevations), patios , fencing, …and most anything else that you might find on a residential house lot for under $2k. I don’t provide construction details and specifications with it, but they are all custom designed for the client and site. It will be…[Read more]
Andrew Garulay, RLA replied to the topic Women working in a male-dominated industry in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 years, 11 months ago
? How do you get that from what I just wrote? Two questions – one asking why Tanya is alone on this and another asking whether there are a lot of women in the profession out there.
… followed by an explanation that women do participate, are expected to participate, and lead where I live …and no one is taken aback by it.
Why do you want t…[
Andrew Garulay, RLA replied to the topic Women working in a male-dominated industry in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 years, 11 months ago
Are there any women owned LA firms out there? Where are the rest of the women in your state on this? Women are very well represented in my state and in my area.I don’t even belong to ASLA or BSLA and women are highly visible in LA work. They are also well represented and hold offices in the regional Landscape Contractor’s Association. Unlicensed…[Read more]
Andrew Garulay, RLA replied to the topic Does your community require the stamp? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 years, 11 months ago
We are required to have bioswales/rain gardens/bioretention areas in commercial projects in certain jurisdictions and you are correct that there is a gap between old engineering practices and current requirements. It may be something that is well covered currently in landscape architecture education and maybe also in stormwater management in…[Read more]
Andrew Garulay, RLA replied to the topic Does your community require the stamp? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 years, 11 months ago
The unfortunate thing is that they define competent as being adequately addressing the written performance standard of an ordinance rather than the many other things that go into what we all consider standards for adequacy.
One would think that if they declare the need to have an LA it would be to adopt the standard that the profession brings with…[Read more] -
Andrew Garulay, RLA replied to the topic North Arrow in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 years, 11 months ago
I work on civil site plans way more than landscape plans and I also research and draw lots of recorded survey plans as well. I don’t recall seeing too many North arrows pointing right.
I’ve seen a lot of Massaachusetts Highway Plans with north arrows actually pointing toward the bottom of the page. They used long sheets of paper and ran the r…[Read more] -
Andrew Garulay, RLA replied to the topic North Arrow in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 years, 11 months ago
I did a search on google. I found a city engineering standard that said “straight up”or “to the right” (small city in Washington State – I lived in that area and never heard of that city). I don’t think I’ve seen that as a standard in my area.
It is, as some others have said, how it best fits on the sheet with an effort to have North up. -
Andrew Garulay, RLA replied to the topic North Arrow in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 years, 11 months ago
As said by others, North is generally upward, preferably straight up. I think that the convention that you are associating is that when a plan is “sideways” within a plan set, it should be oriented so that the bottom is to the right. The binding should either be to the left or on top so that you can turn the pages in a “normal” way like a book or…[Read more]
Andrew Garulay, RLA replied to the topic Does your community require the stamp? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 years, 11 months ago
When was the last time you saw a yew in a nursery which had seeds on it?
Andrew Garulay, RLA replied to the topic Does your community require the stamp? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 years, 11 months ago
Curious to know what the issue is with Taxus baccata. …not the berry thing, is it?
I may have written more than necessary, as usual, above. We have one zoning district that requires an LA stamp. We do have some exclusive communities that have architectural review committees which also have landscape requirements. In each case they state t…[Read more] -
Andrew Garulay, RLA replied to the topic Women working in a male-dominated industry in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 years, 11 months ago
Married filing jointly today for the twentieth time, actually. I’m not sure what I need an excuse for. I am pretty open to chiming in with my honest opinions even on controvercial subjects such as this one. I said that I am a white male without a last name that indicates religion or cultural origin and I’m married. I’m your stereotype…[Read more]
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