David Fletcher replied to the topic Are you hiring? in the forum ANNOUNCEMENTS 14 years, 11 months ago
Yes…we are looking for interns:
Submit CV and 3-5 pp portfolio to: dfletcher@fletcherstudio.com
David Fletcher replied to the topic North American Design competition in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 15 years ago
The best is:
http://www.deathbyarchitecture.com/searchCompetitions.html?method=SearchPublicAlso see Architizer Archinect Bustler
David Fletcher
fletcherstudio.com -
David Fletcher replied to the topic Illustrator vs. Photoshop for Rendering Plans in the forum TECHNOLOGY 15 years ago
It depends on the scale of the drawings and how much time you have. 90% of our planimetric work is in Illustrator and we use a CAD plugin from HotDOOR called Cad tools…
We use different combinations of Photoshop, Maya, 3DS, rhino, and Illy for our renderings…
David Fletcher
You can view some of our renderings here fletcherstudio.com