Derick Langel replied to the topic Does starting your own business hurt your chances of being hired? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 15 years ago
Jon, I am in the same boat …maybe many of us are, with the difference that i do not feel my business is taking off and probably much older…, I get projects here and there, so for me both points of view are very valid, no need to get all fired up fellow LA’s; there is nothing greater than to be your own boss, but also working on million dollar…[Read more]
Derick Langel replied to the topic Ornamental Plant criteria.. in the forum PLANTS & HORTICULTURE 15 years ago
I would agree that all except fragance, play a role in their ornamental value. I think of ornamental as architectural (must be the architect in me); so most times that i design an architectural garden i look for vertical plants (grasses-snake plant-bamboo), balanced structure, nice”design” leaf or frond structure (such as agaves)…nice contrast…[Read more]
Derick Langel replied to the topic Illustrator vs. Photoshop for Rendering Plans in the forum TECHNOLOGY 15 years ago
I agree with Lee Martin. I am just going to write my thoughts without much thought…
Money is the bottom line.That being said you don’t want to get involved in training people a certain way only,by the time you are “done” doing this there is new ways of doing things…. in my mind it is best to stay flex and also in tune and aware of new ways of…[Read more]