landplanner posted an update in the group Portfolios and Resumes – Design Strategies 12 years, 11 months ago
Actually, I did those relatively new to the profession a bit of a service by pointing out to them one far more affordable and easily accessible alternative than the costly online option your self-promoting here.
I have no qualms with the value and utility of your online course, I just find the asking price, far too steep and so would most…[Read more] -
Barbara Peterson posted an update in the group Portfolios and Resumes – Design Strategies 12 years, 11 months ago
I’d recommend using ‘landscape designer’ (I’ve seen this most often) or maybe even ‘recent landscape architect graduate’. If you use ‘landscape architect in-training’ check w/your state registration board to make sure that there aren’t any ‘conflicts’.
As far as looking for jobs: the ones that generally apply to college grads would be ‘…[Read more] -
Bruce McWilliam Associates Landscape Design Group 778-809-9784 posted an update in the group Portfolios and Resumes – Design Strategies 12 years, 11 months ago
I remember the saying “Those that can’t do – teach”
landplanner posted an update in the group Portfolios and Resumes – Design Strategies 12 years, 11 months ago
Hey Page:
You need to really get a clue here. It appears your somewhat disconnected from the true reality of the marketplace. Let me be specific, in case you can’t be.
There is massive unemployment in the design professions and thast has been pervasive going on nearly three years. You are offering a “sure-fire” or “near-fire” portfolio and…[Read more] -
Page Huyette posted an update in the group Portfolios and Resumes – Design Strategies 12 years, 11 months ago
One of my recent students listed their current job as “landscape architect in training” to avoid this snafu.
I would suggest visiting the ASLA job board to see how others with your level of experience are handling it. Here are some samples of student portfolio websites that include resumes for other ideas on wording and layout: Samples r…[Read more] -
Sami Bronowski posted an update in the group Portfolios and Resumes – Design Strategies 12 years, 11 months ago
I have a quick question about resumes. I will be graduating this coming May will my BLA. I am in the process of cleaning up my resume and cover letter. In looking for jobs to apply for, I always search landscape architecture, since that is my specific degree. I am not yet, however, a registered landscape architect since I am entry level. Ca…[Read more]
Oona Johnsen posted an update in the group LEED in Landscape Architecture 12 years, 12 months ago
Are you involved in your local USGBC chapter? How has it benefited your career, if at all?
Oona Johnsen posted an update in the group LEED in Landscape Architecture 13 years, 2 months ago
LEED GA – is it worth it?
Matt Mathes PLA posted an update in the group L.A.R.E. – ANYTHING GOES 13 years, 2 months ago
The Louisiana Chapter ASLA is hosting review sessions for LARE exam sections C & E on Saturday, November 5, 2011 from 8:30 am to 4:00 pm in Baton Rouge. Each session is offered at $160 for Section C, and $60 for Section E for ASLA members, or $200 (C) or $100 (E) for non-members. The session cost includes review workbooks for each section…[Read more]
Bruno Marques posted an update in the group Habitat Restoration and Mitigation 13 years, 2 months ago
Need more reasons to attend the event?
Now you have the perfect one!
EFLA Registration -
Bruno Marques posted an update in the group Graphics 13 years, 2 months ago
Bruno Marques posted an update in the group LEED in Landscape Architecture 13 years, 2 months ago
Brandon Reed, CVO, ASLA / Rooftop and Urban Designer / Landscape Architect posted an update in the group Graphics 13 years, 3 months ago
Thanks Noelia! Feel free to ask questions and contribute.
Denis Vasiliev posted an update in the group Portfolios and Resumes – Design Strategies 13 years, 3 months ago
Hi! I see you make projects of playgrounds. Don`t you want to distribute our equipment in Hungary? See our products here http://www.ksil.eu and contact me if you decide
Charles McDowell posted an update in the group Habitat Restoration and Mitigation 13 years, 3 months ago
Tanya, thanks for the advice. My first option would be to get professional experience in restoration design before I go back to school and I’m very much looking into that but also looking to keep my options open. Also, thanks for the advice about the portfolio, that’s something that I’m aware of but it slipped my mind at the time. Changing now, thanks!
Tanya Olson posted an update in the group Habitat Restoration and Mitigation 13 years, 3 months ago
Hey Charles – rather than spending more $$$ you might try an internship with someplace like Barr Engineering in Minneapolis – they have a lengthy restroration portfolio. If you want hands-on experience you might call them to ask who does the installation of their projects. Ann Riley’s Waterways Restoration Institute in Berkley, CA might be a g…[Read more]
Cheryl Corson posted an update in the group L.A.R.E. – ANYTHING GOES 13 years, 3 months ago
Great. Glad to know that. Thanks, Mary Anne.
CLARB: If you’re listening in, consider adding some descriptive content to the LARE Orientation Guide about the interface if you are no longer able to provide a demo. -
Cheryl Corson posted an update in the group L.A.R.E. – ANYTHING GOES 13 years, 3 months ago
I’ve got a question about the computer interface for multiple choice sections. CLARB no longer has a sample on its web site and the $30, 30 minute test drive session at Prometrix isn’t convenient. Can you only go back to questions you have not answered, or can you review all your answers and make changes at any time?
noelia e martinez posted an update in the group Graphics 13 years, 4 months ago
great idea this group! it is exactly what i was looking for! 🙂
Page Huyette posted an update in the group Portfolios and Resumes – Design Strategies 13 years, 4 months ago
Peter, your comment about approaching your portfolio from a print format perspective is interesting. I think many of us who spend a lot of time at the drawing board suffer from this, and moving our personal work to digital format is a jump for some. I think that if you have a standardized filing system in place that is reflected on your co…[Read more]
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