George Surovov replied to the topic Considering a graduate program at University of Copenhagen & seeking advice. in the forum EDUCATION 13 years, 8 months ago
so there’s no intellecutal landscape architecute or UD outside of the NL? pretty bold statement i’d say. i think there’s definitely an overlap in contemporary design in the NL, germany, and scandinavia.. clearly its your opinion, but i can’t help think its a bit short-sighted but you can certainly elaborate. I dont think i would be so quick…[Read more]
George Surovov replied to the topic Considering a graduate program at University of Copenhagen & seeking advice. in the forum EDUCATION 13 years, 10 months ago
hey theodore, did you end up going to Copenhagen or still considering?
i am enrolled in the 2 yr program there, moving in June and I can’t wait! -
George Surovov replied to the topic Time to Panic? -> LAM March 2011: "Leaping Into What?" in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 14 years ago
i am in a scenario where i have worked as a project manager at a deign firm on the east coast the past 3 years. i have a business undergrad degree, but i want to me an LA, so i feel I really need to get my masters degree. yet the fear of debt and leaving a good job in a weak economy hold me back.
i was accepted to a program in Copenhagen ( my…[Read more] -
George Surovov replied to the topic Considering a graduate program at University of Copenhagen & seeking advice. in the forum EDUCATION 14 years, 3 months ago
Hi Maria,
I have already enrolled and have been pre-approved for admission to the full degree for the Masters in Landscape Architecture, Life Sciences. All I have to do is send payment and the paperwork process will begin.
Are you satisfied with your experience and degree from KU? or was it just an exchange semester?
When did you graduate ? and…[
George Surovov replied to the topic Considering a graduate program at University of Copenhagen & seeking advice. in the forum EDUCATION 14 years, 3 months ago
Right on Theodore!..Yes I was trying to start February 2011 for the spring semester but was told non-EU students can only begin in September. maybe not the case for you though if its only one exchange semester. After a lot of research & some instinct, I will be attending the university next year. I had pre-approved my application this past summer.…[Read more]
George Surovov replied to the topic Considering a graduate program at University of Copenhagen & seeking advice. in the forum EDUCATION 14 years, 4 months ago
henry for the KU program i can apply to take one semester at the royal academy, so there seems to be some synergy between the two programs. can you put me in touch with your contact? maybe they can advise one over the other.
George Surovov replied to the topic Considering a graduate program at University of Copenhagen & seeking advice. in the forum EDUCATION 14 years, 4 months ago
Yes yes, i think the program of instruction is in Danish though. I’ll look into it.
George Surovov replied to the topic Considering a graduate program at University of Copenhagen & seeking advice. in the forum EDUCATION 14 years, 4 months ago
In London? No i haven’t researched that..I guess I always just consider London to be too expensive to live. But I will check out the program none the less
George Surovov replied to the topic Considering a graduate program at University of Copenhagen & seeking advice. in the forum EDUCATION 14 years, 4 months ago
mike, thanks for responding. that would be great if you could put me in contact with your friend ( ofcourse if he is willing to shed some light)
George Surovov replied to the topic Considering a graduate program at University of Copenhagen & seeking advice. in the forum EDUCATION 14 years, 4 months ago
thanks henry. I will certainly consider it…
I think I am more drawn to the sustainability in urban environments, as it draws upon more sciencehttp://www1.ccny.cuny.edu/prospective/sustainability/program.cfm