Gia Zaffina, PLA

  • CML posted an update in the group Group logo of L.A.R.E. - ANYTHING GOESL.A.R.E. – ANYTHING GOES 14 years, 7 months ago

    I too…would like to thank Brandon for this thread. I passed A, B, C, & D first time through in (March & June of 2008). Now if only I could pass E (failed it three times, most recently Dec. 2009).
    I finally decided to fork over a rediculous sum of money to CLARB ($160) to review redlines. REDICULOUS! Shouldn’t it be part of the original $330? I…[Read more]

  • Carolina: What did you mean by “seeing incomplete on the letter?”

  • If you are in need of study material / PPI books…Cheap! check out Ebay!

  • Yep, that sounds right. I asked CLARB if there was a way to double check one’s score and they told me each state decided on that option so I was curious if anyone had that experience. I’m in Illinois so we don’t have access to redlines and the state says it may or may not offer to review scores or look at the test at all and if they do it involves…[Read more]

  • I know a woman who took E, was told she had failed and ordered a redline. In the process of redlining the vignettes, the reviewer decided that the woman had passed after all. She found this out after she took a Section E prep workshop, and after signing up for the exam again.
    Is that what you mean?

  • Has anyone asked for a score verification process before?

  • What is difficult to understand, and what the passing rates do not reflect, is the number of times a person has taken that section of the exam. For example, the 20 percent of those taking Section B might be taking it for the second or third time. Whether or not taking a section multiple times improves your chances of passing is unknown at least by…[Read more]

  • I asked CLARB about two things on the redline review.
    A. The extra non-aforementioned fee that raises the price by almost 50%.
    B. The no personal checks.

    They replied with the company line that they need to pay for a room and someone to show us our test. I don’t understand why I can’t just get my redlines mailed to me and it would save the $75…[Read more]

  • I took both C and E a second time in December and failed, was so confident on section C that I couldn’t figure out what went wrong. I’m applying for IL license so I can’t see my redlines, my only bit of hope is that the 6 part scoring system showed me passing 4 out of 6 sections, but seeing the incomplete on the letter wasn’t encouraging. I wonder…[Read more]

  • Does anyone know any good tutors for section E in the Washington DC – Baltimore area?

  • Greetings from Albuquerque, Naomi! Your anecdote got me in a sensitive place, too. I should think by now you ARE a landscape architect, whatever the law says. E is annoying but you will get through it and then you can write articles–from the point of view of a Registered LA–about why therapeutic landscape designers need certain skills and…[Read more]

  • Hi Amy…It’s me…Joanne

  • Clayton,
    It varies by state, but it is really more of a paper keeping issue. In CA you have 5 years to finish before they purge their files. And typically the expiration date on the test occurs within 5-7 years, but again, it is state by state.

  • Does anybody know if there is a time limit as to how long you have to apply for licensure after passing all of the test?

    In other words do you have to apply for licensure within a certain amount of time upon passing the L.A.R.E.?

  • CONGRATULATIONS, Brandon, Clayton, and Wendy! I’m inspired.
    Sadly, not inspired enough to take Section E again in June. I’ve got a huge project due right about then, and I just don’t think I can give studying the time it really needs. Being self-employed and having to do this on one’s own really sucks. Happy to have work, not happy that my big…[Read more]

  • In answer to Amy, I took grading twice and all the other sections once. I did not try to take C and E at the same time, it seemed like asking for trouble… a guy in my study group passed E and failed C this time, go figure…!

  • Bad night…failed Section E 🙁 Good morning…going to study hard and tackle it in June again!!! (First time fail…last section)!

  • Congratulations Brandon, anyone who has taken Section E multiple times (including me) shares your sentiments. I passed after 7 times. After the second or third time I thought I would never get by Section E. I just couldn’t bring myself to quit. After passing, last June, I have just now sent in my application to take the CA supplemental. I too…[Read more]

  • I just wanted to say a big thank you to Brandon for starting this conversation….it made me feel a lot less nutty to go through this process with a crowd of others in the same boat. I am happy to say I’m done now, passed grading and all the other sections and now I can move on with my life! And whoever recommended the LARCH software, there’s some…[Read more]

  • Two points Brandon makes that I would like to reiterate, because they are really important if at first you don’t succeed….

    Be really careful about reading the requirements of the vignettes. CLARB places a very high premium on the KSA “Ability to Read, Understand and Follow (precisely) Written Directions”.

    Figure out your weaknesses and bring…[Read more]

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