Gregg Spadaro's profile was updated 4 years, 2 months ago
Gregg Spadaro replied to the topic Canon or Epson Plotter? in the forum TECHNOLOGY 9 years, 3 months ago
It sounds like your printing volume is similar to mine for both bw and color. Thanks again for sharing Andrew.
Gregg Spadaro replied to the topic Canon or Epson Plotter? in the forum TECHNOLOGY 9 years, 3 months ago
Thanks for the feedback Andrew. I looked at the HP’s and found that the cost of ink per ml was higher than the other 2. Good to hear that ink cost is a non-issue. Will have to give it another look.
Gregg Spadaro replied to the topic Coexisting with deer? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 9 years, 7 months ago
Here in NJ deer are a huge problem as well but it is localized to the region that you are in. Deer prevention approach varies based on client needs, intensity of problem, and budget. I usually reference the Rutgers deer list https://njaes.rutgers.edu/deerresistance/
as it is very comprehensive for plant selection. I have also had success with 8’…[Read more] -
Gregg Spadaro replied to the topic Anyone have experience with pavers that dont get hot? in the forum DETAILS & MATERIALS 9 years, 8 months ago
Take a look at tumbled marble. It sounds expensive but it is in line with the cost of travertine. I have used around pool decks but never for driveway applications. Depending on location/climate, soil conditions, and vehicular load I would suspect you would need a hefty concrete base. http://www.Marmiro.com is my local source.