Iping Yang

  • This study also “compare(d) carbon sequestration to nitrous oxide and carbon dioxide emissions from lawn grooming practices.”

    I have news for anyone willing to listen. Lawn maintenance doesn’t produce carbon “di”oxide emissions. Lawn maintenance produces carbon “mon”oxide. Carbon monoxide produces carbon dioxide which in turn is used by plants…[Read more]

  • From the article: “It’s impossible for these lawns to be net greenhouse gas sinks because too much fuel is used to maintain them,” Townsend-Small concluded.

    So what’s the solution? That’s what I want to know. Should we eliminate athletic fields and play completely? What then shall we do with those that have no place to play and engage in athletic…[Read more]

  • Urban “Green” Space may lead to Global Warming

    Interesting article about the importance of extending sustainable practices to the maintenance of our landscapes. If the implications of maintenance requirements are not considered, the benefits of sustainable design practices may be lost. I think this article also highlights the advantage of having…[Read more]

  • Phil,

    Ditto Dan comments on experience, common sense and to use your company history on previous Construction estimates. I would add to his list, network(social) with local contractors and ask them for their input. Some will be glad to help out and others may not, you never know until you ask. Good Luck

  • Phillip,I have seen several programs over the years and have not been a big favorite of any of them so far. I have been in d/b for almost 28 years. I have worked in the field and behind the desk and I know how long it takes to plant a 4″ tree etc. including the stop at 7-11 for a big gulp and traffic, waiting for the semi to deliver the sod or…[Read more]

  • Hi, I’ve recently started working for a small residential design/build company and I’m wondering how other people go about estimating construction costs. Is there some great piece of software that makes the process easy, or do people rely on their own knowledge of material and labor prices. It seems like the estimating software I’ve looked at are…[Read more]

  • That’s fantastic to know USGBC is taking SiTES seriously. Alot of fellow designers have been very concerned about how SITES and LEED will integrate or if any integration will take place at all!?!?! There are so many great things about SITES that it would be a shame for LEED to miss. Thanks for the note, Heather!

  • Hey Folks! Just a quick note to say hello and introduce myself. After completing the 2009 report, I resigned as project manager of the Sustainable Sites Initiative to pursue other opportunities and spend more time with my 7 month old son. I am currently working with the USGBC as a subject matter expert to incorporate portions of the Sustainable…[Read more]

  • Hey Folks! Just a quick note to say hello and introduce myself. After completing the 2009 report, I resigned as project manager of the Sustainable Sites Initiative to pursue other opportunities and spend more time with my 7 month old son. I am interested in the practical application of landscape sustainability in residential settings and look…[Read more]

  • The only requirement for running for office is being a citizen and the ability to raise money.

  • The legislator happens to be a brick mason. I heard that only 30 percent of the people in the Washington legislature have college degrees. This might say something about their lack of support for teachers, colleges and universities.

  • Aren’t politicians wonderful? Did he do an apprenticeship to qualify for the bar exam?

  • In order to pass the new practice act in Washington, we had to capitulate to a legislator who said he “is an apprentice kind of guy”. So now the state LA Board is drawing up rules for the act’s implementation. One of the areas being addressed is this aspect of the legislation. As it stands now, the law gives a big boost to kids of licensed…[Read more]

  • Thanks much to Chad and Charles. Are there specific details that you used, or did you just design your own details for each specific site? I’m going to look at SSI and see if there are any parking lots in their case studies; looking for pictures of good examples to show client that it can look good as well as earn them LEED credits!

  • Naomi-
    If 6″ curbs are a must, explore the possibility of using curb cuts at regular intervals or where it makes sense….the cuts will still allow runoff to enter the depression. Clay soils? Maybe grade soil towards a central trench/basin filled with gravel. Put an underdrain at the bottom of the gravel and follow Charles’ suggestion of piping…[Read more]

  • Naomi
    We have done quite a few parking lots with the planting islands as depressed catchment areas. Most of the time we have to plumb them together to get rid of the water as infiltration is not good. One problem I have seen is that these areas tend collect litter and looks bad unless cleaned oftern.

  • I just took a little Green Associate Review the week before last as part of training for BPI (Building Performance Institute) certification. I plan to take the GA test within the next few weeks, so I’ll post how it goes.

  • Anyone have a good detail/case study for using planting islands as small stormwater catchment areas? This is for the northeast, and the parking lot will most likely have standard curbs, but if there’s another idea… Just getting started on the project, but excited about the possibilities. Thanks!

  • Has anyone taken the LEED Green Associate exam? Please share your exam experience.

  • Katrina – Sorry I accidentally posted a question about the practice tests to your discussion earlier !!

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