James H Wheeler replied to the topic Transpiration rate master list? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 years, 7 months ago
Thanks. I will check out the natl tree calc and i-tree models. Most of the journals can quickly become mind numbing and cumbersome. It seems like the scientists themselves are sorting out ways to best tabulate experimental data. Most research i have found is aimed at crop production and potential vs actual evapo-transpiration concerning…[Read more]
James H Wheeler replied to the topic Transpiration rate master list? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 years, 7 months ago
W/o using leaf cutting tests using my high school potometer of course
James H Wheeler replied to the topic Permaculture and Landscape Architecture in the forum SUSTAINABILITY & DESIGN 13 years, 8 months ago
As a recent BLA grad with interests in permaculture, i find myself trying to implement ecological and agrarian research into common design to create more efficiency. Makes sense right??? The impression i have always received is that it’s too idealistic and impractical. Not what the general public (clients that pay your bills) are interested in.
James H Wheeler replied to the topic Landscape Architecture Writers in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 years, 9 months ago
Myself and some colleagues of mine write for a website here, http://www.landscapeinvocation.com/
Most of our inspiration comes from observations, visiting parks, reading other blogs, design news and contemporary designs.
James H Wheeler replied to the topic Travel in the forum PLACES & SPACES 13 years, 9 months ago
Paris has every kind of park imaginable. Some suggestions and favorites include:
Parc Citroen, Parc Bercy, Jardin Atlantique (behind the Montparnasse Train station) are all on the modern side of LA.
Jardin Albert Kahn is a also great spot, it has both traditional and contemporary japanese gardens.
good luck and have fun!