James Powell

  • Hey Guys,
    I’ll get a piture up soon, just real busy that last few days. As faar as the LATC is goes, it isnt a beurocratic thing, and I would send letters to no just the governor, but you state senator and assemblyman as well. The LATC has a staff of less than 10 people, and is completely self supported through exam and license fees. It has no…[Read more]

  • Ed,
    Thanks for starting this group. Great way to hear about what everyone is doing.
    Also to Nick: I’m unemployed now; since the end of October of this year. Using the time to license, and look for work.
    I got the notice/letter to the Governor regarding the LATC after the 23rd. Should I send anyway? I’m wondering about what you said about it being…[Read more]

  • Edward Bailey posted an update in the group Group logo of Cal Poly PomonaCal Poly Pomona 15 years, 7 months ago

    work is slim. I’ve been hurting since feb. last year (so cal lower desert seemed to be one of the first to dry up).

    I hope everyone has voiced thier opinion to our governor concerning the elimination of the latc. not sure if it’s that great a cause though. beside the obvious function to regulate; is the latc just another bureaucratic…[Read more]

  • Nick Straabe posted an update in the group Group logo of Cal Poly PomonaCal Poly Pomona 15 years, 7 months ago

    Hey there fellow Broncos. This looks like it has potential to be a group that brings brilliant Cal Poly minds together. I am fortunate to still be employed however if anyone has any good contacts, I am always looking for better opportunities.

  • jennifer Bloch posted an update in the group Group logo of Veg.itectureVeg.itecture 15 years, 8 months ago

    i would research xeriscape plants – there are a bunch of native drought tolerant grasses and sedge that could work – Festuca glauca, Muhlenbergia c. …Also some hardy vines like Wisteria or Honeysuckle or Grape – Sedum, Yucca and Agave of course…and you realize this as you mention succulents…Rosemary var., Erigeron, Gaura, Salvia varieties…[Read more]

  • hey! i’m beginning to study the native trees of california. i live in NJ now, but come June moving to San Francisco. How is the LA job market out there? I was just laid-off here in Jersey.

  • Thanks a lot. I will check him out

  • Catherine,
    I attended a seminar given by a Dr. Bob Gerheart a couple of years ago. He is a well respected scientist here in california that specializes in Bi-filtration. Look up his name and see what comes up. Good luck.

  • Hi everyone.
    does anyone knows anything about phytoremediation specifically with california
    native plants? All the info I did find was with Canadian plants. Thank you

  • Jeremy–Awesome! Thanks much for the info. Will check those resources.

  • June Scott,
    About Riparian Restoration. Army corp of Engineers are the gov agency that oversees most of these projects. Cal Fish and Game get involved as well. I’d check those 2 agencies. I used to work for Dudek & Associates Habitat Restoration division. check thier website as well. some other restoration offices include Recon, Habitat West &…[Read more]

  • Does anyone anything about river/riparian habitat restoration in the So. California area? Am starting a thesis project that involves the LA River.

  • R Fox,

    I live in Northern California…We are pretty dry…has not rained since this past Memorial Day and has not really rained since this past February.
    It might rain tomorrow and this weekend…fingers crossed. I would be glad to answer any other questions about Northern Cal.


  • Lisa Town posted an update in the group Group logo of Veg.itectureVeg.itecture 15 years, 11 months ago

    Check out Jason’s review on Patrick Blanc’s new book The Vertical Garden.

    And I have to agree, it is indeed quite fabulous and I am not at all disappointed. If nothing else, it is worth it to see the pictures of Mr. Blanc himself perched over a waterfall with his green hair.

  • I love Yucca whipplei, Dudleya obispoensis…. 🙂

  • Does anybody know what water conditions are like in Northern California currently? Drought/rain wise?

  • I am always interested in using Ca natives and there are some really good resources around and I just thought that I would share some of that info. Here’s a list of resources in the bay area but that could be used anywhere in the state.

    Elk Horn Nursery – http://www.elkhornnursery.com
    Rana Creek -www.ranacreek.com
    Bay Friendly Landscaping -…[Read more]

  • I am interested in CA plants too especially the mountain and desert variety. By the way whats up Jeremy? (to everyone else this is a random meeting of old friends we grew up together in Durango, Colorado). Anyway glad to be a part of this group. Working in Tahoe at Design Workshop currently…glad to join this group for some good conversation…

  • Wow, a California native plants group…I finally feel like I belong somewhere. Thanks for starting this group.

  • I am sure you are all aware of this book, but just in case…

    California Native Plants for the Garden
    by Carol Bornstein, David Fross, Bart O’Brien

    Check it out in the Bookstore

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