Jeff D replied to the topic Which 3D Design Software is Most Used? in the forum TECHNOLOGY 13 years, 11 months ago
A few years ago I would have said 3DS Max, since almost every office uses AutoCAD. Now, though, I’d say Sketchup. Its biggest drawback is that in Version 7, Google took out the “import DWG” function. It’s still available as an add-on, though.
I haven’t download Version 8 yet – can anyone tell us if they put that function back in? Or if th…[Read more] -
Jeff D replied to the topic 3D Tree Models for SketchUp? in the forum TECHNOLOGY 13 years, 11 months ago
Josh, that would be a great file to have. Can you archive them into a zip or rar file and post it on a file-hosting site and provide a link? With Daniel’s permission, of course.
That must have been a great workshop – I loved his book. -
Jeff D replied to the topic 3D Tree Models for SketchUp? in the forum TECHNOLOGY 13 years, 11 months ago
Agreed – one of the keys to using Sketchup is to always freeze the layers you don’t need to see at the time. And – just like AutoCAD – put everything on its correct and unique layer. Otherwise, even a medium-sized Sketchup file can slow down even the fastest computers. Also, there’s really no advantage to using 3D trees unless you’re going to…[Read more]
Jeff D replied to the topic Current Software used in LA offices? in the forum TECHNOLOGY 13 years, 11 months ago
Something I forgot – as far as GIS goes, you can order CDs or download a trial copy of ArcGIS for free. I believe it’s good for 60 days. Plenty of time to go through tutorials. The manual can also be DL’ed as a PDF (or it might be included – it’s been so long, I forget).
Jeff D replied to the topic Women working in a male-dominated industry in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 years, 11 months ago
From where I stand, Strike One (“I’m young”) is working in your favor. I’ve found the opposite to be true, and on more than one occasion, I’ve been told, “Actually, we’re looking for someone with less experience.” I mean – how thinly veiled is that? Look through the ASLA Job Finder and count how few firms want anyone with more than 3 years of…[Read more]
Jeff D replied to the topic Anyone finding opportunity from understaffing? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 years, 11 months ago
Right now I’d take any contract job for as few hours as the business owner wants.
Having been laid off since November of ’08, I know there is no full-time job in my short-term future, due to my age and experience. I see my future – if I indeed have a future in LA, which I’m beginning to doubt – as a gradual climb back via contract work, which…[Read more] -
Jeff D replied to the topic Current Software used in LA offices? in the forum TECHNOLOGY 13 years, 11 months ago
I can’t add much, but I agree with what the others have said – AutoCAD, PhotoShop, Sketchup, and ArcGIS. As far as a BIM software for landscape architecture, right now what’s recommended is Autodesk Civil 3D. But the same terrain models can be created with regular AutoCAD, Autodesk Land Desktop, or Eagle Point software (Formerly known to us o…[Read more]