
  • K.C. replied to the topic Top 10 Playgrounds? in the forum RESEARCH 15 years ago

    In Winterthur, DE. At the WInterthur Estate. There is a real magical feel to the place. Unfortunately it is only open to the public for a fee. The details are amazing.

  • K.C. posted an update in the group Group logo of Therapeutic Landscapes NetworkTherapeutic Landscapes Network 15 years ago

    Does anybody know if there are any efforts being made to cover theraputic landscapes under health care insurance?

  • K.C. replied to the topic Top 10 Playgrounds? in the forum RESEARCH 15 years ago

    Winterthur Enchanted Woods Children’s Garden.

  • Thanks Naomi! My passion lies in gardens for children, elderly, and those in need of healing. I would like to maintain and grow my knowledge base in these areas. Unfortunately in my current position, I have no outlet to express my ideas. I have designed children’s gardens, gardens for assisted living facilities, etc, but all on my own. Without g…[Read more]

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