Laura Duplain replied to the topic LARE Florida Section F in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 7 years ago
I noticed that Florida’s chapter of ALSA offers a study guide for $15 for Section F. I was wondering if anyone has purchased this and whether it was worth it? https://flasla.site-ym.com/store/ViewProduct.aspx?id=2365260 Also I was wondering if anyone found any books or resources that were helpful?
Laura Duplain replied to the topic Underground tree anchoring systems in the forum PLANTS & HORTICULTURE 11 years ago
While working on Florida DOT projects, we were specifying Tree Frog http://www.arborguy.com/ on a few projects and they seemed to work out well. As previously mentioned a bit on the pricey side in comparison to traditional tree staking, but aesthetically pleasing. We primarily staked 15 gal to 65 gal oaks/crapes/etc. and sabal palms up to 24…[Read more]
Laura Duplain replied to the topic What skills do landscape architecture firms need? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 12 years ago
great description of each LA tier!
I like your dad’s saying “if you can’t get it done in work hours, you don’t belong here” it’s a matter of managing your time effectively and knowing when to delegate work, of course there are exceptions to every rule. -
Laura Duplain replied to the topic Can you give me a realistic picture of being a landscape architect? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 12 years ago
btw out of those 100 students I refered to; approx. 30% of those students I started with graduated in that profession with me four years later.
as Robert pointed out… It’s not for the faint of heart and you need to be flexible and willing to learn and adapt.
It’s one of those professions most people never heard of except through HGTV (BL…[Read more] -
Laura Duplain replied to the topic Can you give me a realistic picture of being a landscape architect? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 12 years ago
I was actually going to school to be an architect and didn’t get into the program, my school advisor said there was an opening in the Landscape Architecture class so I took the opportunity and found myself with a 100 other rejected architecture students and 3 students who truely wanted to be a landscape architect.
Overall I enjoy what I do;…[
Laura Duplain replied to the topic Creating "Cut-outs" of People, Vegetation, Cars, etc. in the forum TECHNOLOGY 12 years ago
thanks for sharing, this site is great!
Laura Duplain posted an update in the group
L.A.R.E. – ANYTHING GOES 12 years ago
I have sections 3 &4 left to take; unfortunately it seems that Florida ASLA is not currently offering a LARE Review. Given that I will be required to travel out of state to attend a review, does anyone have any recommendations in regards to who does offer a good LARE review or who I should avoid?
Laura Duplain replied to the topic Creating "Cut-outs" of People, Vegetation, Cars, etc. in the forum TECHNOLOGY 16 years ago
Thanks Lisa, I’m definately going to have to give that a try;
I look forward to seeing your tutorials; there’s still so much about photoshop I need to learn