Maria João Próspero

  • Bob Luther posted an update in the group Group logo of GraphicsGraphics 14 years, 11 months ago

    I use mostly Photoshop for my renderings, I have dabbled a bit in Corel Painter, and Corel Painter Sketchbook, but I really like photoshop. The trick to the water is its is an image that I found on Google images and distorted into perspective in Photoshop and then pasted into the image…

  • MJ posted an update in the group Group logo of GraphicsGraphics 14 years, 11 months ago

    This looks good. What program do you usually use for this? Especially I like that water
    texture. I want to learn it!

  • Bob Luther posted an update in the group Group logo of GraphicsGraphics 14 years, 11 months ago

    something to look at… please provide comments, questions, or criticism. thanks

  • No problem, Radu! Glad to help.

    As for the conceptual design, it should be a general routing plan with generic bunkering and golf course character. You would want to establish number of tees, size of tees and greens, etc. so that you could generate an estimate. Other things, like drainage, earthwork, etc. would have to come from past experience…[Read more]

  • Ryan and Chad thnx a lot great tips, its very usefull for me to learn from someone who has experiance. In Romania the golf buissnes is at the start there is not yet a high quality golf course in Romania nad playing golf its very hard here, there are no profesionals in my country on golf course design and construction, so there is space for this…[Read more]

  • Radu, Ryan’s comments are on point. Of course, not everyone can do a conceptual design for the project before being awarded the project. We never did this when I was in the golf business. We always got paid for conceptual design, which is where we started with our fee, then if we determined the project was feasible, we rolled into CD’s and project…[Read more]

  • Hi Matei–
    All golf course design projects are unique from one to another and each has their own variables and client needs / desires. So there is no formula or guide that I’m aware of that you can work through and come up with a design fee proposal.

    My experience has been that the design team will typically receive 5-7% of the construction costs…[Read more]

  • I’ve used Auto Cad for 7years and I have to move on Vector Works for a new Company. It’s so confusing and not so much information so far.. Tutorials don’t really give me right answers and I have many problems to figure out, but it’s difficult ask somebody.. Not so many people are using this..

  • i want to ask a question about golf course design. i need to make a price offer for someone for golf course design plans and for golf course construction plans, and i have no experiance in this field, can anybody help me with some numbers. For exemple how much do you charge for a golf course project? How you negociete the price? Can anybody send…[Read more]

  • There is a competition in the City of Charlottesville, Va., for the design of a Clock for their famous pedestrian downtown mall..The prize is $1,500, I think. Nice little project!

  • I like new name of the group. Word healing reminds me also of the
    intrinsic values of nature, and therapeutic more of practice specific for humans. So it seems this name includes both, healing power of nature by itself and horticulture therapy gardens made by human hands. Bye

  • Bob Luther posted an update in the group Group logo of GraphicsGraphics 14 years, 11 months ago

    Nick _here is a link to a gallery of portfolio work I have created so you can look at some of my works in a larger form… please take a look and let me know what you think… I will happily respond to any comments, questions, or critiques…

    or you can just search in the album…[Read more]

  • Check out Land8Lounge member Jason King’s review of Esther Sternberg’s new book, Healing Spaces: The Science of Place and Well-Being. An excellent review of an excellent new book.

  • How can landscape architects become cultural middlemen for site decontamination? Remediation doesn’t only have to be about soil borings and lab tests. Cleaning up junk can be an opportunity for new landscape experiences, typologies, and processes to emerge. Let me hear your thoughts.

  • Jay,
    I have run into similar situations in my work experience, (I’ve worked at 4 firms and have ten years + of construction experience) where registered LA’s are “designing” things but have no practical knowledge of how the thing will actually stand up or be built and a very narrow knowledge of construction in general.It seems often-times the old…[Read more]

  • Hi Scott
    I learned the ropes in the field prior to Licensure; I started at an ornamental tree farm then became manager and head of landscapeoperations, then lead designer, then partner in a design build firm, all the while not fulfilled in my carrer thinking that I took the wrong path by not stepping straight into a design firm. It wasnt until I…[Read more]

  • Ryan, while I agree with your assessment of renovation projects being the niche to look at these days, it takes the right client to take a “chance” on these renovations these days. With golf rounds down nationally 25-40%, it is somewhat of a leap of faith for owners to renovate their course to try to spark increased rounds. Yes, there are several…[Read more]

  • Hi Chad! Thanks for joining the group and posting a comment. You’re correct that new course building has slowed; however, I think this slow has fostered an opportunity to be creative and find ways to keep course design moving. Rather than new course construction, I have seen a high increase in existing course renovation. As existing courses…[Read more]

  • Best case situation, buy a blade server and kick your rendering jobs out to it. However, I would have to say that some of the best environs that come out of 3ds start as basic spatial models and are brought to life in post production. Animations are important to get right solely in the program and demand real power. You better have 2 computers or…[Read more]

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