Marina Butorac posted an update in the group
Therapeutic Landscapes Network 15 years, 5 months ago
I like new name of the group. Word healing reminds me also of the
intrinsic values of nature, and therapeutic more of practice specific for humans. So it seems this name includes both, healing power of nature by itself and horticulture therapy gardens made by human hands. Bye -
Marina Butorac posted an update in the group
Therapeutic Landscapes Network 15 years, 7 months ago
Conference in Dubrovnik: Resocialization-benefits from nature, I put album of photos finally on my folio, so you can see them 🙂 . I find articles send by this group really interesting, bye. Marina
Marina Butorac posted an update in the group
Therapeutic Landscapes Network 15 years, 8 months ago
Hi Naomi,
I guess I can put some pictures of gardens shown on confference with short description of the places and work on my site. There were initiatives started as civil initiatives and community gardens for example in Sarajevo (BiH) and now they are planning certificate programme for this part of Europe, what would be great. I can send Daniel…[Read more] -
Marina Butorac posted an update in the group
Therapeutic Landscapes Network 15 years, 9 months ago
I just came from a conference in Dubrovnik about resocialization with help of nature. Theme was therapeutic gardens, horticultural therapy, landscapes with healing essences – my special reasarch theme. There was also guest from Washington University in Seattle, Daniel Winterbottom, great work in therapeutic landscape architecture. So, hear you…[Read more]