Mark Storie

  • You’re welcome. I hope it helps. I’m using this method now to study for Section B.

  • I’ve taken two of the three multiple choice exams and passed those two the first time using the following method. I wrote a blog entry somewhere on this site expanding on this method but here it is in a nutshell: It may seem strange at first but it works – apparently. You should know I have no LA degree so I had even that much more of a hand…[Read more]

  • I might suggest that taking A&D at the same time might be a good approach as well. There was quite a bit of material that seemed to overlap on the 2 tests…might as well study it all at once!
    I took all 3 at the same time. It is indeed doable if you follow Ray’s suggestions. I spent about 6 weeks studying intensively…an hour or two every…[Read more]

  • Taking all 3 multiple choice tests at the same time is doable, but a lot depends on the individual.
    Are you over-worked? (Sadly those employed generally are, due to the “attrition” the profession has experienced)
    Do you have kids, significant others, sick parents, do a lot of onerous volunteer work?
    How focused are you at test preparation?
    If…[Read more]

  • If you look through these LARE blogs, there have been suggestions…And my office had some old stuff laying around. Also some people buy the PPI exams and then share the cost with others, or if you take the classes you can get info. There were LARE classes at the national convention that I took last year in Chicago, $50 each, and that gave me…[Read more]

  • I just finished all the LARE exams, and since I am in California I also took and passed the CA exam. I took C and E together and A, B, D together. If you don’t mind studying and are detail oriented it is totally doable. My strategy was to take a lot of practice tests. As many as I could get my hands on. There is a certain way they test, a ki…[Read more]

  • I think taking A and B could work very well. But section D has become much more difficult recently — a quite low 51% passing rate on the last exam. Its also 3 hours long, and the material is very very broad.

  • Maureen, You’re comment made me smile.  I hope no one is doing this licensure thing for exclusivity and prestige.  One person’s “exclusive and prestigious” is another person’s struggling profession. I would never go through all of this for exclusivity or prestige. Are you aware that most people do not know or care what an LA is?  I was kidding wh…[Read more]

  • It’s great to have a wall of all the books listed as study material. For section A, B, & D the list use to be about 30 books. Most people don’t have the time to read or the expenditures for such a library! They have recently reduced the list to about 4 or 5.Some have very little to do with studying for the exam. Could it be that some academic is…[Read more]

  • Who paid Maureen to say that?

  • Each time I take it, I think, “I just need to go home and focus more on ( fill in the blank)”.  Then I come back, and little I focused on is on there and something I never saw before in all my life is on there.  That’s pretty bad when you own over 50-80 vignettes, a shelf of books,  numerous electronic feeds and have practiced them every day fo…[Read more]

  • Thoughts on Tuesday’s latest Section E monster…?

  • Skandy posted an update in the group Group logo of Middle East LandscapeMiddle East Landscape 13 years, 7 months ago


    Iam looking for job in middle east, Any one knew about any consultants looking for Landscape Architect with 5 yrs exp. Let me know…

    Thanks 🙂

  • Does anyone know what is the lights used on the palm outside Dubai Mall?
    Thank you

  • yumilica posted an update in the group Group logo of Middle East LandscapeMiddle East Landscape 13 years, 8 months ago

    Thank you guys. This is a very supportive group 🙂 glad to be a member

  • al fathi posted an update in the group Group logo of Middle East LandscapeMiddle East Landscape 13 years, 8 months ago

    dont overlook dubai. ‘acceptance’ to the profession is better there compared to AD. market may be down a bit, but its still worth checking. commuting from AD is not bad, just around 90 mins. better still, stay there, its cheaper and more metropolitan.

  • HelloYumilica,
    Welcome to UAE…. Few companies worth to be checked , Broadway Malyan as they are looking for a mster planner, Bloom Properties”Real Estate Developer” as they are looking for a Senior Urban Planner, UPC is loking a Senior Associate Urban Planner in Al Ain, ATKINS is looking for a Senior Urban Planner for their regional office in…[Read more]

  • yumilica posted an update in the group Group logo of Middle East LandscapeMiddle East Landscape 13 years, 8 months ago

    Thanks David,
    I haven’t tried the I-CON nor ADM. I’v been in Abu Dhabi for only a week so I am still researching all opportunities, this was helpful.

  • yumilica posted an update in the group Group logo of Middle East LandscapeMiddle East Landscape 13 years, 8 months ago

    I have recently moved from United States to Abu Dhabi and am searching for landscape and urban design jobs in UAE. I am particularly interested in urban ecological planning, however, my work experience ranges form small scale garden design to urban master plans. I invite you to see examples of my work and would appreciate any employment…[Read more]

  • I wouldn’t advise on turning up in UAE and expecting to get a job, there are a lot of people who are out of work. Please send through your CV to me and I’ll keep you informed of vacancies in the region

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