Nicholas Young

  • Here in Australia we use the cupaniopsis anacardioides – Tuckeroo…alot, almost every new carpark space for shopping centres and commericial spaces have them.  They are normally planted as a 100lt when construction of the carpark is taking place, so there is still plenty of growing room for the roots. If you carpark is existing it may need a…[Read more]

  • If you want sometime showy, as in colourful I would plant an ixora coccinea, or hybiscus species. It would also be my suggestion to definately get some ficus primula over the fake rocks, this will definatly make more realistic. If colour was not your thing than i would go a colocasia (elephants ear plant) which once estamblished should look cool…[Read more]

  • I am all for sustainability, but we can still need to make it blend into  the enviroment …………………………………..Dome What dome

  • From my experiences it is not the draw from a chimney that you should be concentrating on. Smoke is always going to occur from a fire, you just need to control it enough so it does not get into everybodies eyes. HOW? great question, I am glad you asked… Control the wind and you control the dirrection of smoke. This can be done with a screen of…[Read more]

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