nca posted an update in the group
Graphics 15 years, 9 months ago
I thought I would contribute some different digital and hand techniques I’ve experimented with over the last few semesters as an undergrad. Before I returned to school for Landscape Architecture I enrolled in a 12 month cad drafting course and read all the landscape graphics books I could get my hands on, which still seem sort of…[Read more]
Lee Attinger posted an update in the group
Graphics 15 years, 9 months ago
Does anybody have any suggestions or examples for rendering a master plan in a desert environment? I’m trying to finish up my capstone project so I can graduate and I’ve run into a little snag. I go to school in the south so drawing a rocky barren landscape with clusters of cactus is a first.
Bob Luther posted an update in the group
Graphics 15 years, 9 months ago
what is the best size of image so that it does not distort, I noticed that many of the images, including mine are being stretched into a tall and “squeezed” format, are these do to i9mage size or my computer settings?
Jay Everett posted an update in the group
LEED in Landscape Architecture 15 years, 9 months ago
Yeah, you’re probably just over thinking it a little. I used the chart in the LEED AP Walkthrough, which is probably the same as the one on IntheLeed.com. I will say that there weren’t that many questions that related directly to project roles in the particular question pool that I had when I sat for the test (maybe 5), what I can say is that…[Read more]
Bob Luther posted an update in the group
Graphics 15 years, 9 months ago
thought I would add a few images, I work mostly digital but started with ADs, Prismacolors, and pencil, Am loving Corel Sketchpad, Corel PainterXI, and Photoshop, base work is done in AutoCad, Sketchup, Sketchpad, or scanned original, rendered on Wacom Cintiq in combination of Painter and Photoshop… -
Drew Sivgals posted an update in the group
Graphics 15 years, 9 months ago
Great to see examples of everyone’s work!
Jay Everett posted an update in the group
LEED in Landscape Architecture 15 years, 9 months ago
Anyone still studying to pass under LEED 2.2:
There are 2 resources that I used to study that I think were critical to success, I think these have been mentioned before but If you’re on the fence about what resources to spend your money on here’s what I think are the two best values:I have to throw my support behind Intheleed.com’s LEED AP…[Read more]
Jay Everett posted an update in the group
LEED in Landscape Architecture 15 years, 9 months ago
this is a very helpful video that explains the new credential system for LEED 2009/3.0 -
Oona Johnsen posted an update in the group
LEED in Landscape Architecture 15 years, 10 months ago
FYI – Public comments on the Guidelines and Performance Benchmarks Draft 2008 are now posted on the Sustainable Sites Initiative website for review. http://www.sustainablesites.org/report/
Adit Pal posted an update in the group
LEED in Landscape Architecture 15 years, 10 months ago
Try this website for requirements to remain accredited – scroll down to see the answers:
http://www.everblueenergy.com/leed-exam-prep-leed-2009-update.html -
Jeremy Sison posted an update in the group
California Native Plants 15 years, 10 months ago
Here are some other resources. las pilitas nursery. 2 locations. North San Diego county (Escondido) & San Luis Obispo. http://www.laspilitas.com. website is deep with info. Another is “California Native Plants for the Garden” by Carol Bornstein, Bart O’brien & David Fross. Cachuma Press. David Fross was my Cal Natives Professor at Cal Poly, SLO. Lots of…[Read more]
Mark Simmons posted an update in the group
California Native Plants 15 years, 10 months ago
Agree with Ken and Blake. There’s also some nurseries that specialize in natives. Yerba Buena Nursery south of SF has a demonstration garden with labeled plants and the owners are VERY knowledgeable. Also, North Coast Nursery and Cal Flora in Sonoma County. Also, it’s good to be mindful of the fact that California has many totaly different native…[Read more]
Ken Smith posted an update in the group
California Native Plants 15 years, 10 months ago
Katrina, to clarify, UCBG and Tilden are in Berkeley and Merritt College is in Oakland.
Brock Axthelm posted an update in the group
California Native Plants 15 years, 10 months ago
The South Lake Tahoe and North Lake Tahoe Demonstration Gardens show a plethora of California Native plants used in the high Sierra. These gardens give great examples of California Native plants at diffrent stages of development.
Ken Smith posted an update in the group
California Native Plants 15 years, 10 months ago
Agree with Blake — the Merritt program is great. I also volunteered at Tilden’s native nursery on Thursday mornings — propagating, etc. It was a great way to learn about natives. U.C. Botanical Garden and the Tilden Park (native) Botanical Garden are both stunning places to check out CA natives in a park setting.
Blake Rothschild posted an update in the group
California Native Plants 15 years, 10 months ago
you may also want to check out the horticulture program at Merritt College for i.d. classes. http://www.merrritt.edu
Michael Murray posted an update in the group
Graphics 15 years, 11 months ago
I know several who have taken his Color Mastery workshop and were very favorably impressed.
Brittany Brock Birdsong posted an update in the group
Graphics 15 years, 11 months ago
Has anyone taken Richard Scott’s Sketching on location workshop?
James Richards posted an update in the group
Graphics 15 years, 11 months ago
I noted Rico listed Ace Torre as an influence. I recently completed an extensive article profiling Torre for next month’s (May 09) issue of Landscape Architecture Magazine. It’s an in-depth look at his design drawing philosophies and techniques, with step by step photos of Torre in the studio creating one of his famous “tilt-up” aerial drawings.
Tom Fitzgerald posted an update in the group
BUSINESS HELPS 16 years ago
LEED has been growing extremely fast these couple of years, at least in California and the bay area. Clients, public and private, are becoming much more aware of LEED and are requesting that we follow the requirements whether they are or are not applying for accreditation on a project. About half of our office of 50 is now LEED certified.…[Read more] - Load More