Oona Johnsen posted an update in the group
LEED in Landscape Architecture 15 years, 7 months ago
intheleed.com also has some good explainations:
http://www.intheleed.com/what-exactly-is-the-credential-maintenance-program-for-leed/ -
Oona Johnsen posted an update in the group
LEED in Landscape Architecture 15 years, 7 months ago
Go to the link below to download the “Credentialing Maintenance Program Guide” valid for July 2009 from USGBC – this is the official document addressing credentialling maintenance.
http://www.gbci.org/ShowFile.aspx?DocumentID=3665 -
Dawid Magiera posted an update in the group
COMPETITIONS – ongoing 15 years, 7 months ago
and more serious competition 🙂 then the last one, but it might be short notice.
DEADLINE 16.09.2009, for LA up to 36yrs( or 39- they have two figures in different location) old 🙂
In recognition of Otto Linne’s 140th birthday, Hamburg would like to encourage interested participants to investigate the water-bearing hillside located between the E…[Read more] -
Dawid Magiera posted an update in the group
COMPETITIONS – ongoing 15 years, 7 months ago
that people can use to reclaim public space each and everyday of the year. POP.Parks will be public spaces produced from readily available, reclaimed or post-consumer recycled materials that will emerge from a regular, cardboard box.
POP.Parks should be no larger than 8’x15′ – the size of a regular car parking spot. The cost of building a…[Read more] -
Daniel C. Miller posted an update in the group
LEED in Landscape Architecture 15 years, 7 months ago
Just got an e-mail regarding GBCI Credentialing Maintenance Program for those of us that have been accredited without specialization under the old system. Was wondering if anyone has dug deeper into what this really means for us and if upgrading to a specialization will pay off in the end?
Charles A. Warsinske posted an update in the group
LEED in Landscape Architecture 15 years, 7 months ago
Just slid into this group. Many of the Washington State funded building design projects require a LEED certification. I’ve been involved in the number of LEED workshops on projects for community colleges in the state. I am not up to speed on the newer landscape/site related LEED certification. I know from past projects, the landscape/site related…[Read more]
Dawid Magiera posted an update in the group
COMPETITIONS – ongoing 15 years, 8 months ago
Abbey Green design competition
A competition to redesign Abbey Green in Barking, East London, has been launched by Design for London,At stage one, shortlisted entrants will be given £5,000 to develop their designs and produce a model. The…[Read more]
Dawid Magiera posted an update in the group
COMPETITIONS – ongoing 15 years, 8 months ago
which asks you how you would redesign the suburbs for a more sustainable future. For example, how can we transform vacant big box stories, foreclosed McMansions, and empty cul-de-sacs into vibrant, living, breathing, walkable communities? What are the energy and transportation infrastructures that we will…[Read more]
Dawid Magiera posted an update in the group
COMPETITIONS – ongoing 15 years, 8 months ago
Shelter Competition:
On the occasion of the exhibitions Frank Lloyd Wright: From Within Outward and Learning By Doing, the Guggenheim and Google SketchUp invite amateur and professional designers from around the world to enter Design It: Shelter Competition. From now until August 23, you can submit a 3-D shelter for any location in the world using…[Read more] -
Norman Yatabe posted an update in the group
LEED in Landscape Architecture 15 years, 8 months ago
That’s encouraging to hear you bring an ‘added value’ to your office and that you’re getting LEED projects (and platinum at that).Good for you!
Vladimir Sitta posted an update in the group
COMPETITIONS – ongoing 15 years, 8 months ago
Dawid Magiera posted an update in the group
COMPETITIONS – ongoing 15 years, 8 months ago
Ideas for Tiananmen Square in Beijing, China
Application deadline: 01.06.2010
Competition details: The British online garden and landscape guide Gardenvisit.com has launched an ideas competition for Tiananmen Square in Beijing, China. This is the first of several competitions being held to identify a range of possible design solutions for…[Read more] -
Jay Everett posted an update in the group
LEED in Landscape Architecture 15 years, 8 months ago
I cannot speak to PTLexamprep, but I can say that greenexamprep is fairly accurate when they claim that if you can score over 80% on their tests then you are probably pretty well prepared for the actual exam. Hang in there.
Jay Everett posted an update in the group
LEED in Landscape Architecture 15 years, 9 months ago
Yeah, you’re probably just over thinking it a little. I used the chart in the LEED AP Walkthrough, which is probably the same as the one on IntheLeed.com. I will say that there weren’t that many questions that related directly to project roles in the particular question pool that I had when I sat for the test (maybe 5), what I can say is that…[Read more]
Jay Everett posted an update in the group
LEED in Landscape Architecture 15 years, 9 months ago
Anyone still studying to pass under LEED 2.2:
There are 2 resources that I used to study that I think were critical to success, I think these have been mentioned before but If you’re on the fence about what resources to spend your money on here’s what I think are the two best values:I have to throw my support behind Intheleed.com’s LEED AP…[Read more]
Jay Everett posted an update in the group
LEED in Landscape Architecture 15 years, 9 months ago
this is a very helpful video that explains the new credential system for LEED 2009/3.0 -
Oona Johnsen posted an update in the group
LEED in Landscape Architecture 15 years, 10 months ago
FYI – Public comments on the Guidelines and Performance Benchmarks Draft 2008 are now posted on the Sustainable Sites Initiative website for review. http://www.sustainablesites.org/report/
Adit Pal posted an update in the group
LEED in Landscape Architecture 15 years, 10 months ago
Try this website for requirements to remain accredited – scroll down to see the answers:
http://www.everblueenergy.com/leed-exam-prep-leed-2009-update.html -
Jeremy Sison posted an update in the group
California Native Plants 15 years, 10 months ago
Here are some other resources. las pilitas nursery. 2 locations. North San Diego county (Escondido) & San Luis Obispo. http://www.laspilitas.com. website is deep with info. Another is “California Native Plants for the Garden” by Carol Bornstein, Bart O’brien & David Fross. Cachuma Press. David Fross was my Cal Natives Professor at Cal Poly, SLO. Lots of…[Read more]
Mark Simmons posted an update in the group
California Native Plants 15 years, 10 months ago
Agree with Ken and Blake. There’s also some nurseries that specialize in natives. Yerba Buena Nursery south of SF has a demonstration garden with labeled plants and the owners are VERY knowledgeable. Also, North Coast Nursery and Cal Flora in Sonoma County. Also, it’s good to be mindful of the fact that California has many totaly different native…[Read more]
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