Ronya Reitberger

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  • #155222
    Ronya Reitberger

    Note: We have the contour lines as .dwg and the point data as .txt

    Ronya Reitberger

    Yes, a lot of the other students are using SketchUp, but I intended to learn vectorworks anyway, because lots of offices use it and it is a condition to know it in many job advertisements. And I did not work with SketchUp as well. Is it easy to make a terrain model there? Because this is important, as our terrain is hilly and we need the right impression of space. We are planning a rather rural area at the border of a town with a population of approximately 10.000, and the topic is communicative living. We don’t worry about it being photo realistic at this stage of the project, but we want to have a basis we can work on further. And we have to do a traditional model in 1:1000 anyway.

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