Sami Bronowski replied to the topic Masters of Urban Design Program Recommendation in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 10 years, 9 months ago
I am finishing up the MUD program at Ball State University. It is run in downtown Indianapolis. It’s a year-long program, August-July. We run it through our College of Architecture and Planning, so you will have exposure to architecture, planning, and landscape architecture professors. It balances pushing creativity with what could happen in…[Read more]
Sami Bronowski posted an update in the group
Portfolios and Resumes – Design Strategies 13 years, 1 month ago
I have a quick question about resumes. I will be graduating this coming May will my BLA. I am in the process of cleaning up my resume and cover letter. In looking for jobs to apply for, I always search landscape architecture, since that is my specific degree. I am not yet, however, a registered landscape architect since I am entry level. Ca…[Read more]
Sami Bronowski replied to the topic Is graduate school worth it? in the forum EDUCATION 13 years, 5 months ago
was just reading some of these responses and saw that you stressed the 5 year BLA. that is what i will be graduating with come may, however, we ARE doing a thesis. i understand it may not be quite as in depth as a master’s thesis, but i am not currently considering grad school. the push i’ve heard is experience over academia. does the thesis still…[Read more]