Sara Malmqvist

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  • #167424
    Sara Malmqvist

    Hi again. Hope tha applications are coming along for everyone applying. So would anyone be willing to share how they are physically presenting their portfolio? Book, binder, etc. I am wondering what the best format is and open to ideas.


    Sara Malmqvist

    Yes, I too hope that the economy picks up. Even though I am in the States, and there are many schools that offer Landscape Architecture, I am also limited geographically. My husband has to be able to work and support us while I am in school, and that puts us in New York, San Fran, or Seattle. So therefore I am quite limited. Applying to UC Berkeley, Rutgers, City College of New York, and U Washington.

    Sara Malmqvist

    That’s really nice that you are in a more flexible situation. Sounds like a smart plan. Good luck finding the perfect fit!

    Sara Malmqvist

    Thanks so much for the fantastic link Cheryl! What a wealth of examples there! Yes, it looks as though these are portfolios of people who at least have a BLA. Really good references and inspiration. I am coming from a non LA background educationally (undergrad Psychology) but have had my own buisness as a Garden Designer for a couple years now. So my portfolio will obviously be slightly different from most examples shown. What kind of background do you have? Where are you applying?

    Good luck to you too! Thanks for the great input

    Sara Malmqvist

    Hey Cody,

    I am also hoping people wil get involved in helping out here. My situation is a little special as I am limited geographically to where my husband can work, so I will be applying to University of Washington, Berkeley, Rutgers, and City College of New York. What about you?

    Sara Malmqvist

    Thanks for the reply! Would you be willing to elaborate a little about your comment. Tips on tailoring the content to coincide with your statement of purpose/essay for the institution that you are applying for??

    Sara Malmqvist

    First, Thanks everyone for your replys. Sorry I haven’t replied sooner. I have been out of the country.

    Second, briefly, I will just say this. Everyones situation is completly different. Where we are coming from, where we are going, all incredibly case specific…I think it’s a real shame that you would try to discourage someone from persuing thier dreams without knowing anything about their background or situation. I started this post as a space for support, help, contructive tips and feedback in regards to creating a portfolio, let’s try to stay on topic here.

    Sara Malmqvist

    Thanks so much for all the input! I will definitly check out “Mastering Autocad” for sure. Are there any resources out there specifically for LA in Auntocad? I have heard that it is quite an extensive program and one concern I have with working through a book is that it will focus on tools or functions that I won’t really need to be familiar with. I suppose I am just wondering if there are resources specifically for LA’s? Any thoughts?

    Thanks again guys!

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