Sara Thiel

  • Thank you Jason, and everyone else for the welcome into the green streets group. I really am looking forward to discussing the latest thinking with green streets with you all. Going to Kansas City, Missouri for a presentation on Tuesday and Wednesday, but I would like to post some things when I return.

  • Welcome Kevin. It’s great to have you involved with our group. I am a big fan of much of your work which has continued to push the envelope for innovative LID solutions.

    I also wanted to mention that I just recently moved to Seattle to pursue 2 Professional certificate Programs at The University of Washington. One is in Wetland Science and M…[Read more]

  • Welcome Kevin! Thanks Jason for your comments on maintenance. After e-mail chats with many people, the fundamental move is to have regular inspections to look for needed maintenance patterns. I agree that it is a relatively new field for L. archs, and so the phrase “moving target” is apropos for the moment.

  • Jim Del Carpio posted an update in the group Group logo of StormwaterStormwater 14 years, 12 months ago

    Tomorrow there is a meeting going on about if LA have the right qualifications to submit Grading and Drainage plans for permitting. Click on this link for more info.

  • Bill Kisich posted an update in the group Group logo of Residential Design GroupResidential Design Group 15 years ago

    I know exactly what mean. It would be almost impossible to be a true advocate for the client if you were being paid a sales commission from the contractor. The commission I was referring to is more like maybe a “finders fee”, if you will. I run across all sorts of projects and not all of them are appropriate for a designer. So I refer the…[Read more]

  • Dan Barnes posted an update in the group Group logo of Residential Design GroupResidential Design Group 15 years ago

    Here in Texas we are not required to be licensed for landscape contracting. Sometimes I wish we were because every guy that has lost his job in the last few months has become a landscaper/maintenace contractor. I am sometimes bidding against people that are brand new in the business.
    I am working with several Landscape Architects like…[Read more]

  • Hey Chris,
    We are in Phoenix, and we do mainly design and subcontract the work out on high end residential designs. I believe we are the main contractor, and the work is divided accordingly.

  • Roger Bisbe posted an update in the group Group logo of Residential Design GroupResidential Design Group 15 years ago

    I operated a design/build company for 25 years where most of the work we did in-house with some sub-contracting on the specialized features. I now work by myself designing and then managing the projects. I have a network of contractors that work on these projects. I have a design fee and then negotiate a management fee with the…[Read more]

  • Elif-

    I have learned that high-level or not, clients don’t read a lot of text. They’re swayed by images, sketches, pretty colors, and your passion. If you say Mondrian, show them what/who that is so they don’t have to ask. Have images that clearly delineate the connection between a Mondrian piece and your design (for example). If you communicate…[Read more]

  • Bill Kisich posted an update in the group Group logo of Residential Design GroupResidential Design Group 15 years ago

    My advice:
    If you love design, find a couple of good contractors you can send work to on a regular basis. They will (or should) pay you a commission or referal fee for the work you refer to them. They will in turn send you work, some of which they will pay you for directly. Probably a little at first, then more as your relationship builds.…[Read more]

  • Hey Chris,
    My principal here in AZ is a licensed contractor. It’s pretty involved here, but definitely opens up many opportunities…

  • Did anyone go to Chicago and see any SSI presentations? Anything good?

  • Yes, the meeting went great! Stacy summed it up pretty good. It was fantastic to have Dominique come in and talk with us about her experiences using SSI on a project. From our discussions, we know there are a lot of kinks in SSI (as one would expect) but my feeling from her was that the document works well in establishing that necessary baseline…[Read more]

  • I thought it was great – especially Dominique’s experience with SSI for Lenexa City Center project. Several of the pre-requisites were un-achievable on that one. Those points were very worthy, highlighted the critical importance of proper site selction and deemed certainly worth keeping central in the SSI focus, but totally screwd the pooch (so to…[Read more]

  • Matt- How did the meeting go?

  • Hey folks in the KC area!
    Just a reminder to those on Land8lounge that we’ll be having our monthly meeting this thursday (27th). If you haven’t received details, let me know!

  • Kim, I have seen some examples in Charleston, SC that are using some green street technologies such as curbside bioretention and permeable pavers. I would look up Liberty Hills and Oak Terrace Preserve which I believe are both in North Charleston. Here are some pics:

  • Kim Hawkins posted an update in the group Group logo of Green StreetsGreen Streets 15 years, 1 month ago

    Does anyone know of any implemented green streets in the Southeast? We are completing a project in Nashville in the next few weeks and wondering if there are others?

  • Deborah Christman posted an update in the group Group logo of Green StreetsGreen Streets 15 years, 1 month ago

    I am pulling together a maintenance manual for a design studio that wants to install storm water mitigation in its projects. After reading widely, I have noticed that most information has the same maintenance guidelines. I find it difficult to believe that if sedimentation must be cleaned out 4-5 times a year from an in-street planter in Portland,…[Read more]

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