Soo Wai-Kin replied to the topic Sustainable Sites in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 9 years, 4 months ago
I agree that LEED is nothing more than good design. What LEED has done is substantiate that our good design is a selling point and the marketplace has finally come around to our design ideas as part of a standard regiment. LEED adoption is not ding our profession but a plus and we should continue to educate home and commercial owners al…[Read more] -
Soo Wai-Kin replied to the topic Sustainable Sites in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 9 years, 4 months ago
Blanket statements such as ‘basically, commercial clients are only interested in budget and deadlines’ is not accurate as we all know, every project, owner and client is different. I’ve had plenty of commercial owners that reversed their VE efforts for a better project, ie decrease spacing, better specimen trees, non rectilinear swale design, va…[Read more]
Soo Wai-Kin replied to the topic Sustainable Sites in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 9 years, 4 months ago
Alan, Totally agree with your statement. LEED does have certifications that take into account TI work only.
The argument that new programs and certifications is not germane to our profession because some of us managed to carve out a career without any certifications beyond state licensing is either not interested in how the LA profession is pr…[Read more] -
Soo Wai-Kin replied to the topic California Supplemental Exam in the forum PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE 14 years, 4 months ago
Soo Wai-Kin replied to the topic California Supplemental Exam in the forum PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE 14 years, 7 months ago
thank you all for the advice and guidance, pass the test today, seems like the questions have multiple answers, i looked up some answers when i got out and there were indeed true. Anyway, oaks, oaks, oaks…. fire/fuel mod, wetland jurisdiction, everything that nanda mentioned came up! Thank you again…
Soo Wai-Kin replied to the topic BLA Grads: What Would You Have Done Differently? in the forum EDUCATION 14 years, 7 months ago
despite the fact that you have already found a BLA program, some of this information still applies, a lot of BLA programs have neglected if not abandoned the foundations of landscape architecture, ie part architect, part civil engineer, part horticulturist, in favor of emphasis on design process and conceptual thinking. Not that there is anything…[Read more]
Soo Wai-Kin replied to the topic Lawn Alternatives for Coastal California – Bouteloua gracillis??? in the forum PLANTS & HORTICULTURE 14 years, 7 months ago
try UC verde bufallo grass
Soo Wai-Kin replied to the topic entering the LA field in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 14 years, 11 months ago
Honestly, i feel there is no such thing as a demeaning job, an honest job for an honest pay is always a good thing, i have worked in a lot of sectors (public, private, non-profit) of multiple industries and what i see is a lack of respect for blue collar jobs and a lack of maturity in the ppl with blue collar jobs. This attitude contributed to the…[Read more]
Soo Wai-Kin replied to the topic entering the LA field in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 14 years, 11 months ago
LA is such a broad field, you need to figure where in LA do you fit… An MLA is a great experience but most programs are not accredited which may be an issue with licensure, and landing a job. An MLA means close to nothing in landing a job sometimes, but it does perpetuate a sense of maturity and responsibility, however, without skills, a CAD…[Read more]
Soo Wai-Kin replied to the topic Illustrator vs. Photoshop for Rendering Plans in the forum TECHNOLOGY 15 years, 1 month ago
In our office, we use autocad for line work, rasterize in photoshop, and color in photoshop, managing layers in autocad and photoshop allows efficient management for applying textures and shadows, for speed, we use strictly autocad to export a color rendering, just by standardizing your pen settings for plotting ie. transparency/screening,…[Read more]
Soo Wai-Kin replied to the topic California Supplemental Exam in the forum PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE 15 years, 2 months ago
hoped you passed the exam, any new insights to what is already listed here? thanks.
Soo Wai-Kin replied to the topic California Supplemental Exam in the forum PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE 15 years, 2 months ago
Mike,congrats on passing, i plan to take it in the next few months, what were the test subjects that you did not account for? Did all the tips on this discussion thus far covers the rest? Any tips will be helpful, thanks..
Soo Wai-Kin replied to the topic California Supplemental Exam in the forum PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE 15 years, 6 months ago
Thanks Nanda, great list, I can;t seem to get to the flash card link though, can it be made accessible again? thanks.