Stephanie Roa wrote a new post, Conflict Wood [Video] 4 years ago
The use of tropical hardwood lumber, such as ipe, in construction is damaging the world’s ecosystems at an alarming rate. During the Land8x8 Lightning Talks in Austin, Texas, Zac Tolbert, a licensed l […]
Stephanie Roa wrote a new post, The Icon: From Concept to Reality [Video] 4 years ago
Iconic elements in the landscape – whether sculpture, public art, or branded graphics – accentuate the experience of a place. These “icons” become identifiers that capture the character of a place and act as […]
Stephanie Roa wrote a new post, What Automation Means for Landscape Architecture Practice [Video] 4 years ago
We are in an era of digital transformation. The emergence of new technologies is rapidly transforming the way we approach design, with firms utilizing computer software more heavily than ever before. Does this […]
Stephanie Roa wrote a new post, Evoking Soul in Landscape Architecture [Video] 4 years ago
There has been a trend in landscape architecture to measure the success of a project using research and quantified data. However, to Christine Ten Eyck, founding principal of Ten Eyck Landscape Architects […]
Thresholds–seeking ourselves and hoping to provide for others–landscape architecture–all the best Christy.
Excellent presentation, and not just because I know this amazing person who does design of its place. In all that landscape architects or designers do, to educate and inspire people, more SOUL!
Stephanie Roa wrote a new post, Creating Binge-Worthy Nature: Rediscovering How Children Play in Nature [Video] 4 years ago
When you think back on your happiest childhood memories, you probably think about playing outside. Those long summer nights camping in the backyard, catching fireflies, and climbing trees are among my most […]
Stephanie Roa wrote a new post, Feeling the Weather [Video] 5 years ago
The weather affects us every day, but rarely receives the attention it deserves. Often relegated to small talk conversation, we downplay the many ways weather influences our daily life, culture, and health. […]
Stephanie Roa wrote a new post, LAF Innovation + Leadership Symposium Goes Virtual: Part 2 5 years ago
This year’s annual LAF Innovation + Leadership Symposium showcased leading-edge thinking in landscape architecture to address a breadth of pressing issues. During this two-part virtual event, the six 2019-2020 L […]
Stephanie Roa wrote a new post, LAF Innovation + Leadership Symposium Goes Virtual: Part 1 5 years ago
This year’s annual LAF Innovation + Leadership Symposium showcased leading-edge thinking in landscape architecture to address a breadth of pressing issues. During this two-part virtual event, the six 2019-2020 L […]
Stephanie Roa wrote a new post, The Aesthetic of Proof [Video] 5 years ago
As designers, we are constantly seeking new tools and strategies to better express our design vision. Technological advances have enhanced our visualization capabilities dramatically over the years, from […]
Stephanie Roa wrote a new post, Plant Stuffing [Video] 5 years ago
From urban farming to forest bathing, there has been a growing desire to connect with the natural world. In an effort to bring nature to urban settings, some landscape architects are turning away from […]
Stephanie Roa wrote a new post, Altering Human Habits [Video] 5 years ago
Spending time outside not only makes us feel healthier, it also impacts our long-term wellbeing. Studies have shown that people with high exposure to green spaces yield significant physical and mental health […]
Stephanie Roa wrote a new post, Managing Risk [Video] 5 years ago
The work of landscape architects work involves complex decisions and responsibilities — detailing and designing projects, observing construction, achieving owner satisfaction, and ensuring the health, s […]
Stephanie Roa wrote a new post, Creating Better Places [Video] 5 years ago
The research is clear: Spending time outdoors, especially in green, natural settings, is good for our health. A growing body of research is demonstrating the positive measurable effects spending time in nature […]
Stephanie Roa wrote a new post, UT Austin [Video] 5 years ago
As the Graduate Program in Landscape Architecture celebrates the completion of its 15th year at the University of Texas at Austin, Director Hope Hasbrouck reflects on the radical change the program has […]
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Stephanie Roa wrote a new post, Leveraging Inevitabilities [Video] 5 years ago
“The future of landscape architecture includes me,” proclaims Katie Coyne, Certified Ecologist and Principal at Asakura Robinson, a planning, urban design, and landscape architecture firm. With a bac […]
Stephanie Roa wrote a new post, Eco Altitudes [Video] 5 years ago
Cars take up a ton of real estate in America’s cities. From local roads and on-street parking stalls to elevated highways and multi-story parking garages, cities devote 50 to 60 percent of their space to c […]
Stephanie Roa wrote a new post, 8 Degrees of Connection [Video] 5 years ago
What brought you to your profession of landscape architecture? Who encouraged you along your career path? Who has helped you succeed and attain your professional goals? These are among the questions landscape […]
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Hi! I’m interested in learning more about this topic, is there any way to get in touch with Zac Tolbert?