Trevor Ehlers

  • Hi Mike,
    Here are some of my favorites that I been very fortunate to have had the opportunity to travel to:
    Nepal.  Pretty amazing place and the people there are so friendly.  The Himalayas are giant and the sheer scale of them it out of this world.   It is amazing how many places there are just within that country to go-trekking there is ou…[Read more]

  • Contact George Pond at the Denver zoo. He is a landscape architect there who designs amazing exhibits for a variety of different species.

  • Trevor Ehlers posted an update in the group Group logo of WESCOLAsWESCOLAs 15 years, 7 months ago

    Hey peeps I am working for DHM Design in my hometown Durango Colorado. Just thought I would join. Cheers,

  • Trevor Ehlers posted an update in the group Group logo of StormwaterStormwater 15 years, 9 months ago

    Hey guys! Here is a link to some presentations from a conference in Reno at the University of Nevada that talked about different stormwater and bioretention techniques. Some are really basic info but also some good overall information. The links to presentations are actually at the bottom of this page that you can scroll down to once you open the…[Read more]

  • I am interested in CA plants too especially the mountain and desert variety. By the way whats up Jeremy? (to everyone else this is a random meeting of old friends we grew up together in Durango, Colorado). Anyway glad to be a part of this group. Working in Tahoe at Design Workshop currently…glad to join this group for some good conversation…

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