Veenu Jayaram posted an update in the group
LARE Multiple Choice Discussion 13 years, 10 months ago
Something I can think of right now are,
Pavement Cross sections, look for
-thickness of concrete
-proper placement of filter fabric
-water proofing etc
-Riser thread heights or riser tread combined dimensions
-Handrail height, end handrail wrap up
Gaurdrails- spacing between rails, height, minimum requirement of gaurd…[Read more] -
Veenu Jayaram replied to the topic Masters Programs in the forum EDUCATION 14 years, 1 month ago
I would totally agree with a beware of a MLA if you have done a BLA ( just so many repetition). Architecure and Urban design is good at UCLA as far I have heard. I went to USC, MLA program after a BArch from India. But do your home work well before choosing you school and major. Ask yourself how the studio focus are, faculty, what c…[Read more] -
Veenu Jayaram replied to the topic Light Weight Soil in the forum DETAILS & MATERIALS 14 years, 1 month ago
Thanks Henry,
will do that.