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Famous Graffiti Location “5 Pointz” Set to be Demolished

New York City’s best display of public art is in a fight for its life. The 5 Pointz, located in Long Island City, Queens, has long been a haven for artists to express their work and even build a career. The building’s exterior is covered with aerosol art dating back to the early 1990s, earning it the distinction of New York’s “Graffiti Mecca.” On the inside, it has provided studio space to up to 200 artists at a time, giving them a place to grow their craft at below market value. The turning point On August 21, 2013, the New York City Planning Commission unanimously voted to approve plans to build condos on the 5 Pointz site. In a recent hearing, owners of the site got a judge to delay the demolition of the converted warehouse by 10 days with their first restraining order. This should buy them time to testify in court that the building’s artwork should be protected under the 1990 Visual Artists Rights Act. The developer, David Wolkoff, had set a tentative demolition date of November  6, and is determined to accomplish his goal by the end of the year.

5 Pointz is a cultural landmark for hip-hop in Queens on October 4 2010; credit: Lewis Tse Pui Lung /

5 Pointz is a cultural landmark for hip-hop in Queens on October 4 2010; credit: Lewis Tse Pui Lung /

Famed English graffiti artist Banksy has spoken out in favor of preserving the 5 Pointz in his last days as a resident of New York City. His political activism and ironic and dark-humored displays of art have garnered attention and caused debate all over the world. During this past month of October, he made the city of New York his personal canvas as he created works of all different kinds of media throughout the city. As an artist whose canvas is the city, supporters of 5 Pointz had been hoping he would use his voice as a local presence opposed to the building’s destruction. He has now released an audio clip in defense of the cause. “If just one child has been inspired to pick up a can of paint and make some art, well that would be statistically disappointing considering how much work I put in. Outside is where art should live, among us, and rather than street art being a fad, maybe it’s the last 1,000 years of art history are a blip, when art came inside in service of the church and institutions.
5 Pointz Aerosol Arts Center, Inc. on September 11, 2013 in New York.5 Pointz, considered to be the world's premiere "Graffiti Mecca" credit:  BrooklynScribe /

5 Pointz Aerosol Arts Center, Inc. on September 11, 2013 in New York.5 Pointz, considered to be the world’s premiere “Graffiti Mecca” credit: BrooklynScribe /

“But art’s rightful place is on the cave-walls of our communities, where it can act as a ‘public service’: provoke debate, voice concerns, forge identities. “The world we live in today is run by, visually at least, traffic signs, billboards, and planning committees. Is that it? Don’t we want to live in a world made of art, not just decorated by it? — Banksy My take This sanctuary for urban art cannot be recreated, and is destined to be replaced by a pair of uninspired, bland condominium towers devoid of color and expression. In an attempt to appease the opposition, the towers are to include 20 artist studios and indoor “art panels,” which the 5 Pointz group has been offered the opportunity to curate. This half-baked attempt at compromise shows the developer’s ignorance toward the meaning and significance behind keeping the existing artwork. There is no way to duplicate the history and works of the current site, especially not with a small, measured, indoor display. The addition of the art studios is equally ill advised, as the art community’s interest in calling that location home would vanish along with the old warehouse.
5 Point z is a cultural landmark for hip-hop in Queens on October 4 2010; credit: Lewis Tse Pui Lung /

5 Point z is a cultural landmark for hip-hop in Queens on October 4 2010; credit: Lewis Tse Pui Lung /

The publicity generated from Banksy’s comments have added to a growing public support for the salvation of the 5 Pointz site. It has been accumulating an incredible display of professional graffiti representative of the last 30 years of urban art. The next few days will be critical to its survival, and its demolition can only be stopped by a groundswell of public activism. Your opinion can make a difference, especially if you live in New York! Article written by Peter Salamon Featured image; credit: BrooklynScribe /

Drawing for Landscape Architecture by Edward Hutchison l Book Review

Many debates abound regarding the current legitimacy of drawing in landscape architecture. The onset of numerous computer programs has challenged traditional methods of drawing and sketching to communicate ideas. Which skill is more valid for today’s designer and design consumer? Which more effectively demonstrates the design in a clear way? Can these two styles exist in the same dialogue?

Book Cover

Book Cover

A general overview Drawing for Landscape Architecture by Edward Hutchison, stands as a middle ground for these two similar skills and joins them together. Published in 2011 by Thames & Hudson Inc., this seminal writing engages readers deeply into the act of drawing and explores a variety of representation techniques which are transferable to either skill set. Hand drawing is presented as an essential skill which brings about concepts and ideas. Drawing helps designers feel the site and record emotions and feelings that are lost in the translation of photography. Drawings also helps flush out ideas and work through mental blocks. Digital drawing then takes up these ideas and transforms them into precise solutions to problems. Get it Here! Structure of the book Hutchison first guides the reader through a general overview of drawings basics, representation while on site. He then introduces a large variety of drawings types and methods for communicating by drawing. Site analysis, section drawings, perspectives, and construction details are all elaborately covered. Numerous illustrations are given in each of these sections.
Layout of the book

Layout of the book

Get it Here! The later portion of his book is a collection of selected works which he has completed. Hutchison discusses his process from the beginning concept sketch to hardline drawing and even construction. The book is stocked full of sketches, hard-line drawings, computer drawings, photographs, and more. It truly is visual index from someone who utilizes drawings on a daily basis. The text and captions are easy to read and convey the main thoughts while leaving the images to explain the rest. One of the more enjoyable aspects of the book is Hutchison’s use of texture and color. Numerous examples are given throughout, displaying color combinations and hierarchy of texture. Why should you get it? Drawing for Landscape Architecture is a perfect buy for the engaged college student, interested amateur, or experienced professional. It refreshes the creative process and provides hundreds of tips and ideas for the designer. It would also make a great coffee table piece to have around the office or home. Drawing for Landscape Architecture: Sketch to Screen to Site
A sample

A sample

About the author (taken from Thames & Hudson): Edward Hutchison is principal of a landscape design practice in London, whose work has won many awards. His drawings were featured in the exhibition Drawing Space at the Garden Museum, also in London. Publisher: Thames & Hudson Inc. Type: Hardcover Page length: 240 pages Article written by Cameron Rodman. Enjoy what you’ve read! Support us and pick up one of our awesome T-shirts and hoodies today, Click the link

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Why Cities Are Dangerous for Women and How to Improve Them?

Has the above question ever crossed your mind? Often, we stick to the existing models and it is difficult to imagine things in a different way. That is why we as designers, architects, and planners should discover what stays hidden at the first look. But first, why do we need to consider female users of the city different than males? To answer this, we should ask ourselves about the proportion of women and men using municipal services, such as public transit and recreational activities. One almost rhetorical question is what proportion of women and men feel unsafe when using the cities?

What makes a city better for women?

In city planning 

Frauen Werk Stadt; credit: Marco Venturini, Hustle & Bustle

Frauen Werk Stadt; credit: Marco Venturini, Hustle & Bustle

Pedestrian mobility and proximity of services One city in Europe has given this attention to women since the 1990s. The project, Frauen Werk Stadt — or Women Work City — in Vienna, is a prime example of implementing services meeting the everyday experience and requirements of urban women. It is an apartment complex designed for and by women. And since it is so, they kept in mind their own priorities. Women are more often busy with household chores and child care than men. Following this criteria, the complex is composed of a series of buildings and courtyards where children and parents can spend time on grassy areas without going far from their homes. Access to public transport in close proximity defines the easiness of getting to school and work. Other important additions are a kindergarten, pharmacy, and doctor’s office. Moving around the city at night Safety during the night is another important topic to pay attention to in order to improve the security of women in the urban environment. Many women rely on public transit to get around a city, and any decision to change it must consider this fact. Women tend to use public transport less during the night, and fear is one of the main obstacles to women’s free circulation in the city. “Between two stops” is an evening drop-off service between bus stops that brings people closer to their destinations. It was first experimented with in Montreal and, in 1996, the service was announced to be permanent. In landscape design Public parks and their content Another example, from Austrian city officials, is a survey that shows the drop in the number of girls after the age of nine playing outside, compared to the number of boys. If one may divide sports as men and women, we can say that football and basketball are mainly played by men in Austria and volleyball and badminton are the preferred athletics for girls. Consequently, by adapting the parks in the city and adding more volleyball and badminton playgrounds, more girls are playing outside. Without a doubt — but often ignored — is the fact that the provision of green areas in close proximity to housing ensures easy access to leisure activities without the need to travel long distances to visit a park or a city garden. Taking gender into account in public policies is a positive tool for rethinking the shape of the urban texture. In 2008, Vienna’s city planning strategy was included in the United Nations Human Settlements Program for best  practices of improving the living environment. Women as users of the city should be given more attention, and their everyday life should be positively reflected in the design. Safety and ease of movement are the main priorities for shaping the city. The need to know who is using public space and what their aims are help to analyze the patterns of use, which before were invisible and, thus, difficult to influence and change according to the actual needs. Researching this male-female perspective of using the space should not raise questions about reinforcing stereotypes, but aim at adopting another perspective through which to make the difference required. Article written by Slavyana Popcheva Feature image: Anna Jurkovska /

10 Mistakes Every Landscape Architecture Student Makes and How to Avoid Them

Whether you’re an upperclassman or a freshman, this list outlines mistakes that landscape architecture students make and more importantly how to avoid them. It is likely that you have made one or more of these mistakes, but don’t worry — learn from the experience and capitalize on the missed opportunity next time. 10. Caring too much about what your professors think   While professors often carry advanced degrees and have spent time in the professional world, they do not have all the answers. Learn how to think critically for yourself and don’t be afraid to challenge ideas that you think don’t work.

Know that your teacher hasn't got all of the answers; image credit: Sergey Nivens /

Know that your teacher hasn’t got all of the answers; image credit: Sergey Nivens /

9. Caring too little about what your professors think As mentioned above, professors have advanced degrees and work experience. They often know what they are talking about — and you often don’t. Listen, take notes, and learn from their wealth of knowledge. 8. Not networking with professionals
LAN's Cameron Rodman and Brett Lezon with renowned landscape architect Laurie Olin at an ASLA event; photo credit: Cameron Rodman

LAN’s Cameron Rodman and Brett Lezon with renowned landscape architect Laurie Olin at an ASLA event; photo credit: Cameron Rodman

Your alma mater can only get you so far in today’s competitive world. Firms look for students who are out in the field gaining experience before they graduate. Firms are also made up of people who like working with people they know and can get along with. One of the best ways to get a job is to make connections and develop relationships. LABash, a student run landscape architecture conference, is a tremendous opportunity to connect with professionals and students. 7. Avoiding your local and national professional society Organizations such as the American Society of Landscape Architecture (ASLA) are pushing to make your future livelihood possible. They are often monitoring legislature, guiding professional testing, and — even more importantly — providing opportunities for you to mix with current professionals and other students.
Attend expos and other events to meet the right people; image credit:  pcruciatti /

Attend expos and other events to meet the right people; image credit: pcruciatti /

6. Thinking architects are stupid Unfortunately some schools and firms still harbor animosity toward other design professions. Do yourself a favor and toss this dated model to the curb. We work with architects, and they have a lot to bring to the table. 5. Trying to become an expert on every topic in landscape architecture Landscape architecture is quickly developing numerous offshoots and specialties. Biophilic design, green infrastructure, brownfield redevelopment, stormwater management, a large variety of software, and more all call for our attention. A safe bet is to get really good at what interests you and at least become aware of what else is out there. 4. Not having a life outside of school Keep your relationships outside of school, and your hobbies, too! These things relax and recharge you. Take the time to disconnect from the tedious schedule of school. You deserve it. 3. Treating every assignment as though it is your chance to save the world Keep in mind that you are a student and are using each project and assignment to “learn” something you previously had no knowledge about. Keep your projects at a level that helps you understand the essential ideas and realize that you don’t have to save the world with your project for it to be a success. 2. Comparing yourself to your classmates
Don't fall into the trap of comparing; image credit: iQoncept /

Don’t fall into the trap of comparing; image credit: iQoncept /

It is difficult to not look at your classmates’ work and think, “How the heck did they do that?” Or “There is no way I will ever be able to do that.” Realize that we all have a variety of skills and we are all advancing them at different paces. Excel at your interests and learn from your classmates’. 1. Being a perfectionist What can I say? We became design students because we think critically and want things to work and make sense. If you weren’t a perfectionist, you probably wouldn’t be in design school. If you want to get over this, quit school and seek counseling. This is certainly not an exhaustive list of mistakes while in landscape architecture school. Every student’s experience is different. What are your Number 1 mistakes? Article written by Cameron R. Rodman Featured image: bikeriderlondon /

10 Great Reasons to be a Landscape Architect

Just in case you forgot why you started here are 10 great reasons to remind you. Landscape architecture is what you encounter once you walk out of your front door. It is the rural environment, the urban environment and the profession acting as the interface between earth’s natural ecosystem and its people. Landscape architects are broad thinkers addressing global issues such as climate change, water shortages, sustainable communities and the prevention of hunger. They are natural leaders with the ability to communicate through different professions and lead multidisciplinary projects. Those within the industry will tell you landscape architecture is certainly a great career choice, however what are the top 10 reasons to become a landscape architect? From forming a strategic response to the ever pressing issue of sustaining life on earth through to continually searching for a design response to a landscape question, the field of landscape architecture is incredibly vast. Peruse through these top 10 reasons to become a landscape architect and share your thoughts!

Reasons to be a Landscape Architect

  10. To challenge yourself! Where else can you be an environmental strategist one day and facilitate a major art installation the next? Landscape architecture has certainly changed from Olmsted’s and Vaux’s Central Park in 1863, and it is exactly this evolution which is impelling. The opportunity to be a part of the changes to come and make a difference to your community both locally and globally is certainly exciting.

Olmsted’s and Vaux’s Central Park; image credit: Manamana /

Olmsted’s and Vaux’s Central Park; image credit: Manamana /

9. Put a value on the landscape Landscape architects are advocates for the environment itself. Relating to conservation, landscape architects often stand alone as the sole ambassador for the environment during the design, construction and maintenance of a project. As an arguably ‘new’ profession, the value of the landscape component in a project is becoming more and more realised. 8. Be a Leader Going hand in hand with innovation, landscape architects are presented with the opportunity to lead many projects globally. If you have ever considered working with a team of architects, interior architects, engineers and builders among many other professions, then landscape architecture should be at your forefront of your career choices.
Be a leader; image credit:  Dusit /

Be a leader; image credit: Dusit /

7. Innovation! The profession itself was the consequence of a crazy yet innovative idea by Olmsted and Vaux in 1863, and as a result we now have  Central Park in New York City. Landscape architecture supports the creative and crazy in each of us and even encourages it! A few thought provoking innovative ideas to be inspired by include The Afsluitdijk (IJsselmeer Dam) by West 8, The Orquideorama by Plan B Architects and the Pod Playground in Canberra by Taylor Cullity Lethlean. 6. Combination of environment, art and science
ATLANTA - AUGUST 25: Children play at Centennial Olympic Park August 25, 2013 in Atlanta, GA. The park commemorates the 1996 Atlanta Olympics. Stock Photo: Image ID: 151747958 Release Information: Editorial Use Only. Use of this image in advertising or for promotional purposes is prohibited.  Editorial Credit: Copyright: Sean Pavone

Children play at Centennial Olympic Park in Atlanta, GA. The park commemorates the 1996 Atlanta ; image credit: Sean Pavone /

This multifaceted profession is not solely focused on one specific area! If you are looking for a diverse mix of work opportunities, then landscape architecture is for you. The range of projects undertaken by landscape architects is staggering. Olympic park master planning, environmental research, national park preservation, designing public squares and residential design are all examples. 5. Educate As a professional landscape architect, you must share your knowledge! Teaching someone else about the importance of landscape architecture as more than just an afterthought when a building is erected, but as the first thought is certainly rewarding. The fragility of the success of a project is almost always directly related to the landscape. Landscape architects also have the opportunity to delve into teaching prospective students at university, contributing to the world of academia and lending expertise with regards to sustainable and healthy living in many volunteer projects in third world countries. Helping others learn in any capacity is not just good for the community; it is good for the soul. 4. The Power to Change Knowledge is power; moreover knowledge is the power to change. As a professional landscape architect, you have the ability to empower others around you to make a difference. Landscape architects have the power (and duty) to change how, when, why and if we should or shouldn’t develop, design, plan and build on the landscape. 3. Respond to Global Issues Landscape architects work on the front line when it comes to global issues such as, but not limited to, climate change, intensive farming, environmental degradation, overpopulation and resource depletion. The term ‘think globally, act locally’ is certainly relevant to the profession. Landscape architects work with these global issues through many processes including designing areas not solely reliant on cars for transportation, designing structures with the ability to adapt with the environment and utilise natural energy and the practical management of the earth’s water. 2. Create a healthy community
Healthy community engagment; image credit: Iakov Filimonov /

Healthy community engagment; image credit: Iakov Filimonov /

Much of what landscape architects do is focused on community and creating a space for gathering, play, activity and living. There is no other profession which looks to envelope all aspects of community life and seeks to improve it. Not just the built structure, not just the access roads or the local wetlands, but human interaction with a sustainable life. Landscape architects work on cleverly thought out ideologies to make life for  resident happier, healthier and easier. Examples include challenging areas for children’s play, interconnected road systems, road side verges recharging the groundwater and regenerating the environment. 1. Conservation Possibly the most important reason to become a landscape architect is to act as a buffer between people and the landscape. Landscape architects work towards putting guidelines, policies and law in place so as to protect the environment for future generations. Many landscape initiatives focused on conservation are in place, and it is these guidelines which allow for a healthy community.
Landscape of Samburu before storm, Samburu, Kenya Stock Photo: Image ID: 86426845 Release Information: N/A Copyright: Piotr Gatlik

Conservation projects. Landscape of Samburu, Kenya; image credit:  Piotr Gatlik /

A few initiative examples include the Great Eastern Ranges Initiative in Australia (which seeks to protect the natural landscape from Victoria through to far north Queensland), the Everglades Initiative in the Florida Everglades (seeking to improve water quality, control invasive weeds, improve fauna habitats and support the rural economy) and the Network of Protected Marine Areas in Spain initiative by the World Wildlife Fund (seeking to conserve important marine landscapes). Landscape architects are viewed as professionals in the area of conservation and seek to better understand the world in which we live, and in turn, protect it. Recommended Reading :

Article written by Tanya Wood. Featured image: Manamana /

The Bad Tempered Gardener by Anne Wareham | Book Review

If you are looking for an ordinary gardening book, sorry, this is not for you. Anne Wareham reveals in “The Bad Tempered Gardener” how she took on the challenge of designing and maintaining a quite large parcel of land, turning it into one of the most acclaimed gardens in Wales — the Veddw. Bored with the predictable garden reviews in newspapers and magazines, Wareham decided to engage in critical writing, as well. “I began to get tired of hearing every garden described as ’lovely’,” she said. Today, she is a respected critic and the founder of Thinking Gardens, a group with the support of the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) that encourages serious discussion of gardens. The book Driven by a compelling wish to have a real garden, Wareham and her husband,  photographer Charles Hawes, moved away from, crowded London. In search of more scope, they went to Monmouthshire, at the Welsh border: an unfamiliar environment where they had difficulties settling in and struggled for acceptance. There, the couple designed and executed an experimental garden, the Veddw, which has an unusual color scheme, strong shapes, and straight lines sure to have an impact on visitors. Get it Here!

Front cover

Front cover

Wareham shares with the reader the labor-intensive maintainance of the Veddw, the painful visits to local nurseries, and her disappointment with the garden world — as was to be expected from a bad-tempered gardener! However, she unfolds new perspectives on gardening, which are a real treasure. She claims that plant addiction is not the only way to engage with a garden, complains about the banal reverence for nature, and declares that some consolidated gardening techniques are a waste of time and energy — which goes against traditional concepts. But bringing up controversial topics was not well received by the garden media: “I attempt to waken the garden world up but it deeply resents my shaking it,” she says. Her character, determination, and courage are inspiring, and very well expressed in the book (as well as in her garden). A must read for rebels Most reviews emphasize Wareham’s grumpy writing style and how much she hates gardening (yes, it is true), but I will take another direction: Wareham just wanted to make a place for herself in an alien world, like most of us do. Through the designing of the Veddw, she found an opportunity to express her (clearly rich) inner world. The process of creating your own garden also has a deep psychological side to it, as it strengthens our sense of belonging. Get it Here!
Inside the book

Inside the book

Gardens have always captured people’s imagination as a retreat into a world of our own. This is particularly relevant for those who have ever felt “exiled” at some point in their lives and have found refuge among plants. Quoting the American poet Henry David Thoreau, “Nature is a prairie for outlaws.” The Bad Tempered Gardener About the Author: Anne Wareham is a renowned British gardener, designer, critic, and writer. She was a judge on the TV series “I Own Britain’s Best Home and Garden” (Channel 5), was considered one of the most influential British gardeners by The Telegraph in 2012, and is the founder of the group Thinking Gardens. Wareham and her husband, Charles Hawes, designed and have maintained the Veddw together for the last 25 years. Hawes’ beautiful pictures illustrate “The Bad Tempered Gardener” and are featured in many gardening magazines and newspapers. Publisher: Frances Lincoln Type: Hardcover Page length: 168 pages Book review by Julia Lucchese Enjoy what you’ve read! Support us and pick up one of our awesome T-shirts and hoodies today, Click the link

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Mapping Manhattan: A Love (and Sometimes Hate) Story in Maps by 75 New Yorkers, Becky Cooper l Book Review

It is not a science book, it is not a tourist guide, it is an art project! Map Your Memories is an ongoing collaborative project that asks people to fill in an extremely schematic map of a city with what is meaningful for them. The project was created by Becky Cooper in 2007, featured in the Wall Street Journal and Time Out New Yorker, and so far expands to Cambridge, Massachusetts, and Portland, Maine. The story behind the project The writing of the book starts at 231st Street in Bronx with the author armed with hundreds of blank maps of the city and ends at the southern tip of the island looking towards the Statue of Liberty. During the journey, Becky Cooper met police officers, homeless people, fashion models, all kind of people that have lived their lives in Manhattan.

Front Cover

Front Cover

Later she asked some better known New Yorkers to mark their memories. Yoko Ono, a visual artist, musician and activist shares her memories, as well as Richard Goodman, an author of four non-fiction books, including “A New York Memoir”. Their maps are amongst anonymous people, merged together to form the variety of life. If some of the names catch your attention, you might want to check if it is in the end of the book where the well-known New Yorkers are listed with a short description about their life and work. Get it Here! Outline of the book After filling in the maps, participants had to mail it back and soon Becky’s mail box started to get full; improvised personal maps with narratives and revelations about love, childhood memories, hopes and emotional confessions. Thus, it is not a surprise to discover, that despite of the restricted language of mapping, this book is highly emotional. One airplane catches the eye with a sign next to it “and now he is gone”. A whole love story comes alive. Other maps evoke laughter like the one titled “My lost gloves” and you see a map dotted with gloves. If you are not from Manhattan, you may need to research more about what is shown on a particular map, but at the same time, other maps are as clear as possible. For example,  one has a purely utilitarian use showing Manhattan in five different colors according to the desire to visit them. Most precious feature of the book is that no matter how many times you open it, it will offer you something different from before. As it is in Manhattan itself. It shows a great variety that lingers within the grid of streets and blocks. As one of the mapmakers defines the city, it is “Disneyland for old folks”. Get it Here!
A sample of the inside print.

A sample of the inside print.

Why should you get it? Besides the interesting maps short descriptions of the author’s journey can be found describing striking conversations, funny episodes, but mainly Manhattan through her eyes, in words. The unique illustrations of the designer and photographer Bonnie Briant, who lives in New York, amplify the influence of this vibrant book. The real appeal of the maps is discovering the story hidden behind the different elements located in distance. A map is subconsciously related to treasure, so the challenge is to find what treasures live within New York people. It is in the hearts of the people where the author sought to find the city. Maps are the places were memories go to live forever. The author left a blank map of Manhattan on the last page, for the reader to cut, fill in, fold and mail back. The project continues. Join in!  Mapping Manhattan: A Love (and Sometimes Hate) Story in Maps by 75 New Yorkers
Personalized maps.

Personalized maps.

About the author: The author is a 24 year old award winning cartographer and writer that grew up in Manhattan. In 2010, she graduated from Harvard University, where she studied Comparative Literature and Mind, Brain and Behavior. Publisher:  Abrams Image, 2013 Type: Hardcover Page length: 118 pages Article written by Slavyana Popcheva. Enjoy what you’ve read! Support us and pick up one of our awesome T-shirts and hoodies today, Click the link

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5 Countries Where Landscape Architecture is Booming

The worldwide economic crisis has clobbered the labor forces of all professions quite harshly. And in the frame of a squeezing budget, funding tends to center on basic needs, such as education, health care, and food industries (and undoubtedly wars, but let us not go there). Meanwhile, the land development market — unfortunately considered to be a secondary necessity — tends to be among the fields suffering the most. Since 2008, many landscape architects have been let go worldwide, especially in the United States having a huge impact on landscape architecture . However, while “booming” might be to some extent exaggerated, there seems to be a great demand for professionals in the landscape construction and sustainable energy domains in several countries. So if you are a landscape architect searching for a job in a country other than your own and feel like a mislaid needle in the hay, you might want to start looking here: 5. India

Maota Lake and Gardens of Amber Fort in Jaipur, Rajasthan, India; image credit: Mikadun /

Maota Lake and Gardens of Amber Fort in Jaipur, Rajasthan, India; image credit: Mikadun /

While this might not be the ideal place for individual financial growth, India is a great target for passionate landscape activists. Jo Guldi, a historian of infrastructure at the Harvard Society of Fellows, writes that India is the world’s most experienced nation with rainwater harvesting, participatory mapping, and other community-governed sustainable solutions. Indeed, with many institutions there working on rural development, participatory planning, and youth-and gender-based projects, India provides a unique and adventurous opportunity to get the experience of a lifetime.  4. Australia
King's Park in Perth, Western Australia; image credit: Tupungato /

King’s Park in Perth, Western Australia; image credit: Tupungato /

The “unknown land of the south” is not only home to a wide variety of landscapes (including the world’s largest coral reef, subtropical rainforests, mountains, and deserts), but also one of the world’s most developed economies. According to the Australian Institute of Landscape Architects’ employment statement in 2012, there is a high demand for landscape architects due to the increase in people’s awareness of the planning and development of their landscapes, as well as alarming issues such as climate change. Moreover, the profession of landscape architecture has succeeded in maintaining a position on the listings for immigration published by the Commonwealth even during times of tight employment opportunities. 3. Denmark
View of the center of Copenhagen, Denmark; image credit: vvoe /

View of the center of Copenhagen, Denmark; image credit: vvoe /

Despite the failure of the Copenhagen Climate Summit, the capital of Denmark was chosen for the conduction of this accord for a reason. The city aims to become the world’s first CO2 neutral capital by 2025. Accordingly, Copenhagen has been investing a great deal in the landscape architecture, green and sustainable design and energy sectors. Research from October 2011 shows that the latter have experienced a 55 percent increase in turnover within five years, 12 percent annual growth rates in exports, and an increase in productivity four times higher than the regional average. (Architecture and Urban Design Excellence [a.ude]) 2. The UAE (United Arab Emirates) In a span of about 40 years, the landscapes of the Emirates were transformed from bare deserts to urban jungles of massive towers. With this rapid makeover came the need for a sustainable solution to, first, make living in these new cities desirable in their extreme climate conditions and, second, to create lush gardens that match the Emirati utopias. So can you guess who is extensively hired to make this happen?
View of Jumeirah Beach  in Dubai; image credit: lornet /

View of Jumeirah Beach in Dubai; image credit: lornet /

1. China
GUANGZHOU, CHINA; image credit:  GuoZhongHua /

GUANGZHOU, CHINA; image credit: GuoZhongHua /

It is no surprise that the Asian economic giant ranks number one in landscape job opportunities. Over the past decade, China — especially Shanghai and Beijing — has gone through an immensely fast land development that is still ongoing. Adding to that, the Chinese government canceled the landscape architecture profession from its university programs for a few years, labeling it as unessential. With that, the Chinese estate is not only facing a huge need for landscape architects, but also paying them quite well! This comprehensive list is not based on quantitative statistics and disregards the employment probability variance among applicants from different cultures and educational backgrounds. It does, however, give a realistic estimate based on trusted sources from professionals and landscape organizations working or originating from the listed countries. Article written by Dalia Zein Feature image: vvoe /

Botany for Designers: A Practical Guide for Landscape Architects and Other Professionals

Botany for Designers is a  that offers a crash course in understanding plants and the role they can play in design. The actual botany/biology of plants is something that is often noticeably lacking from landscape architectural education. Author Kimberly Duffy Turner attempts to remedy this gap, commenting that surely landscape architectural education warrants more than one or two courses on plants — especially in the current climate where sustainable and ecological aspects of design are so integral to our roles.

Botany for Designers: A Practical Guide for Landscape Architects and Other Professionals | Landscape Architecture Book

Front cover

Outline of the book

This book explores how plants can be living elements of our design. Turner suggests that an understanding of the biology behind those elements can ensure our design stands the test of time. Chapter 1 — What’s in a Name? — illustrates that knowing the different cultivars of your plants means being able to provide a client with a full breadth of knowledge should they suggest a plant they want, but perhaps blooms at the wrong time or isn’t hardy enough. Indeed, knowing how and when your plant will thrive is essential in creating the effect you want, and the second chapter (The Science of Cells: Keys to Plants’ Cultural Requirements) illustrates this. For example, Rhododendrons can be tricked into not blooming at the wrong time of year if exposed to too much light (like being placed near security lighting). This may be wanted at times, and at times not; the process that makes this happen is called photoperiodism (want to know what that is? Buy the book!).

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Subsequent chapters take us through the morphology of plants – their spatial and visual characteristics, the color of plants, and plants as functional elements of design, all from a botanical angle. Once we understand a plant’s nature, we can better use it as a design feature, being knowledgeable of how it will grow, change, and complete the design, especially if you know in what conditions they will thrive.

Botany for Designers: A Practical Guide for Landscape Architects and Other Professionals | Landscape Architecture Book

A look inside

The book includes handy diagrams and plenty of photographs illustrating these points. The breadth of topics covered is impressive, and there are parts that are particularly enjoyable, such as the information on color theory. Did you know that if you look at red too long you’ll start to see green? It’s known as the fatigue effect. So it may be important in monocultural-oriented design to provide a different color at certain points in order to provide rest for the eye. An important note about the book is that in terms of applications — hardy zones, soil structures, and measurements — the book is American, and as such refers to Imperial measurements and American Institutions. Nevertheless, it’s teachings are universal and it should be easy enough to convert/find your relevant country’s equivalents.

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Why should you buy Botany for Designers?

This is a book for anyone who feels stumped by their lack of opportunity to study plants in depth. From the morphology, botany, and biological makeup of plants to the use of color, texture, and form in design to choosing wood for hardscape, learning how to appropriately specify plants and trees for your design, and even touching on LEED certification and biomimicry, this book is about as comprehensive as it gets. There are even some handy appendices suggesting different plant palettes and a list of common botanical terms used in horticulture (a bit of a godsend, some might say!).

Botany for Designers: A Practical Guide for Landscape Architects and Other Professionals | Landscape Architecture Book

A perfect book for designers looking to enhance their plant knowledge

This is a great book for the budding designer interested in brushing up on plant knowledge. Botany for Designers: A Practical Guide for Landscape Architects and Other Professionals About the Author: Kimberly Duffy Turner is a principal at a Boston-based landscape architecture firm, and she developed and taught a related course at the Boston Architectural College. She holds degrees in landscape architecture and landscape horticulture. Publisher: W.W.Norton & Company Type: Hardcover Page length: 208 pages Book review by Sonia Jackett

The Contemporary Garden by Phaidon l Book Review

From where do we trace the basis of landscape architecture and its evolution? Gardens first started to give us the concept of arranged nature, instilling the idea of designed exterior spaces. By manipulating plants and through artificial construction methods, the idea of the modern garden was pushed forward and landscape architecture got the boost it needed to become what it is today. There are a lot of books out there showcasing examples of contemporary gardens, with an array of visual presentations and textual motivation as to why they stand out. Today, we look at The Contemporary Garden by Phaidon Press Limited, the revised and updated edition published in 2009. Any landscape architect or student should have a basic book on representative gardens. But why choose this one? Get it Here!

Front cover

Front cover

The Contemporary Garden sports a detail of Ron Herman’s design of the Ellison Residence on the cover, basically giving the definition of the contemporary garden in a single picture. But what is the definition of the contemporary garden? What this book presents is certainly in no way related to time concepts of our contemporary era on design. Contemporary is presented as the idea of design with innovation and bold use of both plants and artificial constructions, regardless of time. Well-thought content It is Phaidon’s concept of contemporary gardens that allowed them to showcase a diversity of works in this book. You are introduced to approximately 100 gardens from all over the world, built on diverse concepts, all of which can be considered to be contemporary ideas. It’s easy to be inspired by traditional-modern nature gardens like The Gibberd Garden by Sir Frederick Gibberd to modern humanized hybrids like MoMA Courtyard Sculpture Garden by Philip Johnson. Get it Here! What is really great about the content of The Contemporary Garden is that the works are presented in a timeline format, from 1920 to 2008, showcasing not just gardens from the contemporary era, but rather the evolution of the concept of contemporary design and how it manifests itself. This evolution is certainly useful, but it’s not as unitary as you would think, since the gardens presented are very diverse and tap into different cultural, architectural, and local design patterns. You will discover innovative, trademark design from roof gardens like Show Case House by Madison Cox to old-school labyrinth gardens like Tulcán Gardens by José Maria Azael Franco Guerrero.
A look inside

A look inside

The pros and cons of the book’s layout The Contemporary Garden by Phaidon is a hardback with a sturdy structure and thick pages. It’s a big book and quite heavy, so if you plan to walk it around, it will take some hard work. The format is large so that the color and black-and-white pictures are detailed; however, you will find only one picture per garden, showing a one-sided perspective. A more intriguing layout with multiple pictures would have presented the projects more clearly. The text is very well placed and concise enough to give a clear presentation of the work. The year in which the project was built can be found on all pages in the upper corner of every page. Get it Here! The best argument for getting it? This book offers diversity in design and construction methods, a basis for knowledge in contemporary design of gardens. It’s a must-have in your bookshelf regardless of whether you are a student, a landscape architecture enthusiast, or a professional in the field. The text that accompanies the visual representations of the gardens is very concise, giving you a representative presentation of the work. Basically, it gives you exactly what you need to know in an elegant way. This book is easy to use and quite interesting and useful even for a newbie in the domain. The diversity inspires you and the presentations are clear and provide a basis for gardeners and landscape architects alike. It’s a joy to flick through the pages and to analyze the details. This guide facilitates learning about an ever-changing and enchanting art.
A must have book for students, garden enthusiasts, and professionals!

A must have book for students, garden enthusiasts, and professionals!

About the book and authors: (taken from The Contemporary Garden) “The Contemporary Garden presents 100 seminal gardens from the early 1920s to the present day. Organized chronologically, all types and styles are featured, including roof and water gardens, Modernist landscapes, conceptual installations and urban parks. The Contemporary Garden is an inspiring guide to this ever-changing form.” Text written by Barbara Abbs, Patrick Bowe, Kathryn Bradley-Hole, Anne de Charmant, Aulani Mulford, Toby Musgrave, Jennifer Potter and Tim Richardson. The Contemporary Garden Publisher: Phaidon Press Limited Type: Hardcover Page length: 112 pages Book review by Oana Anghelache

Breakfast on the Sydney Harbor Bridge: Rethinking Built Forms

When the eight bitumen lanes of Australia’s Sydney Harbor Bridge are covered in soil and turf and 2,000 ballot winners delight in a breakfast picnic on the roadway, it is certainly an event worth noting. The event was held in October 2009 and again in 2010, with Sydneysiders reveling in the sunshine and breakfasting al fresco on one of the most iconic structures in the world. The importance of landscape was highlighted during the transformation of the bridge. Many trendy city dwellers feel enveloped by their urban environment and ache for open spaces. Bringing the landscape into the city is not an uncommon theme, with rooftop gardens, council verge regeneration, and green walls among many of the key ideas envisioned by landscape architects. These transformations emerge in an effort to counter the routine indifference of many built forms, yet never on such a scale as the Breakfast on the Bridge event. Rethinking the Bridge The bridge was closed to vehicular traffic, with many Sydney residents using the public transport system — a small win for the environment, if only for a short period of time. What ensued from the closing of the bridge was a local Sydney population elated at the opportunity to be involved in such an event, children playing in lane 4 of one of the busiest bridges in the world, and, most importantly, an instant awareness of the importance of landscape. As people flocked to sit on the grass and enjoy the novelty of viewing the harbor from this special location, many questions were raised about urban design and the importance of availability of green space. This enlightened landscape approach allowed Sydneysiders and a wider population to view open space and landscape as a precious asset. A recognition of landscape degradation within cities was also made apparent, as resources were moved, managed, and altered to serve the needs of the urban population. As part of the Breakfast on the Bridge initiative, cattle from interstate farms were displayed, with many city children seeing cows for the first time. This idea of locating agricultural and farming elements directly in a dense urban environment allowed for further education and added another element of excitement to the day. The Benefits Social, ecological, and environmental benefits of Breakfast on the Bridge were palpable during the event. From a social perspective, the recreational use of the space as an area to rest, play, and interact was clear. People living nearby can gather and enjoy its scenic views by having lovely picnics with a bottle of champagne from M&S and delightful homemade treats. Aside from enjoying a luscious picnic with friends and family, people could also use the time to unhook themselves from gadgets and socialize with fellow city dwellers. Its green open area of turf cultivated a connection among the community; bringing on a feeling of Sydney being a more livable city. Ecologically, the turf on such a large scale such as the bridge was a counter (albeit brief) to the urban heat island effect. Noise pollution was reduced, and the bridge itself became a simple form of a “green corridor”. The environment was enhanced for the length of the event due to reduced car pollution, and awareness was raised about the relevance of the environment in an urban scene. Landscape architects are continually looking to preserve, protect, and regenerate. Inspiration is drawn from the simplest of ideas, from a farmer aiming to cultivate the earth in the heart of desperate surroundings, to covering a bridge with turf and, in turn, raising awareness of the social, ecological, and environmental benefits of the landscape. It is within the landscape architect’s repertoire to have the ability to visualize the future and, by altering the typical uses of a built structure, ultimately transform space. Article written by Tanya Wood Featured image: MagSpace /

Landscape Architecture: A Manual of Environmental Planning and Design 5th Edition | Book Review

A book review of the world famous landscape architecture book Landscape Architecture: A Manual of Environmental Planning and Design, by Barry W. Starke and John Ormsbee Simonds. For landscape architects, John Ormsbee Simonds’ book is our bedside book. It has not been just a manual for me; it is the book of landscape architecture theory. It has been a reference in my profession since I was studying and now is also a reference for teaching. The new edition — the fifth one, co-authored by Barry W. Starke — is really attractive, because it has all the essence and knowledge of Simonds, enriched to incorporate sustainability – which is the basis of landscape design — and include different examples of recent built projects. Throughout the pages of this book, the texts, quotes, sketches, and images of projects create a combination of visual and theory.

Landscape Architecture: A Manual of Environmental Planning and Design

Book cover

Book cover

What’s inside? The contents of the book have been updated to include the actual vision of the designer and planner, and to portray in essence the way to approach landscape: from the first elements, understanding nature and the relation between humans and nature; to the elements that form and define the landscape, climate, water, land, and vegetation, as well as what is vital for landscape architects — the visual landscape, as a resource and goal. The next part of the book explains the complexity of landscape and the different landscapes in which we intervene. It is the combination of context and human intervention that determines the character of a place and its landscape. There the book focuses on planning and management, the difference between regional and urban design, and the importance of site planning. Get it Here! The last section refers to the elements incorporated in a project that are the basis for defining it: site spaces, circulation, structures, and planting. As an epilogue, the last chapter, Perspective, is a reflection of Simonds on his work and experience, his findings throughout time, and the knowledge achieved through his practice and from his projects — gaining an understanding of the work of a landscape architect.
A glimpse inside the book

Two example pages inside the book

Why it’s important In this era of media communication, it is important to understand that landscape architects and designers do not need recipes to develop a project. We solve the problems we encounter through creativity. This book is our reference on how to approach a project and that will guide us to achieve the best solution. It is a reference that serves as an introduction to landscape design and understanding it. The most valuable elements of this book are the sketches – by hand (yes by hand) — accompanying the text to illustrate the different concepts in landscape and design, since sketching is the main tool of a designer. On some pages of the book, the sketches are less prominent in size and location than in first editions, and that I think should be corrected. The sketches are already part of my visual memory and will be for others who study the book. It is also a book that I have been quoting, and you will also begin to do so, after you read it, learn from it, and experience it. And about experience, I refer to a quote of the book, “One plans not places, spaces, or things; one plans experiences.”

Pick up your copy of Landscape Architecture: A Manual of Environmental Planning and Design

Publisher: McGraw-Hill Professional; 5th Edition (February 6, 2013) Type: Hardcover Page length: 432 pages Article by Mónica Pallares-Trujillo Return to Homepage

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