burial at sea..

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    I’ve read DNA testing of the sort used to identify people (as opposed to identifying specific genetic issues) takes two hours, if you really want it done quickly.

    I used DNA testing on a fisheries management project, and if the state of Alaska can turn around 10,000 sockeye salmon samples in four days to let us know which rivers the pulse is swimming towards, I’m going to go out on a limb and say JSOC can arrange to have it done a bit faster.

    Rico Flor

    On the other hand, this opens the door for making all shores of the world as a rallying point…and…heaven forbid…all nations a next door target……it just takes one charismatic clarion call…


    In retrospect, it might be better to bury the whole issue under the sea rather than give it legs via a googlable network exposure….

    Trace One

    so you watched Steven Colbert last night, Thomas? hee..it’s a good joke..

    Erin Porter

    Yes, the ‘mansion’ looked a little bare in the landscape dept!  🙂

    Jason T. Radice

    As the late-great Sam Kinnison once said….


    “SAND! What grows in sand? NOTHING!!!!! NOTHING GROWS IN SAND!!!! MOVE TO WHERE THE FOOD IS!!!!”


    Yes, the caps-lock was indeed warranted in this quotation.

    Erin Porter

    Here in Florida it pretty much ALL grows in sand  🙂  haha

    Tanya Olson

    Back to the memorial of the ‘bad guy’…depends on your cultural perspective, doesn’t it?

    Columbus Day is now Native American Day (at least here it is) as that day marked the beginning of the extermination of indiginous people.

    The name of my town is a memorial to an individual exterminator of native people – lot of Lakota won’t even live in this town it bothers them so much, the fact that revenge was eventually enacted upon Custer notwithstanding.

    The Defenders of the Black Hills consider Mt Rushmore a memorial to the ‘bad guys’.

    The most sublimely powerful memorial I’ve even visited is the Indian Memorial at Little Big Horn Battlefied National Monument. Astoundingly, though it is a memorial to the Native Americans who died at that battle they opened a sacred direction toward the lost American soldiers…” centered perfectly within the Weeping Wall can be seen the 7th Cavalry Monument. This Spirit Gate welcomes the fallen soldiers to enter the Memorial and join the fallen warriors in friendship; “peace through unity.” Its symbolism is powerful in so many ways to say the least.”

    Can you imagine? This battle marked the beginning of a policy of absolute termination and yet the memorial is one of unity. Will our culture ever achieve such wisdom?

    Trace One

    wow, tanya! Is that how Little Big Horn is commemorated! amazing! thank you, very  interesting comments!

    Tanya Olson

    I highly recommend a visit to any and all landscape architects – a must-see ranked right up there with the Vietnam Memorial in my opinion.


    Jason, have you ever been to Las Vegas? Take a drive around North Las Vegas. Don’t forget Dubai too. All you need is money, water and you can grow anything anywhere! Obviously he had money to live in that estate and assistance from the Pakistan Govt.

    Jason T. Radice

    Sure, I’ve been to  Vegas, and out into the desert (in August, no less). Thats kind of the point of the joke, you have to force stuff to grow there well. And the post I was replying to was that the compound OBL was hiding in had horrid landscape. They invested money in the 15′ high wall with concertina wire rather than a lawn and palm trees. If you’ve seen the photos, I doubt you’d call this place a mansion or anything luxurios. Its a pile of CMU witha few window air conditioners strewn about.


    That is what I suggested in my earlier comment to hire a landscape architect/designer. A simple pool, turf, gazebo, patio chairs, flowering shrubs and palm trees could’ve soften up the place and maybe make the CIA pass on it as a terrorist compound. The place was screaming “Mister Terrorist” lives here.

    Depends on comparison. It was luxurious due to the surroundings.

    Maybe there’s a new job here: Become a landscape consultant for terrorist groups. If gun manufacturers can sleep at night, why not some LA designing compounds that are inviting rather than the keep out look. This should throw a curve on the CIA or FBI from zeroing on you.

    Trace One

    Hey Maui, they apparently had one live goat delivered every week..So don’t forget the abbatoir, or whatever Muslims need to slaughter a goat!

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