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- This topic has 1 reply, 20 voices, and was last updated 12 years, 3 months ago by
October 28, 2012 at 10:16 pm #156549
ParticipantIf our anemic national economy is slowly, slowly coming out of the doldrums, David Leonhardt of the NYT opines that whatever party ends up with their President in power, that party will take full credit for the upswing and do their absolute best to discredit the party that does not. A pretty evenhanded assessment IMHO.
October 31, 2012 at 2:15 pm #156548landplanner
ParticipantAre we on our own or in this together ?
From epic storm damage to an epically damaged economy, Jon Talton from the Seattle Times writes out loud that we all need each other in times of despair….
October 31, 2012 at 3:42 pm #156547Jordan Lockman
ParticipantOctober 31, 2012 at 3:59 pm #156546Trace One
Participantso beach replenishment, fire fighting, street repair, housing people during an emergency, keeping the water clean and safe- that should all be done by individual resources? I think what libertarians and repubs don’t get is that they live in a matrix of help, they just can’t see it, and won’t acknowledge it, for some reason. It’s the same old, “Keep your hands off my Medicare” thing. Or like Romney says, “don’t take out student loans, just borrow from your parents!”
October 31, 2012 at 4:35 pm #156545landplanner
ParticipantOctober 31, 2012 at 5:40 pm #156544Trace One
ParticipantYeah, you and I agree, Landplanner – I was replying to someone else, who seems to have removed his post…I love those NYT room for debate things – thanks for posting that one – they do take some patience, but can be very interesting..My new favorite news is Elliot Spitzer’s Viewpoint, he’s a bulldog. Also “Hardtalk’ on BBC can be really good – those brits know how to argue, although last night they had Grover Norquist, and he was NOT not sufficiently dragged over the coals, IMHO. His nasty viscious personality was on full display, however..
November 1, 2012 at 1:54 pm #156543landplanner
ParticipantThe unfettered free market solution to disaster relief.…. a grim but smile producing video comic from the always brilliant Mark Fiore courtesy of the SF Chronicle
November 2, 2012 at 12:22 pm #156542landplanner
ParticipantDid you know that nature also casts a ballot ?
Tim Egan from the NYT gives all of us something to ponder further……..
November 2, 2012 at 3:08 pm #156541Jordan Lockman
ParticipantSorry Trace once again you find yourself thinking that the republican stance is no government at all. I doubt that the majority of either party is at the extremes that everyone fears. Yes there is a place for public assistance in natural disasters, but the federal government can not and should not fix it all.
Yes republicans live in a matrix of help that is what being part of a community is. Most republicans do not trust the government to handle this for them. They would rather help those programs that actually help people. It is not that the goals are different, the republican goal is just to have people actually helped the most efficient way and the government is not that.
November 3, 2012 at 12:17 pm #156540Trace One
ParticipantRight, like I quoted, Jordan, “keep your hands off my medicare!” it just works too well for everyone! Your perspective is way too easy on Republicans, as you seem to be not listening to their words (The Ryan Budget, for example) but inventing something from whole cloth. It’s like calling Romney a businessman – the concept of businessman has nothing to do with Romneys leveraged buyouts, tax dodging, and inheritance that made him his fortune.
I am more worried now, as I think many are, that dirty tricks will rule this election, as Bush did in 2000, by sending his goons to act like ‘protestors’ in Florida, etc.
It would be interesting, however, if the Supreme Court opinion in Bush v. Gore, which the justices insist be treatd as a one-off, may actually serve to help Obama, by exposing the dirty tricks the repubs will try.
I think the electoral college is over, and am all for direct elections…
November 3, 2012 at 1:49 pm #156539Andrew Garulay, RLA
ParticipantWhat is not in question is what will happen if “this tag tem” is not elected.
If “this tag team” is elected, maybe some of you will be able to move back to the United States to work and a lot more of you won’t be asking about working in China or Dubai.
How blind can you be?
November 3, 2012 at 2:38 pm #156538landplanner
I have always both enjoyed and respected the expertise and viewpoints you have expressed here at Land8Lounge. That won’t change.
I don’t know if my own jaundiced and highly skeptical view of what Romney/Ryan offer in terms of job creation miracles is any less than what the current administration can conjure up and make happen.
Besides some form of magical thinking, feel-good mantra or the sprinkling of fairy dust, I have yet to come across how R2 Squared economic policies will have any marked influence on even getting close to their claim of 12 million (or thereabouts) new jobs. I could be wrong on this, but I did come across something that stated, if current and sustained rebounding of our national economy were to stay on track and not get derailed, that is the same amount of new job creation that would “naturally” result no matter what party is in office.
I do know, as it has been assessed and factually backed up, that the Stimulus Act did create somewhere between 2 and 3 million new jobs, albeit some only temporary, and also prevented even more layoffs in other job sectors, mostly public sector (e.g. public safety, teachers). Those same studies have concluded that the Stimulus Act, when it took effect and was in full swing, prevented the national unemployment rate from increasing anywhere from 1.5 to over 2.0 percent more. As much as you probably do not agree, but many card carrying Kenyesian economists do (Paul Krugman leading that pack), the Stimulus Act should have been far bigger because it would have done far much more. Even with a Democratic majority in place, the Obama administration had to cut-a-deal with what was clearly a strongly opposed Republican minority in both the House and Senate, and it did.
Since the mid-term elections, the new Republican majority has masterfully executed a clear obstructionist agenda to block, stymie and kill any new initiative on the present administration part. Their sole objective has not been to work in a bipartisan manner to find solutions for our common good, but to make absolutely sure this sitting president gets one term and no more.
The Obama administration has proposed a Jobs Bill, of which I know very little about. What I do know that the Repubs have effectively killed that either in committee or through some other devious parliamentary maneuver.
Does either party have a better jobs creation plan than the other at this point-in-time, I don’t think so. Clearly, there will be no Stimulus Act 2.0, a public works job creation initiative akin to the CCC and WPA of Depression times or anything even remotely resembling either of those two with what has all the appearance of continued partisan gridlock in Congress, no matter what party comes to power on Feb. 20th of next year.
If you know something about what R2Squared has inside their vest pocket or up the sleeve of their tuxedos, that will improve the job outlook for not only the design professions, but all professions and sub-professions, please enlighten me further. I have yet to run across it.
November 3, 2012 at 3:52 pm #156537Anonymous
InactiveMy vision is good enough to see the obstruction that has taken place. How about yours Andrew? When a guy with the influence of Mitch McConnell get’s in front of a national audience and more or less states that his goal is to make Obama a one term president, while our economy was in crisis says it all. Talk about being blind, Mitch and some folks in this country were so blinded by the thought of Obama’s nappy head being in the Whitehouse that they were willing fool themselves into doing more damage to this country.
I read an article the other day, I wish I could remember the author, but he basically says, it’s like the Republicans left the country in early in 2008 for four years and came back to find the Democrats had screwed everything up. That pretty much sums up the Republican perspective for me.
President Obama is far from being perfect, but at least he’s a man that stands for something. Romney is like a soulless salesman that will tell you anything that you want to hear just to close the deal. The Governor has transformed from being a moderate to Chief Tea Party Cheerleader to sounding like a California Liberal. I say shame on the Republican Party for not putting a better candidate up against Obama. As an Independent I feel cheated because I wasn’t given a choice in this election.
How does a person that loves their country vote for a guy like Romney? He’s the kind of asshole we used to teach our kids not to be like and now we want hold him up as an example of what they should strive to be – sad.
As a design professional I’ll take my chances with the Dems because all I’ve been hearing from the otherside lately is ‘no’.
November 3, 2012 at 6:54 pm #156536Roland Beinert
ParticipantWhat’s funny is that the economy is expected to add 11.8 million new jobs, regardless of who is president. So, Romney’s not setting a very high goal, is he? I guess whoever wins gets to take credit for the coming recovery.
To me that means we should be paying attention to other issues as well as the economy. I think Obama cares more about issues that matter to me like college loans and the environment. I could not care less about abortions, gay marriage and gun rights, and some of the things the tea party/republicans say scare the crap out of me.November 3, 2012 at 8:37 pm #156535Andrew Garulay, RLA
ParticipantWe all see what we ant to see, hear what we want to hear, and believe what we want to believe.
I just an’t understand why anyone can go through the worst economic situation of our life times with the only change being that it bottomed out three yreas ago, and somehow believe that the economy of the past was worse than that of the present or that more of the same will somehow yield different results.
So much has been emotionally invested in hope and fairness that we can’t recognize that it simply did not work. I wish it did, but it did not.
In the words of Frank Zappa ” It hasn’t, it isn’t, it won’t and it don’t and it even ain’t.”
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