Landscape architecture world map

Landscape Architecture for Landscape Architects Forums PLACES & SPACES Landscape architecture world map

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  • #174389
    Tim Waterman

    Does anyone know of an online interactive searchable worldwide map of landscape architecture (and the other architectures, perhaps)? If it doesn’t exist, would it be easy to start? Could this be part of Land8lounge? Could this be a project for me or for you?

    As we all know, there is no such thing as a vacation from landscape architecture. When was the last time anyone had a holiday that wasn’t in a landscape? Every time I go out of town or abroad, I like to look at projects in the built environment, and I am sure I’m not alone in this.

    I’d love to hear any ideas.


    Andrew Spiering

    Great idea! Just to be clear, are you wanting a map that shows all of the places around the world that a landscape architect would want to visit? Gardens, parks, plazas, campuses, etc…?

    Tim Waterman

    Yes, definitely. It may very well need to be an interactive, but moderated project that uses a platform such as Google Earth. I think that it could get out of hand, with every firm putting all their work up, whether it was of merit/worth visiting or not, so perhaps it could be limited to award-winning, published, or historic landscapes and built works?

    I am happy to help in any way I can, and I can write grants or ask for support, etc, etc, etc. There are many variables on such a project, though, that would need to be considered, and I think it would need the help of a whole community of users such as that of Land8lounge.

    Adam E. Anderson

    Andrew | Tim

    Mapping Landscapes and Architecture

    This is well underway. As a project started by friend and member Kris Lucius in the Boston region. I myself am currently working on a LA based map.

    But of course, this is a major undertaking, so any links provided would be of great benefit.

    Tim Waterman

    Thanks Adam,

    I knew there would already be a bandwagon to be jumped upon! Perhaps I can help bring London on board. Google streetview has most of it covered now. I will stick myself into research as soon as my teaching duties let up a bit over summer.


    Never seen anything similar but it would be a great idea to create it.
    A social network where people can insert new landscape architecture locations.. yes it would be fantastic


    As far as I know this is very good project for landscape architecture.great idea

    Bruno Sousa
    Bruno Sousa
    Andrew Spiering

    I just created a map for us to locate projects around the world. Check it out here –

    Andrew Spiering

    You can add sites, as well. You can find instructions, here –


    This is awesome. The Center for Landuse Interpretation ( also has a wonderful national map/landuse database where you can search by State for water, transportation, culture, etc. (i find it great when road tripping.) .
    If anyone needs and GIS mapping skills for this project, I would be happy to contribute.

    Kyle Barrett

    I have worked on a web site for my professor that highlights work of LA around the US…might be of interest. It has yet to post google maps of locations, but that will come soon!

    Ryan A. Waggoner

    Very cool Kyle. I like the organization of the site; makes it easy to navigate by category and location. The itineraries a good idea, too. That could be something very cool traveling landscape architects.

    Magnus Greni

    Hi! What a great question.. I’m curious myself..
    I’ve used google maps to make some of our latest projects in Oslo more visible.. It’s a start!

    Grindaker as – projects in Oslo, Norway

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