New features on land8lounge!!!

Landscape Architecture for Landscape Architects Forums ANNOUNCEMENTS New features on land8lounge!!!

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  • #177566
    Andrew Spiering

    NEW LOGO: a new logo has been designed including a new network icon, and default profile image for new members. We will be implementing the new logo into network badges and favicon, as well.

    About Us: The Library now contains the About Us section and Sponsors Page.

    Forum Improvements: In addition to cosmetic fixes, you will notice that there are “Featured” discussions in the Forum section, and a default view to show Categories only, Latest Discussions by Time or Latest Discussions by Category.

    Enhanced Viral Widget Distribution: Now we can easily spread our network’s badges, widgets, individual videos and photo album slideshows to MySpace, Facebook and 15 other popular destinations without the need to copy and paste HTML embed code.

    Drag and Drop Profile Page Layout Editing:Members are now able to freely rearrange their profile pages.

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