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- This topic has 1 reply, 19 voices, and was last updated 14 years, 1 month ago by
Andrew Garulay, RLA.
January 17, 2011 at 12:02 pm #165784
Pat S. Rosend
ParticipantIt sounds like you don’t even want the job. If that is the case, then ask for 50k and see what happens. At tleast you will know.
January 17, 2011 at 3:35 pm #165783Pat S. Rosend
January 17, 2011 at 4:34 pm #165782ykonwanderer
ParticipantYes, I know that I should deflect the question, and this should be obvious, because I just asked what is the best way to do that. Online all you get is a bunch of fake sounding canned car-salesman answers.
January 17, 2011 at 4:43 pm #165781ykonwanderer
ParticipantYes, you are correct Jennifer.
The reason I have not been looking to line up other jobs yet is because (1) I am admittedly a very bad procrastinator, (2) I have been feverishly working to bring my portfolio up to scratch, and (3) I did not think I would be contacting the firm so soon this semester, I did so because people on here were freaking me out. The original plan was to wait until I was closer to graduating.
I will likely take the offer, but the thought of working up there, alone and barely scraping by (if they low-ball me) is extremely depressing. On the other hand I know that if I can just think about the future and get through a year of it it’s probably going to be better later on.
I almost think I would rather be down here, working as a grunt landscaper in the dirt and the heat again than be in the other situation, at least I will be outside and getting exercise.
January 17, 2011 at 4:55 pm #165780ykonwanderer
ParticipantYeah Henry…um….you’re the one who seems to be whining.
“take the bloody job” …LOL
January 17, 2011 at 5:33 pm #165779nca
ParticipantI guess the reason you may be sensing frustration from the other members is that a lot of people in the United States and abroad are having a very difficult time finding any employment opportunites or new leads.
I went through a similar dilemma as I finished my final year of school in 2009. I was sure I would have my choice of firms to work for and so I became somewhat complascent about the economy and what I had been reading about others situations.
It was a bit of a rude awakening when I graduated to find that there really were a limited number of opportunites, regardless of skill set and experience. I wound up working for a small office, commuting an hour either way. It has worked out well in the long run and I think there will be many other opportunites as there already have, but it has taken a lot of hard work.
Alot of the comments above, as much as I may disagree with their style of delivery in some instances, are accurate. You do not seem to have much experience or an unusal skill set to garner you a position for unusually hgiher than average salary or outstanding opportunites. You seem very motivated and confident in your ability and that is important, but be careful, as others have alluded to, not to cut off your nose to spite your face. You’re just starting out, take this opportunity if it’s still available and run with it. See where it leads, and in 6 months think about where you want to be professionally and if this job is putting you on that path.
Hope that helps..
January 17, 2011 at 7:08 pm #165778ykonwanderer
ParticipantThanks Nick, but the funny thing is, no where in my posts have I said I am expecting an “unusually higher than average” salary – I simply said I hoped I could get a little bit higher than average if possible, and was looking for advice on how to do that.
Some people have been helpful, and others have questionable reading comprehension and are obviously just pissed off/jealous/bitter about the whole thing. Why don’t you guys come up here then and take jobs up here? If it seems sooo good to you then why don’t you come up here?
I guess if they read only my first post asking if 50k is too much then yeah it would seem a little high, but no where have I been under the impression that I would have my choice of firms, or have been demanding an outrageous amount, or saying that my skills are the best, or anything like that.
People are just reading what they want to read.
January 17, 2011 at 7:30 pm #165777ykonwanderer
ParticipantWrong again. I’m beginning to see why you are unemployed. Poor, poor reading comprehension, or a pig-headed refusal to accept what someone else has repeatedly said, an inability to recognize what the situation is, or all three at the same time.
Some points you repeatedly fail to understand:
1) I have never said my skills *demand* a higher salary
2) I am not putting my portfolio on here because it will identify me. I have never once asked for portfolio help in this thread so I don’t know why you even bring this up.
3) I said I was working to improve my portfolio, not that it needed a lot of work. How do you know I was not working on it to make it the best portfolio out there? Again, you make a pig-headed assumption.
4) yes, I am a procrastinator. As I’m sure a lot of people on here are as well. Moot point. This does not mean we don’t get our work done or that we’re not motivated. Finally, if motivation is all it takes to get a job then some of us wouldn’t be in this “unemployed” predicament now would we?
You are wasting your own time coming on here repeatedly to lecture to me in a condescending way as if you are my grandparent and as if I have never worked a day in my life. You are wasting your own time responding to this thread since it has absolutely no bearing on you or your situation. You are wasting my time because all you want to do is air your own personal grievances and spew your bitterness on here so that you don’t feel quite so bad about your own situation.
January 17, 2011 at 7:33 pm #165776ykonwanderer
ParticipantThis is a great idea! I have never heard of that site until now.
January 17, 2011 at 8:09 pm #165775ykonwanderer
ParticipantBut I’m not interviewing here. I have repeatedly said why I don’t want to show my work to you. Furthermore, I’m not on here looking for validation for my skills, or looking to prove to you that I know my stuff. I have been using GIS for 7 years, so what? I’m not competing with *you* so why do you care how good I am or not?
All I ever wanted was some advice on negotiating, and I had hoped people would just take what I said about my own skills at face value, and help me out.
Instead I get these diatribes about how dare I ask for more, or how dare I not even consider taking this job, or how dare I feel confident about my work.
Furthermore, I have a current job offer, which I will probably take, and on top of that I am trying to line up a 2nd one, so I don’t see how this is such a horrible situation to be in according to you.
January 17, 2011 at 8:10 pm #165774ykonwanderer
Participantgive it to me then. *roll eyes*
January 17, 2011 at 8:21 pm #165773DC
ParticipantIf I can jump in here for a minute I’m interested in hearing what figure you started out at and how you made it up to “well over 50k” with only 5.5 years of experience?
January 17, 2011 at 8:52 pm #165772ykonwanderer
ParticipantThat’s one person’s opinion, and her whole blog is pretty much full of doomsday scenarios. She is a bit of a peak oil “kook”…not terribly reputable and I’m surprised she is being given such a platform on this guys show. Ok, maybe I’m not surprised considering…
Anyway, this is a much better analysis of the US and Canadian housing market:
There are huge differences between the two countries. We are already experiencing a recession here, the bubble has burst, just not as badly because the bubble was never very big here.
January 17, 2011 at 8:55 pm #165771ykonwanderer
ParticipantHmm…interesting. Why should I send you examples of my work when you won’t offer the same give and take on here to others? Sending someone samples of work is infinitely more personal than giving some generic figures.
Does not compute.
January 17, 2011 at 9:16 pm #165770Andrew Garulay, RLA (whoever they are) has the average salay for an LA from U Guelph making c$41k-c$50.8k. That is average, not entry level average. Again, I don’t know who they are or where they get their info.
You have to realize that people assume that you believe that you have a higher degree of skills because you stated that the range that you had found was mid 30’s to low 50’s and you felt that you should get the low 50’s. Why else would they (myself included) think you expect that much?
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