
Hand Drawing Tutorial: Analytical Drawing – Urban Scenes

Hand Drawing Tutorial: Analytical Drawing – Urban Scenes

As I always like to say: drawing is a tool for analysis, observing and thinking. That’s why a drawing can be much more than merely a recording of a view. It represents our thoughts and ideas at the certain time associated with a certain object or place.

Field sketching and drawing is great for landscape architects, since it helps us remember a certain landscape or it’s part. But another layer of information can be added to the drawing. In the video bellow, I draw a view of a medieval urban scene. One can quickly understand the morphology of the place – a hill with a castle and a town that has developed around it. But in order to remember non visual information as well, I add names and functions of certain more important buildings in the view. There is also an element that is important for this urban landscape, but isn’t visible – the river. To highlight it, I draw an arrow that shows it’s location in the urban fabric.

RELATED STORY: Hand Drawing Tutorial: Analytical Section Drawing

I encourage you to make use of your sketches and add as much information as you can! This can be everything from the name of the place, description of the atmosphere or information about plants and soil, to your personal thoughts at the moment of drawing.

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Published in Blog


  1. Thanks for sharing =D

  2. Gladly!

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