Akin Adekile replied to the topic photoshop vs autodesk impressions in the forum TECHNOLOGY 10 years ago
Corel Painter, Sketch Book Pro and Gimp are programs that come to mind. The last one I mentioned is even free. Hope that helps
Akin Adekile replied to the topic Landscape Textures for Gaphic Rendering in the forum GRAPHICS 11 years ago
http://www.cgtextures.com has always helped me find textures I’m looking for. As far as implementing them in a photoshop rendering, I would suggest separating into layers and then changing that layer blend mode to something like overlay and multiply, and then lowering the opacity as you see fit. You would of course need base color layers beneath them for…[Read more]
Akin Adekile replied to the topic Recommendations for Photoshop Rendering File Sizes? in the forum TECHNOLOGY 11 years ago
Drop it down to 150 dpi….possibly less. The bigger the board the less dpi you can get away with it. As long as the long side of document is atleast 6000 pixels, your good to go. At 150 dpi your pixel size is 4500×6300 pixels. This should be fine. The more layers and layer blend modes your using, the heavier things get. So do try and keep that at…[Read more]
Akin Adekile replied to the topic Best Tablet for Landscape Architecture/Design Use in the forum TECHNOLOGY 11 years ago
I would imagine that the Surface Pro is the way to go. You can run a full-fledged Autocad and Photoshop on that thing. Pen is extremely pressure sensitive from what I’ve heard so it’s great for drawing and rendering. You should youtube the artwork artists I’ve made on it. I don’t own one myself, but I’m very interested in getting one. I’ve…[Read more]
Akin Adekile replied to the topic Need feedback on portfolio in the forum PORTFOLIO & RESUME 12 years ago
Thank you but please look at my latest version and let me know what you think.http://issuu.com/akinadekile/docs/issuu3
Akin Adekile replied to the topic Need feedback on portfolio in the forum PORTFOLIO & RESUME 12 years ago
Print as PDF tends to reduce the file size significantly. There are other ways.http://www.wikihow.com/Reduce-PDF-File-Size
Akin Adekile replied to the topic Need feedback on portfolio in the forum PORTFOLIO & RESUME 12 years ago
Thank you. I wish I could edit my oriiginal post, but I want people to look at my newly revised portfolio here: http://issuu.com/akinadekile/docs/issuu3
Akin Adekile replied to the topic Need feedback on portfolio in the forum PORTFOLIO & RESUME 12 years ago
Thanks for taking the time to write all your messages. I’ll definitely check out that book.
Akin Adekile replied to the topic Need feedback on portfolio in the forum PORTFOLIO & RESUME 12 years ago
Your looking at my old portfolio. Please look at the updated one. Thank you.http://issuu.com/akinadekile/docs/issuu3
Akin Adekile replied to the topic Need feedback on portfolio in the forum PORTFOLIO & RESUME 12 years ago
I cant seem to view your message. Did you say something?
Akin Adekile replied to the topic Need feedback on portfolio in the forum PORTFOLIO & RESUME 12 years ago
So a year later after I created this thread, I’ve decided to update the portfolio a little bit. I heard the economy is getting a bit better, so I’m thinking of sending this out again:http://issuu.com/akinadekile/docs/issuu3Things I did:
*Changed the cover and contact page to something more colorful. I thought it fit the content better. They’re…[Read more] -
Akin Adekile replied to the topic Are (or were) 3ds Max and Rhino a part of your LA curriculum? in the forum TECHNOLOGY 12 years ago
3ds Max can be intimidating at first, but once you get the fundamentals it’s not so bad. A neat trick is to do the linwork in autocad, export it to 3dsmax, and extrude from there. All your lines need to be a boundaries (inclosed polylines) though for it to work . I would suggest purchasing videos on digitaltutors.com and thegnomonworkshop.com. I…[Read more]
Akin Adekile replied to the topic Graphic Design in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 12 years ago
I use to use Sketch Up while I was in school. Personally hated it. You can create a basemap in autocad, and if all your spaces are solid polylines you can easily extrude them in 3ds Max using the extrude modifier. Saves a lot of time. I’ve been using this method ever since. You can also model in Autocad 3d and then import the model in 3ds Max for…[Read more]
Akin Adekile replied to the topic Need feedback on portfolio in the forum PORTFOLIO & RESUME 13 years ago
Landscape planner, autocad and photoshop were used for the 2d renderings.
Akin Adekile replied to the topic Need feedback on portfolio in the forum PORTFOLIO & RESUME 13 years ago
Thanks! I’m already getting some replies from firms. Not being totally ignored as much:)
Akin Adekile replied to the topic Need feedback on portfolio in the forum PORTFOLIO & RESUME 13 years ago
Thank you very much for your kind words.
Akin Adekile replied to the topic Need feedback on portfolio in the forum PORTFOLIO & RESUME 13 years ago
Thank you very much. I will need that luck.
Akin Adekile replied to the topic Need feedback on portfolio in the forum PORTFOLIO & RESUME 13 years ago
Thank you very much for the advice.
Akin Adekile replied to the topic Need feedback on portfolio in the forum PORTFOLIO & RESUME 13 years ago
Thank you very much.
Akin Adekile replied to the topic Need feedback on portfolio in the forum PORTFOLIO & RESUME 13 years ago
Thanks. The consistent fonts was a great suggestion.
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