Andrew Garulay, RLA replied to the topic Understanding levels on architect CAD drawing in the forum GRAPHICS 2 years, 8 months ago
I am in the US, but one would assume that EGL means existing ground level and PGL means proposed ground level. Hear in the US we use decimal feet for elevation on site plans. Sometimes they are carried to the tenth and sometimes to the hundredth even on the same plan. It certainly looks like the difference is 1/10 of whatever unit of measure they…[Read more]
Andrew Garulay, RLA replied to the topic Types of Entry-Level Roles? Place for ppl w/o BLA or MLA? in the forum PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE 2 years, 9 months ago
The difficulty is that it is a profession that at the support staff level could be compared to a trade like plumbing or electric work. There are several industry specific skill sets or knowledge criteria that anyone who has gone through an undergrad program in LA is going to have quite a bit of exposure to. That in itself puts any person who has…[Read more]
Andrew Garulay, RLA replied to the topic Freelance Work in the forum PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE 3 years, 11 months ago
Honesty is the best policy. If you are capable most people understand that it takes a bit of time to build up enough work to go full time into freelance design. They will know up front that you can only be reached at certain times and such.
I worked for 5 years “on the side” to get established while working full time in a civil engineering office…[Read more]
Andrew Garulay, RLA replied to the topic Do you seal/sign your projects at your firm? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 3 years, 11 months ago
I believe that when you stamp and sign a document you have something akin to a trademark. This can be important in the future because I don’t believe that anyone or firm could stop you from using that work as part of your portfolio. It may also carry more weight with a future employer to see plans stamped by you in that portfolio.
A solid body of…[Read more]
Andrew Garulay, RLA replied to the topic Relief when you face a creative block in the forum PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE 3 years, 11 months ago
Everyone has different ways to deal with it.
My father used to tell me that when you reach a creative block it is best to do something knowing that you’ll undo it later rather than to stagnate. I found that to be true back when we were building rock gardens … we’d add a plant or rock that did not really do what we wanted it to do, but soon…[Read more]
Andrew Garulay, RLA replied to the topic Non-RLA's using the title Landscape Architect in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 4 years ago
I agree with some of what you are saying, but the license and ability to use the professional title is a big incentive to jump through all those extra hoops. Those extra hoops take a lot of effort and commitment which builds knowledge. If you take that away by making it available to anyone, almost everyone would bypass gaining that extra…[Read more]
Andrew Garulay, RLA replied to the topic What don't you know (well enough)? in the forum PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE 4 years, 3 months ago
We were also taught that we are important and need to take control of everything landscape – the less you do the more diminished you are. This is something that took me forever to learn. It goes back to the most important thing that we need to do -Get Work. Every time we over reach we are affecting someone else’s livelihood. Some would call it…[Read more]
Andrew Garulay, RLA replied to the topic What don't you know (well enough)? in the forum PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE 4 years, 3 months ago
Leslie, those three areas that you mentioned you are weak in are exactly the types of things that were beaten into our heads by professors and cheerleaders of the profession.
I do a ton of pool plans (especially since the Great White Shark spike here on Cape Cod). I don’t touch the pool guts other than for accounting for the structure of an…[Read more]
Andrew Garulay, RLA replied to the topic What don't you know (well enough)? in the forum PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE 4 years, 3 months ago
One thing that I did not understand early on and for a long time after was that the concept of that all landscape architects need to know and be good at a certain template of skills and knowledge to succeed is not necessarily true due to the diversity of the profession. I think I wore cement shoes for quite a while trying to do what I was taught…[Read more]
Andrew Garulay, RLA replied to the topic Landscape Designer Prices in the forum PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE 4 years, 3 months ago
If you are just starting out you might want to start with flat rate fees. That makes it much easier for a prospect to feel comfortable about the overall cost. You’ll need to write a contract with the scope of work described so it is clear what you are and what you are not doing for the fee. You should state how many revisions you’ll do…[Read more]
Andrew Garulay, RLA replied to the topic Landscape Designer Prices in the forum PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE 4 years, 3 months ago
I’m all for 50% retainer, but I know there are some states that limit how much you can take up front. I’m almost certain that California is one that limits it to 10% or $1,000 which ever is more. I might be confusing this with Oregon, but I don’t think so.
Andrew Garulay, RLA replied to the topic Landscape Designer Prices in the forum PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE 4 years, 3 months ago
Check your state laws on how much you can legally ask for up front. I think California limits that to 10%.
The simple yet complex answer as to what landscape designers charge is this – whatever someone is willing to pay. We are not selling something that comes in a box that is the same thing in the box that the next landscape designer is selling,…[Read more]
David Cristiani and
Andrew Garulay, RLA are now friends 4 years, 5 months ago
Andrew Garulay, RLA replied to the topic Are disasters considered opportunities? in the forum PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE 4 years, 5 months ago
Now you can develop your side work without a conflict of interest. You also don’t have to rely on it for your sole source of income. I used that to allow myself to pick and choose side work to develop a portfolio of built work and develop methods and strategies that worked for me.
It helps that you do not necessarily have to charge top…[Read more]
Andrew Garulay, RLA replied to the topic Are disasters considered opportunities? in the forum PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE 4 years, 5 months ago
I’m glad to share.
The secret to walking on water is knowing where the rocks are.
Andrew Garulay, RLA replied to the topic Are disasters considered opportunities? in the forum PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE 4 years, 6 months ago
My mentality is to harness energy that already exists rather than trying to force something. If you pay a lot of attention and observe where the energy is or more importantly where it starts to grow.
An analogy is to put your mill wheel where the river is flowing. Recently, all the good mill sites were filled so there was no place to put your…[Read more]
Andrew Garulay, RLA replied to the topic Are disasters considered opportunities? in the forum PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE 4 years, 6 months ago
I can only speak from my own little area and my own niche. Two “disasters” have benefitted the niche that I work in.
First is the boom in seal population on Cape Cod which has made a steady and fast growth in Great White Shark sightings and a few incidences in the last 8 years or so – this has raised a high demand for swimming pools. I am quite…[Read more]
Andrew Garulay, RLA replied to the topic Design Software in the forum TECHNOLOGY 4 years, 7 months ago
And, I totally understand that “autoCAD” is where the LA profession has been for many years. But, I’ve seen way too many “autoCAD” drawings where maybe only (1 or 2) line weights were used…very difficult to read & understand those drawings. A variety of “line weights” makes a huge different, whether it’s “autoCAD” or “Hand Drawn”. What’s…
Andrew Garulay, RLA replied to the topic Design Software in the forum TECHNOLOGY 4 years, 8 months ago
“Whether drawings are created using “autoCAD” or “Drawn by Hand”……both the Design and the quality of the drawings need to be “outstanding”! Creativity, Strong Graphics, Good Line Weights, etc…High Quality Design & Graphics, regardless of the method/s you use should be a high priority, IMO.”
I’m not sure why it is. Maybe it is the computer age.…[Read more]
Andrew Garulay, RLA replied to the topic Survey Liability Release in the forum PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE 4 years, 8 months ago
I have never had to sign anything, but it is pretty standard practice that a dwg is sent with an email stating that the dwg shall only be used exclusively to do the landscape plan or whatever the request is for. It protects them from you passing it along to another surveyor to stake the job. More importantly is that they are making it clear that…[Read more]
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