Andy Patton

  • I graduated a couple years ago, so I think that’s smart.  Thanks a lot for the help. 

  • Are there any huge benefits to being a part of ASLA other than Job Postings?  Never really had the extra cash to join but if its a smart thing to be a part of then its probably a good idea.

  • It looks like as an ASLA member, which I am not, allows you to post a resume for “free for a limited” time.  A non member can post a resume for $100 for 2 months.  If it will help me at least get in front of people to talk about even just a possibility of work than I think I can take the hit.  I’m mostly curious if there is anyone out there pe…[Read more]

  • I think they can be a really great asset especially because it doesn’t cost anything but time.  I am currently in the process of creating one with a dual purpose of being a portfolio and client grabber for freelance work.    
    I haven’t had any images stolen either from other sites I have had as far as I know.

  • Oh okay, that seems to make more sense for the amount of work I am bringing in right now.  I will need to look into the various ways I will be taxed.  Thank you very much for the help, it definitely takes some stress off of wading through this stuff alone.

  • Thanks for the welcome Nick,
    I have tried to talk a couple firms into hiring me as a part time employee which would be ideal, however they just aren’t bringing in enough work.  So I become their overflow work safety net.  Which is fine, just not very consistent.  According to your numbers I should also probably raise my fee a little, ha.  
     …[Read more]

  • I’m just about finished paying off for the BSLA, and yes I will need to borrow more for an MLA.

  • That’s a good point.  I had dabbled in the thought of studying some sort of ecologic work or plant systems, but didn’t really put much stock in it.  I’ll have to do some more research on programs and see if there’s a masters that could be more beneficial.

  • Thanks for the help! Yeah that’s what I was kind of worried about.  The debt would a great deal to try and climb out of.  I was just thinking that maybe having an MLA on top of my resume, would possibly make me more marketable and potentially desirable as an employee. I was hoping the increased study of theory coupled with the work ethic to f…[Read more]

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