
  • Hi all,
    I am an irrigation designer from India. Please keep me in mind if you require a designer to outsource your projects. my mail id is


  • Renzo Amato posted an update in the group Group logo of BUSINESS HELPSBUSINESS HELPS 12 years, 6 months ago

    Hy! Merry Christmas and happy new year!

  • I have been using more Baccharis pilularis ‘Pigeon Point’ up here in the East Bay of S.F. It seems to be an easy evergreen plant. So far, so good.

    Has anyone had any problems with it after it has established?

    Also what is your favorite Ceanothus and why?

  • Need more reasons to attend the event?
    Now you have the perfect one!

    EFLA Registration

  • MJ Martin posted an update in the group Group logo of California Native PlantsCalifornia Native Plants 13 years ago

    Hi all.  I’m working on a planting plan for a steep slope in an area that has plenty of DG (East San Diego) and need to add a burgundy color to the palette.  All of the other plants are xeric.  I’m hoping to find something that someone doesn’t need to prune (due to the steepness) but that will add color even if it’s deciduous. I’m using Ma…[Read more]

  • Yucel Coban posted an update in the group Group logo of Irrigation DesignIrrigation Design 13 years, 3 months ago

    Hi All!
    I’d like to offer you an irrigation tube, which is to be digged under the plant/grass into soil (20 cm). Tube will ‘sweaten’ the water through porous surface and feed water to root system. Absolutely easy and water saving!!
    Please feel free to contact me for support!

  • Doug Prouty posted an update in the group Group logo of Irrigation DesignIrrigation Design 13 years, 4 months ago

    Has anyone designed a commercial or residential irriation system with HTPE pipe?

  • Hi all,
    I am currently working on a landscape design for a parking lot in an arid area. Which is the best irrigation sytem to use, taking note that the island is 2metres wide?Where can i get more information on irrigation design?

  • Glenn, and all
    True that clients like to see green plants in the summer. Which is why some designers advocate a mix of native (80%) and non-native (20%) plants. The non-natives – which may require some summer water – stay green while the natives go summer brown.

  • Since many of our native plants go dormant in the summer as a survival technique to dry summers, I’m saying “advantageous for the summer-dry months” as it relates to the clients who prefer to see green plants and leaves still hanging onto their Buckeyes. Alternatively, Juncus, Western Sword Fern, and Iris, for instance, often receive summer water…[Read more]

  • Glenn Do you really need to irrigate these plants that you mention in summer? They are native to N California, and so in a “natural” context do not get any summer water. Why would you need to irrigate them in a cultured situation?

  • Not a lot of pure Landscape Architecture jobs out there right now. You need to get networking. I’ve had some contract work from asking around through people I’ve been involved with over the years. Keep busy, the NZILA always needs help with events like conferences, spring lecture series and the like. Volunteering still keeps your hand in the game.

  • Ashley- In urban settings, supplemental irrigation is advantageous for the summer-dry months. Specifically, I’ve used inline subsurface drip. Quality growing medium like compost is important too, along with mycorrhizal fungi applications to help plants thrive through root establishment. Some native plant material I have used are: Juncus…[Read more]

  • does anyone know how rain gardens thrive in the Bay Area? I am wondering because right now, its the rainy season, so everything is getting a lot of water – but when it is summer and dry, how do the plants in the rain garden get their water? What plants do you suggest putting in the rain garden?

  • Hello all
    For those of you in the San Fran Bay Area registration for the tour of East Bay native plant gardens just opened. Went last year, will go again this year.

  • Semiarundaria fastuosum is a good screen variety. Dense and upright.

  • Hi All,
    A little Bio. for your consumption. I started irrigation design in 2001 in Arizona. Worked with a L. A. in Arizona, who exclusively went after IRRIG. projects. He did very well, However I wanted to grow to other areas and moved on. Jump to the present, In the last office I worked in (March 2009), My billable hours for Irrigation Design was…[Read more]

  • Just a thought from Soil Science perspective on reducing the water requirements for any plant. Use lots of organic material and or peat moss around the plant,(not too much) and surround other areas with sand. Make sure the drip is going on the water holding material. Sand has the lowest affinity for water while clay has the highest and organic…[Read more]

  • Two years after clearing the invasives in my part of the creekbed in my backyard – you know, plants like Arundo and Tamarisk (how did that get there?) and Washingtonia palms (we all know how that got there) – the birds were kind enough to plant 3 Quercus agrifolia and a Toyon that is now about 12′ high. None of these are requiring additional water…[Read more]

  • Christmas berry!? They can make a landscape designer a hero!

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