
  • R Fox,

    I live in Northern California…We are pretty dry…has not rained since this past Memorial Day and has not really rained since this past February.
    It might rain tomorrow and this weekend…fingers crossed. I would be glad to answer any other questions about Northern Cal.


  • JJ posted an update in the group Group logo of DESIGNDESIGN 16 years ago

    The greatest designer is normal people—the best cities in the world were not designed.

  • Zoning is way to control activities, which is important for a city. But as we all know cities are dynamic, some people even suggest that the city is a living organisim. froming this point of view, “zoing” should work in different ways comparing with exisiting and conventional “zoning” practices.
    I think “zoning” is also a tool for the authority to…[Read more]

  • Carlos Principe posted an update in the group Group logo of Arquitectos BoricuaArquitectos Boricua 16 years ago


    El Yunque was my favorite place. I wanted to visit the forest at night but I ran out of time. Nearby, El Conquistador Hotel had an amazing view to the Atlantic ocean. (I cannot describe it in words). I also stopped by the florescent bay in Boqueron. I have never seen microorganisms glow at night!

    There was an interesting landscape…[Read more]

  • Well, that wasn’t he part of the quote that I was trying to emphasize, I’m not going to stand here and say that the government has cornered the market on corruption, the argument really isn’t about morality, its about social functions.

    You are entitled to your assessment of Jane Jacob’s work but her contribution to urban design theory is…[Read more]

  • At your request Jonathon I am going to attach one of my recent plan view renderings for your evaluation of its strengths and weaknesses….I would like comments from whomever has some input….good or bad…..It will be in the above discussions…

  • Jonathan Campbell posted an update in the group Group logo of GraphicsGraphics 16 years ago

    Lets get this party started! Show us some examples….

  • Ankia Bormans posted an update in the group Group logo of GraphicsGraphics 16 years ago

    Response to comment by Brent Farrar, I have used turpentine and pastels on normal paper. you get a similar effect of watercolour, but the paper does not wrinkle, this was my solution to getting the watercolour feel without all the hassle.

  • Richard Mariani posted an update in the group Group logo of GraphicsGraphics 16 years ago

    Hey Brandon….thanks for the invite. I use Vectorworks to create landscape designs… you know where can I find more information on realistic coloring techniques to use on my Vectorworks drawings so it looks like I used real colored pencils. Are there any other ways to make the drawings look high end? Peace!

  • Winston White posted an update in the group Group logo of GraphicsGraphics 16 years ago

    Hi everyone, i’m the new kid on the block from SA.

  • Leo Gonzales posted an update in the group Group logo of GraphicsGraphics 16 years ago

    Wow, 97 members-strong!

  • Good points, I suppose another important distinction to draw as we continue the conversation is that a planner’s role will vary greatly depending on if he or she is employed by a municipality or by a private sector consulting firm.

    I suppose what I meant in my earlier post is that I have been impressed by the work of the private sector planners…[Read more]

  • nrschimid,

    I know a few LA/Planners. AICP is a cool credential to have behind your name, a good friend of mine (who is a planner) says it stands for “Any Idiot Can Plan”.

    Planning is an interesting subject. There are many professions that recognize the importance of good planning in our built environment but we take many different avenues to…[Read more]

  • Thomas W. Schaller posted an update in the group Group logo of GraphicsGraphics 16 years ago

    hi brent – sketches i will do directly onto watercolor paper. but more complex drawings can be done on vellum or trace, scanned and then printed onto even very heavy wc paper using the (awesome!)epson 3800 printer – amazing – looks just like an original pencil drawing…

  • Brent Farrar posted an update in the group Group logo of GraphicsGraphics 16 years ago

    if you are doing watercolors by hand, what is the best way to get the architectural image onto a watercolor type paper?

  • Rico Flor posted an update in the group Group logo of GraphicsGraphics 16 years ago

    Some answers to a some questions two pages back: I count L. Azeo Torre and William Kirby Lockard….hehe, and Reimon buyco….as inspirations. My weapon of choice for the draw? A Pilot Rollerball for fine lines, any felt tip pen (Pilot or Pentel) for medium weight lines, and any thick marker (Sharpie, inevitably)…all black. On tracing, or plain…[Read more]

  • Gabriel Hydrick posted an update in the group Group logo of Arquitectos BoricuaArquitectos Boricua 16 years ago

    How was your trip to PR? Would like to hear some observations and experiences as well as as see some photos if you have some to share.

  • Maybe I shouldn’t greatest designer cause it is very subjective….How about who is your favorite designer……I would have to Jeffery Gordon Smith is a pretty great designer….He is a member of our group…You should check out his work…..

  • Very nice! I thought I was the greatest designer on the planet…..hehehehehe…j/k….

    I will say…..Burle Marx maybe…..

  • Who is the greatest designer of all time besides the obvious answer of Olmsted….?

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