Dave McCorquodale replied to the topic HOUSTON, TEXAS – Flooding & Drainage Design – August 28, 2017 in the forum STORY BOARD 7 years, 6 months ago
Sorry for acting like a jerk. I appreciate you taking the time to share your perspective. I don’t agree with some of the conclusions, but you’re not beating us over the head for raising the issue.
I didn’t flood–I live 60 miles or so north of downtown. But many clients (who live around the I-10 & BW8 area, did. They flooded within 4-5 year…[Read more] -
Dave McCorquodale replied to the topic HOUSTON, TEXAS – Flooding & Drainage Design – August 28, 2017 in the forum STORY BOARD 7 years, 6 months ago
Thanks for the all caps, really helps convey that this thread makes you mad. Here’s a thought– don’t read the thread, or move on and ignore it if it bothers you. But you being out of your apartment really doesn’t matter to the discussion at hand. Again, if it’s a little too close to home for you right now, don’t have the discussion.
But sug…[
Dave McCorquodale replied to the topic HOUSTON, TEXAS – Flooding & Drainage Design – August 28, 2017 in the forum STORY BOARD 7 years, 6 months ago
…and then there’s this little gem:
Our collective attention span, coupled with our acceptance of mediocre politicians, is to blame for a significant amount of the flooding in Houston.
Sadly, we still seem to prefer politics over…[
Dave McCorquodale replied to the topic ASLA dues in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 7 years, 10 months ago
I’m not a member of ASLA or CLARB. While it certainly seems like a legit business expense, I’d ask your accountant to be sure. If you’re an employee of a firm, they may also know the answer to that.
Dave McCorquodale replied to the topic Getting an education abroad? in the forum EDUCATION 7 years, 11 months ago
I think the consensus around here is that your ability to bring income into the firm and/or increase firm profitability would have a greater positive impact on your earnings than a license. Do longer MLA grad programs contain a study abroad time if you’re just looking to spend time abroad? Or could you even dovetail into an undergrad study…[Read more]
Dave McCorquodale replied to the topic Getting an education abroad? in the forum EDUCATION 7 years, 11 months ago
Paige– I’ve got a friend who studied for a mini semester at an urban design school in the Netherlands. Not exactly like what you’re looking at here, but maybe relevant. I think he’d say that the international exposure heightened his design ability and gave him a new perspective on finding solutions. My sense is that while licensure may not be…[Read more]
Dave McCorquodale replied to the topic Trump as President? Meaning for Landscape Architects? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 8 years, 1 month ago
Many of the guys I went to high school with in a small East Texas town close to the coast went on to become welders, pipefitters, machinists, millwrights, etc. They work on projects that are only going to last a certain period of time, primarily in refineries near the gulf. Once those projects are done, they take a few weeks off (as long as t…[Read more]
Dave McCorquodale replied to the topic Trump as President? Meaning for Landscape Architects? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 8 years, 1 month ago
I’m reminded of that saying that goes something like: You can’t reason someone out of a position that they weren’t reasoned into.
I’m fine with policy disagreements, but the whole “Obama’s a Muslim” thing is thinly-veiled racism. Period. The ACA? Turned out to be a disaster for almost everyone. Foreign policy? A hot mess. Ability to work…[Read more] -
Dave McCorquodale replied to the topic Trump as President? Meaning for Landscape Architects? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 8 years, 1 month ago
….and that’s how civil dialogue works! Well said, Andrew. Thank you!
Dave McCorquodale replied to the topic Trump as President? Meaning for Landscape Architects? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 8 years, 1 month ago
Craig, takes conviction to say what you did. I’ll stand with you. My experience is that the “new & improved” right has run most of us who were interested in constructive dialogue off.
Robert– I appreciate your point of view, but man, your delivery is antagonistic, laced with conspiracy theories, and hateful. We agree on many aspects of getting…[Read more] -
Dave McCorquodale replied to the topic Trump as President? Meaning for Landscape Architects? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 8 years, 2 months ago
That’s awesome. You win the forum today!
Dave McCorquodale replied to the topic LA's searching for a JOB….a few suggestions. in the forum STORY BOARD 8 years, 2 months ago
Andrew, I think your point about profitability to the firm is perhaps the most important factor in an employer/employee relationship. Many don’t seem to grasp it, and who can blame them, I don’t think it’s emphasized enough in school or the workplace.
I’m self-employed and closely aligned with one custom pool builder. I do almost all of my…[Read more] -
Dave McCorquodale replied to the topic Trump as President? Meaning for Landscape Architects? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 8 years, 3 months ago
We live & die by oil down here in Texas. Simple as that. To be fair, there are other industries that shore things up, but when the oil guys are down & out, everyone feels it. I’m in favor of meaningful regulations, but want fewer of the ones that aren’t accomplishing anything. And $3.00/gal gas (currently $2.00/gal around here). $3.00 seems to be…[Read more]
Dave McCorquodale replied to the topic Free College Education for All US Students??? in the forum STORY BOARD 8 years, 5 months ago
Well, the forum has been rather quiet lately, perhaps this thread will generate a bit of discussion. I admit I’ve not ran any costs or looked into the subject with any scrutiny, but here’s a few general observations:
1. I imagine there were discussions such as this when the idea of “free” K-12 was being discussed. I don’t know how s…[Read more] -
Dave McCorquodale replied to the topic LA's searching for a JOB….a few suggestions. in the forum STORY BOARD 8 years, 6 months ago
Great advice, Bob!
Dave McCorquodale replied to the topic stamping drawings in the forum STORY BOARD 8 years, 7 months ago
There are a couple neigborhoods around here that require an LA seal on residential landscape plans. An installer I’ve worked with for about 10 years asks me to review and seal his planting plans occasionally. I’ll meet him on site, review the plan in the context of conditions on the ground, typically recommend a few adjustments, and seal the d…[Read more]
Dave McCorquodale replied to the topic Pattern Books for Rezoning in the forum GRAPHICS 8 years, 8 months ago
With only a cursory look, “pattern books” appear to refer to a proprietary process from a specific firm that results in what looks a lot like a master planned community to me. The specific methods and process they use is exclusive to their firm and results in what they call a “pattern book”. Other firms, including the Lessard Design firm l…[Read more]
Dave McCorquodale replied to the topic Augmented Reality in the forum PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE 8 years, 8 months ago
Ah, I see now. While familiar with the concept, it is not something I utilize. My initial thought is how to successfully build the cost of a platform like that into a design fee (both hardware and software). I suspect a large firm might be able to manage it working on large projects, but it may be tough for small firms and those of us who ar…[Read more]
Dave McCorquodale replied to the topic This is why cities can’t grow all their own food in the forum SUSTAINABILITY & DESIGN 8 years, 10 months ago
Interesting perspective. Starting small with a few fruits or veggies is good for urban dwellers in my opinion, but this scenario highlights the need for a thriving agricultural sector. I’m encouraged to see the spread of smaller “family farms” that work directly for the consumer (CSA’s, milk shares, etc).
My wife and I have been gradually tu…[
Dave McCorquodale replied to the topic Humanitarianism in Landscape Architecture dissertation in the forum RESEARCH 9 years, 5 months ago
Felix, I don’t have direct knowledge of the work that was done, but a good friend of mine worked in Haiti following the earthquake several years ago. Look up Phronesis Design as a possible source of info. Tim Duggan, the principal, also works extensively with Make it Right in New Orleans. I don’t know how much this work will fit into your ex…[Read more]
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