James Melnick replied to the topic Thoughts & Feedback on my Portfolio in the forum PORTFOLIO & RESUME 12 years ago
Thanks! Very impressive portfolio by the way, lots of great graphics and interesting looking projects.
James Melnick replied to the topic Thoughts & Feedback on my Portfolio in the forum PORTFOLIO & RESUME 12 years ago
Thanks Marie, good feedback and you address some issues that deep down I knew I should have addressed a while ago! And good points about the proper title. Maybe its just me getting so used to telling people what I got my degree in, or just my innate desire to be a fully licensed landscape architect.
Regarding levels of analysis, do emp…[Read more]
James Melnick replied to the topic Thoughts & Feedback on my Portfolio in the forum PORTFOLIO & RESUME 12 years ago
Mr. Wainner,
Thanks for the response and feedback, both are appreciated. I agree with you on all those points and will work on making those changes, specifically finding some drawings I am proud of! Maybe I phrased it wrong about employers looking at portfolios, I was just commenting on the sheer number of portfolios they must have to look at t…[Read more]
James Melnick replied to the topic Switching to Mac (Is it worth it?) in the forum TECHNOLOGY 13 years ago
As a grad student with a mac running bootcamp for the same programs as you, I highly recommend sticking with Mac. Everyone in my class has had limited problems and there are multiple work arounds to share files if a problem does arise. The only issue is what your budget is, as a comprable pc laptop will cost you much less but in my opinion ha…[Read more]
James Melnick replied to the topic What is the best modeling/rendering software for landscape design? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 years ago
I’ve been messing around with various render programs and there seems to be quite a bit that all vary in price and quality of the output. I’ve kind of had to learn it on the fly as I finish my MLA but so far i’ve been using SU Podium and am pretty happy with the results. The learning curve isn’t too bad and there are a ton of tutorials and g…[Read more]