Jarrod D. Lee's profile was updated 4 years ago
Jarrod D. Lee replied to the topic What To Call Yourself or I Like Poking Sleeping Bears with Sticks in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 years, 9 months ago
Landscape Architect: One who performs or holds himself out as capable of performing any of the services or creative works within the definition of landscape architecture.
Once again, this in no way is meant to infer that I have the professional qualifications, nor is it a discussion of professional vs. non-professional. This thread was star…[Read more] -
Jarrod D. Lee replied to the topic What To Call Yourself or I Like Poking Sleeping Bears with Sticks in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 years, 9 months ago
That is an interesting angle Andrew. Although, civil site planning is in the pervue of the field of landscape architecture. So, you are still performing as a landscape architect, even if it is at an engineering firm. I was a site planner at an environmental engineering firm. I did not call myself an environmental engineer.
Jarrod D. Lee replied to the topic What To Call Yourself or I Like Poking Sleeping Bears with Sticks in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 years, 9 months ago
I should have said I will call, refer…hmmm…inflection is IMPOSSIBLE on the internet! Trying to say something to the effect of “in common, daily conversation.”
If my aunt asks me if I am still a landscape architect, I will say yes. If I told her I was a landscape designer now she would wonder why I changed careers at 40 after working so h…[Read more] -
Jarrod D. Lee replied to the topic What To Call Yourself or I Like Poking Sleeping Bears with Sticks in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 years, 9 months ago
Section D…study up on erosion prevention, sediement control and BMPs
Jarrod D. Lee replied to the topic What To Call Yourself or I Like Poking Sleeping Bears with Sticks in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 years, 9 months ago
I would like to thank Ryan McAlister for understanding the point of this post.
I must admit that I didn’t really think very much about it until I posted my resume. The firm that I used to work for often walked a very fine line between ethical/unethical, and I was often referred to as an LA in all sorts of documents. I pointed out that I was n…[Read more] -
Jarrod D. Lee replied to the topic What To Call Yourself or I Like Poking Sleeping Bears with Sticks in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 years, 9 months ago
“I think we can look at this discussion more narrowly as Jarrod has stated he would give himself the title of Landscape Architect in his job hunt.”
Not really sure where I stated that I ‘would’ use the title. I did address how I could answer a question from an RLA if asked why I used the title. -
Jarrod D. Lee replied to the topic My Resume…Your Thoughts and Musings in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 years, 9 months ago
I find it very interesting that one would assume that I have the answers. And furthermore, what in the WORLD does that have to do with my resume?
Jarrod D. Lee replied to the topic My Resume…Your Thoughts and Musings in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 years, 9 months ago
Format, not content.
Jarrod D. Lee replied to the topic My Resume…Your Thoughts and Musings in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 years, 9 months ago
Swollen head referred to some that I have worked with before. Some firms like robots, others like those that can think for themselves. That’s quite alright if an opinion is formed about my manner of thought through my postings. It provides the potential for those looking for robots to look elsewhere.
A resume is about what makes one qual…[
Jarrod D. Lee replied to the topic My Resume…Your Thoughts and Musings in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 years, 9 months ago
OK…posted a revised resume FORMAT. I removed Landscape Architect so that we can stay on task.
Jarrod D. Lee replied to the topic My Resume…Your Thoughts and Musings in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 years, 9 months ago
Please drop the “bud” crap, unless you are using the term metaphorically, like, “one who will soon produce the fruits of his education and training and provide the nourishment for continued growth of Landscape Architecture.”
SUCCINCTLY I will answer the question like this…By definition of TERMS I am a Landscape Architect. By definition of…[Read more] -
Jarrod D. Lee replied to the topic What To Call Yourself or I Like Poking Sleeping Bears with Sticks in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 years, 9 months ago
I think many are taking this discussion a bit to seriously. As I stated before, I agree with Practice Laws. I am merely trying to pointing out that the language needs to be more clearly defined. I want to give one more example…Those of you who were in high school in the 80’s will probably remember this…If you get a girl pregnant you are a…[Read more]
Jarrod D. Lee replied to the topic My Resume…Your Thoughts and Musings in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 years, 9 months ago
Thanks for the reminder about address and phone number. I’m just so used to making sure that it is always there.
Earthbound Visual Object Prophet is just a play on Landscape Architect. Too many people getting fussy. I’m pretty sure that I won’t leave it on my resume. I just refuse to call myself a Landscape Designer. I have nothing agai…[Read more] -
Jarrod D. Lee replied to the topic My Resume…Your Thoughts and Musings in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 years, 9 months ago
I agree with the employers’ market point, but I’m just not going take anybody’s swollen head crap anymore. I’m old enough to not keep my mouth shut.
I’ve posted a reworked format, still in draft, but I am liking it much more.
I do the same with postings that I find. I’ve got somewhere in the 60 to 70 range of folders like this. -
Jarrod D. Lee replied to the topic What To Call Yourself or I Like Poking Sleeping Bears with Sticks in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 years, 9 months ago
Yes, I am a designer, an artist, an engineer, a golf course architect, a spec writer, an ecologist, yada yada yada. I understand that the debate is not going to be solved here. The document that Jennifer posted from California is quite clear. That should be a national standard. Although, I disagree with the Golf Course Architect port…[Read more]
Jarrod D. Lee replied to the topic My Resume…Your Thoughts and Musings in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 years, 9 months ago
Thanks for the input everyone. The resume that I posted today was about Version 30 that I have written since September of last year and I hadn’t written one, other than for an SF330 since 2003. This one hasn’t gone to any potential employers. I think there is more desperation in this resume than all the others that I have written so far. I’ve…[Read more]
Jarrod D. Lee replied to the topic My Resume…Your Thoughts and Musings in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 years, 9 months ago
So, basically were talking about a resume that has Education, Employment History and Achievements? I do like the idea of a watermark or background. I did that on my last resume back in 2004, but that was a much different worl of work back then.
So how would one address a job posting that states where you must have specific and essential ex…[Read more] -
Jarrod D. Lee replied to the topic Is advertising for LA's still considered unethical? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 years, 9 months ago
Alan, I live in Nashville as well. If you listen WPLN, Nashville Public Radio, Street, Dixon, Rick runs an ad, i.e. sponsorship, quite often. I think the idea of not advertising is a hold-over from the days when social morays held sway over daily life. It was distasteful to advertise your services as a doctor, banker or lawyer because it was se…[Read more]
Jarrod D. Lee replied to the topic My Resume…Your Thoughts and Musings in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 years, 9 months ago
What I think I am trying to achieve is a resume that represents my work/employment, but projects, or reflects, that representation from/through my personality. I know I just want to work, but the last 2 firms that I worked for did not see the design world through the same eye, which is understandable, but they were also not willing to look at it…[Read more]
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