Jayaprakash Reddy

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  • #157411
    Jayaprakash Reddy

    Craig. I understand your perspective. We all have our models of business and the good thing is, people, including my own employees who I recognise as associates, do have choices and are free to elect their best option. JP

    Jayaprakash Reddy

    Hi Craig. Preceding the leaf suggestion you will find the reward recommendation which could be hard cash, a membership in a club or a brief occupation-related overseas junket that aspirants could select from the reward basket. But the leaf should still be there in the office hitting everybody in the face as a constant reminder of Pavlov doctrine of reward and punishment .

    While on the subject, the leaf thing, or several variants of it, are working very well over the years in the very United States. Dont we see them around in Fresh Values, in nearly all fast food brand joints, and airlines too? In a manner of speaking, I have seen the concept working wonders in the establishment and maintenance of a grand Hindu temple in Chicago. Having said that let me add that what will ensure anticipated results is the thing called a Good Boss.  How quality and result-sensitive he or she is will go quite a way in accomplishing stated goals. JP

    Jayaprakash Reddy

    Hi. I am sure you know pretty well that landscaping, regardless of style or size, succeeds if it is designed and delivered not just with passion but also cared for thereon. Instead of expecting the TEAM LEADER ONLY  to OWN UP the post-creation responsibility, I would seek a passionate volunteer from the project and reward the person for his/her adoption of the project for maintenance.

    I know from experience that relationships built up on maintenance are more durable than mere ideation and creation.  To start with, create a bill-board tree in your office and award Golden Leaf each time to the most passionate maintenance person who OWNS UP projects with heart and soul; Silver Leaf to the next best and an ” iron” leaf to the person who fails keep things clean and green. Best of luck to you and your clients. JP (jayaprakash Reddy, CEO, JPR Projects, Hyd, India. ceo@jprprojects.com

    Jayaprakash Reddy

    Hi. I am sure you know pretty well that landscaping, regardless of style or size, succeeds if it is designed and delivered not just with passion but also cared for thereon. Instead of expecting the TEAM LEADER ONLY  to OWN UP the post-creation responsibility, I would seek a passionate volunteer from the project and reward the person for his/her adoption of the project for maintenance.

    I know from experience that relationships built up on maintenance are more durable than mere ideation and creation.  To start with, create a bill-board tree in your office and award Golden Leaf each time to the most passionate maintenance person who OWNS UP projects with heart and soul; Silver Leaf to the next best and an ” iron” leaf to the person who fails keep things clean and green. Best of luck to you and your clients. JP (jayaprakash Reddy, CEO, JPR Projects, Hyd, India. ceo@jprprojects.com


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