Lauren Schmidt replied to the topic BIM in Landscape in the forum TECHNOLOGY 10 years, 11 months ago
I am always up for a good discussion. But I think you’ve missed the mark on the entirety of scope for landscape architecture. Yes, plant material is a large portion of it, but there is also so much more that could be provided by manufacturers: furniture, lighting, signs, storm structures, etc.
While an owner does not usually need a permit for…[Read more] -
Lauren Schmidt replied to the topic BIM in Landscape in the forum TECHNOLOGY 10 years, 11 months ago
Actually, BIM is an internationally accepted term that applies to more than just “buildings”. The word “building” is often referred to as a verb and not a noun, while the “modeling” part is also interchanged with “management”. So I would argue that BIM does apply to landscape architecture.
Lauren Schmidt replied to the topic BIM in Landscape in the forum TECHNOLOGY 10 years, 12 months ago
Thanks for posting that video.
There is also a new blog out there- http://bimforlas.wordpress.com/ that seems to be focusing on how Revit can be used by landscape architects.
Lauren Schmidt replied to the topic AutoDesk Revit Architecture…for landscape architects ? ? ? in the forum TECHNOLOGY 11 years, 4 months ago
Hi Andres,
I also work for a multidisciplinary firm and having been leading our firm’s LA transition into Revit. I would have to disagree with Adam and agree with Jordan on almost everything. While LAs do work largely in plan, our firm has found that having LAs in Revit bridges that gap between the site and building. When the building changes, we…[Read more]