Leslie B Wagle replied to the topic Types of Entry-Level Roles? Place for ppl w/o BLA or MLA? in the forum PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE 3 years ago
It’s hard to “be unsure and reluctant to invest so asking for payment and training together” in any profession….medical, engineering, law, etc. when others have done some training first. That’s why I suggested finding a slot where your other horticulture-related experience might be of use. For example, an LA firm may have a botanic or…[Read more]
Leslie B Wagle replied to the topic Types of Entry-Level Roles? Place for ppl w/o BLA or MLA? in the forum PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE 3 years ago
I’ve heard of firms hiring people who were 2- 2 1/2 years into their B.S. but there are a couple of considerations here. 1) No, they wouldn’t likely take the time to train you in the software (others may be more current on this but I am thinking about a parallel in times past when the job applicant usually had basic hand drafting skills). 2) Any…[Read more]
Leslie B Wagle replied to the topic Europe Degree in USA in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 4 years ago
Unless someone else has been in your exact spot (same country etc.) I think there aren’t any answers because most states also require some employment experience as well as a degree, and there will need to be an individual response from the state where you seek registration. (To determine what weight they will assign to your whole record). So you…[Read more]
Leslie B Wagle commented on the post, Landscape Architecture Education: Between Two Worlds 4 years ago
…”the protectors and purveyors of systemic racism in the US seem hell bent on ensuring the country disintegrates into violence and hatred rather than see any challenge to White rule for the benefit of corporations.” Er….seems to me that there are also corporations pushing Critical Race Theory, and that violence and hatred is being fanned…[Read more]
Leslie B Wagle posted a new activity comment 4 years ago
That was supposed to be “formal THEORY” but software re-spelled for me…
Leslie B Wagle started the topic Relief when you face a creative block in the forum PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE 4 years ago
I think what this article points out has proven true for me, at least I have noticed it without having heard a formal their about it. If you feel stressed, don’t think you have to slog harder as that often just creates exhaustion and frustration. Even in a…[Read more]
Leslie B Wagle replied to the topic What don't you know (well enough)? in the forum PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE 4 years ago
I’ve been passing that on to people closer to the gadgetry myself with no problems as well but I feel a little weird that I have to explain it to clients (saving on design fees helps the issue).Those are areas that someone really interested in the work will gladly do and rather than charge my time (if I had ever invested in learning it),…[Read more]
Leslie B Wagle replied to the topic What don't you know (well enough)? in the forum PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE 4 years ago
Yes, I thought right after I posted that, it would depend on what you find you must (or what you want to) aim for, and there are different sets of skills needed accordingly. Then there is the general innocence most of us have about how hard it is to find the right niche and to get work, period. But being motivated and feeling competent helps get…[Read more]
Leslie B Wagle started the topic What don't you know (well enough)? in the forum PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE 4 years ago
After reading the discussion below, I thought there must be many variations of the “not knowing something maybe I should” syndrome. The discussion between professional architects was rather revealing but understandable. What areas of knowledge have you suspected you lack and haven’t had time or opportunity to develop? That even standard train…[Read more]
Leslie B Wagle replied to the topic Shou Sugi Ban wood for a small house in the forum SUSTAINABILITY & DESIGN 5 years ago
I’ve only see it in fences but don’t see why it couldn’t be siding, depending on whether it lasts as long as other treated or tested wood products. I wouldn’t do it strictly for an appearance preference without knowing that.
Leslie B Wagle replied to the topic MA in LA from Academy of Art Experience in the forum EDUCATION 5 years ago
Just wanted to add….if you do anything on line, be sure it’s got interactive classes with other students. I just don’t think you can learn the interaction that offices expect without an initiation in collaboration, ie. if your studies themselves are as an isolated person with a “tutor.” I realize the whole field is going to have more vitual…[Read more]
Leslie B Wagle replied to the topic MA in LA from Academy of Art Experience in the forum EDUCATION 5 years ago
I don’t really know that state so can’t guide you. But just beware of something. There sometimes ARE people who get a job with a registered L.A. as a helper person who knows plants well, can do drafting, estimating, watercolor sketches, nearly anything….including LA students who just didn’t finish their degree. And if you gathered some courses…[Read more]
Leslie B Wagle replied to the topic MA in LA from Academy of Art Experience in the forum EDUCATION 5 years ago
Isn’t there a way to find out if a school is an ACCREDITED one – by CLARB or another body? I don’t even understand the purpose of a degree for people who are just “interested in” LA. That is almost cruel if students don’t come out with the necessary technical skills, when the same time could be spent in a solid program that could lead to…[Read more]
Leslie B Wagle replied to the topic Work/Practice under the New Normal in the forum PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE 5 years ago
Oh, I think that will always have potential. It was widely used even back in the “olden days,” when I had my drawing board at home and only later moved into a former classroom in a renovated school building (and now am back home again). You just have to decide to market yourself to earn the convenience, and it doesn’t work so well for people…[Read more]
Leslie B Wagle replied to the topic Work/Practice under the New Normal in the forum PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE 5 years ago
Yes I think you may not be getting many replies because there was enough work to keep going with, and people are hoping an absolute loss of desire for design work doesn’t happen or ever become a “new normal.” Keep up your personal projects and hope for the future. From what I’m thinking, the building industry can’t collapse because we will always…[Read more]
Leslie B Wagle's profile was updated 5 years ago
Leslie B Wagle replied to the topic Residential design programs in the forum TECHNOLOGY 5 years ago
I looked into this pretty deeply and decided that most of the slick and “better” 3D ones were a) mostly for Microsoft, not Macs and 2) a big investment in terms of both cost and learning curves. I came up with a solution but it’s still not for every residential job and I don’t encourage people to fantasize that they will automatically get a 3D…[Read more]
Leslie B Wagle replied to the topic An overqualified entry-level? in the forum PORTFOLIO & RESUME 5 years ago
I was hoping someone with more insight into hiring in larger firms would answer this, but I’ll try and just offer general wisdom. Just go with emphasis on your strengths. You don’t have to exaggerate them but don’t get discouraged by what you “haven’t” done already. Everybody starts somewhere, gathers what experience is possible, and keeps…[Read more]
Leslie B Wagle replied to the topic Stamp in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 5 years ago
Maybe I’m wading in here more on impression than deep study of it, but I think a seal is saying “I am qualified by education, preparation, experience, and (most likely) testing to do this plan” (for any sheet it is on- sometimes as required by reviewing jurisdiction). That also implies it is your property. But doing the work in the first place…[Read more]
Leslie B Wagle replied to the topic Trigger for City/County Review. in the forum DETAILS & MATERIALS 5 years ago
I can only answer for where I was a planner. Planning was the “clearing house” or contact point but some other cities may do it differently. Besides our own review, we would circulate submissions to other department(s) which could be inspections, fire, transportation, public works etc. Big project developers just knew to bring multiple sets as all…[Read more]
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