Lucy Wang wrote a new post, Filmtastic Fridays – I Want to be a Landscape Architect 11 years ago
In celebration of National Landscape Architecture Month, we’ve dug up an old favorite for this week’s film. Commissioned by Landscape Institute and produced by Room60, “I Want to be a Landscape Architect” offers […]
Lucy Wang replied to the topic mini Ipad apps in the forum STORY BOARD 11 years ago
I personally like Botany Buddy–I think it can do the things that you’ve listed.
Lucy Wang replied to the topic Landscape design toys for 11 yr olds ? in the forum STORY BOARD 11 years ago
Legos are pretty awesome. I know the company is heavily skewed to making Lego Architecture and not landscape but they do produce trees and flora so I’d poke around a toy store to see what turns up.
Lucy Wang replied to the topic NY Intern Life in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 11 years ago
I can’t say much about the LA intern life since I worked as an intern at NYCDOT, but remember to bundle up before you head up north! NYC can be oppressively cold in the wintertime. I also bought an older version of a NYC NFT guide which I remembered absolutely loving, but this was before I purchased a smartphone. I’d also recommend getting a…[Read more]
Lucy Wang replied to the topic Homelessness in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 11 years ago
You might take a look at the search archive here: http://inhabitat.com/index.php?s=homeless
Since it’s just a search, you’ll probably have to weed through a few that just mention the word ‘homeless,’ but there are some really good projects in there.
Lucy Wang replied to the topic Visiting NYC in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 12 years ago
Oooh one more thing I just spotted: http://mindyourgarden.tumblr.com/post/33300566720/lent-space-is-a-privately-owned-development-site
Lent Space is a privately-owned development site in Lower Manhattan (New York, USA) that is temporarily being made open to the public. The space serves as an exhibition space for large sculptures, an event space a…[Read more]
Lucy Wang replied to the topic Visiting NYC in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 12 years ago
The Cloisters at MoMA
The Irish Hunger Memorial (it’s really awesome, and oft-missed) link: http://www.nyc.com/arts__attractions/irish_hunger_memorial.1379/editorial_review.aspx
The abandoned smallpox hospital on Governor’s Island (take the tram over, technically you’re trespassing if you go into the hospital grounds but everyone does it anyway…[Read more]
Lucy Wang replied to the topic Landscape Architecture Travel Map/Blog in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 years ago
I went to San Diego when the ASLA conference was there last year, so it’s not in my plans again…but I will be passing through cities between (and including) Los Angeles and Vancouver!
Lucy Wang replied to the topic Projects to see in Baltimore? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 15 years ago
I’m not really sure what you mean by “projects” and I don’t know where you are in the city but I can suggest some outdoor spaces near the inner harbor if that’s where you’re at. For one, I second visiting the outside space next to the aquarium. You should also check out:
-the space between the WTC building and the aquarium. It has an old, huge…[Read more]
Lucy Wang replied to the topic Has anyone worked/lived in China? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 15 years ago
You should check out http://www.chinese-forums.com/index.php?/forum/22-life-work-and-stu… for info on working/living in China. They even have a Guangzhou/Shenzhen subsection. Really good resource.
I don’t know when/if you’re going to China, but if you stick around you should check up on this: http://www.inhabitat.com/2010/08/03/china-developing-…[Read more]
Lucy Wang replied to the topic Portfolio Critique Thread in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 15 years ago
^Link lists a few including issuu. I’ve read really good things about Lulu but I’m partial to issuu as well.
Lucy Wang replied to the topic Case Studies / Design Precedents: Parks in Urban Settings with BMPs/Swales/Retention Basins in the forum SUSTAINABILITY & DESIGN 15 years ago
Here’s a case study of a plaza at 10th and Hoyt (also in Portland, OR):
Lucy Wang replied to the topic PC Laptop Recommendations for Landscape Architecture in the forum TECHNOLOGY 15 years ago
Hey Josh!
I’m still looking, though admittedly not very hard. I looked at the VAIO EC, which looks like a really good laptop. The biggest thing stopping me from getting something like that is the weight….I wanted something with a dedicated graphics card that was also lightweight (< 5 pounds) but of course those get really expensive. I’ll…[Read more]
Lucy Wang replied to the topic What Firms Are Looking For in Student Portfolios in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 15 years ago
I’m a student too so I can’t give you advice on what most LA firms are looking for right now but I thought that this article might be of use to you. http://www.studiomezz.com/10-inspirational-resources-for-print-digi… The first couple of links will take you to print landscape architecture portfolios. I highly suggest checking out Lulu and Issuu…[Read more]
Lucy Wang replied to the topic Help with Safe Routes to School? in the forum RESEARCH 15 years ago
As a commuter cyclist, I agree that you probably do not need to add bike lanes in neighborhoods if that means taking away parking in already narrow roads. Small neighborhoods generally have slow-moving, infrequent traffic so I really feel that the danger level is pretty low. And even though I’m in favor of bikes over cars, I know that taking away…[Read more]
Lucy Wang replied to the topic PC Laptop Recommendations for Landscape Architecture in the forum TECHNOLOGY 15 years ago
Thanks Roland! I was actually looking into Sony Vaio as well– do you have the NW series by any chance?