lukad replied to the topic When did you determine that the profession is not respected? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 15 years, 1 month ago
I believe it’s the general lack of Landscape Starchitects and the general offense to the classic “design my backyard” remark for many. Otherwise, this field is actually becoming much more respected. See: http://archrecord.construction.com/news/daily/archives/090806landscapearc-1.asp
For me, as a landscape architect I think our magazine is…[Read more]
lukad replied to the topic What are the most commonly used computer programs used by Landscape Architects in order of most to least? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 15 years, 1 month ago
AutoCAD/Vectorworks (Drafting Software in General)
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe InDesign
Google SketchUp (And if you want to be on the edge of things take a look at Rhino or any other Nurbs modeling software)Quite the ambitious question to ask, as significant time and energy needs to be dedicated to extensively learn the capabilities…[Read more]
lukad replied to the topic "The 'scape' is killing the profession." in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 15 years, 2 months ago
Changing the terminology of a profession wont change society’s perception of it (Just look at Radioshack’s “The Shack” campaign; it’s still the same crappy, overpriced electronics store). In fact, the entire issue with landscape architecture is that there it’s not even on the radar for the average member of society; hence why people first…[Read more]
lukad replied to the topic Resume Gaps: Should times of unemployment be represented on the resume? in the forum PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE 15 years, 2 months ago
Hmm. Well for one, how do you expect to represent this gap? I would never put “Unemployed April 2009-Present” on a resume. However, if an employer can connect the dots and ask you about it then hopefully you have a story to tell. Maybe you’ve done work in some form of community design collaborative, sat in as a juror for a landscape architecture…[Read more]
lukad replied to the topic BSLA – Going for a Masters in the forum EDUCATION 15 years, 3 months ago
My apologies, though I find the hostility a tad unnecessary, especially in the context of a landscape architecture forum. Regardless, thanks for the replies.
lukad replied to the topic BSLA – Going for a Masters in the forum EDUCATION 15 years, 3 months ago
I haven’t done any update to my folio, but I’m currently working full time at a firm (the one I interned at) made up of registered planners and architects, and 1 or 2 unregistered LA’s. I was hoping grad school would act as a means to not only go beyond what I learned in my BSLA, but also act as a means to reinsert myself into the field when…[Read more]
lukad replied to the topic Sketch up or 3D in Landscape architectural presentations in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 15 years, 4 months ago
It’s also possible to model in sketchup, and texture in a more advance 3d program (i.e. max). I guess it all depends on a firm’s approach to 3d.