Marin Ginev

  • Kevin,
    As you are aware there are different sources useful for different type of projects especially nowadays when a lot of different companies are registered in Qatar and Abu Dhabi.
    Could you please state something for your project/s and I will try to find you some information. I mean type of project, size, approximate cost, timeframe, location…[Read more]

  • Hi All,
    Steve has created a great group, where every one could exchange information for ME and how the landscape business is going on. Let’s use it .
    Thanks a lot for the effort Steve.

  • Hi, Hayley,
    I believe I know some seniors landscapers and planners there.
    I have worked for 6 years there and my last completed project was New Corniche Road. I believe you know it.
    In order to assist you I would like to know what type of contacts you need.

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