mauiBob replied to the topic Nerds in the landscape (How does lar respond to a tech culture?) in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 12 years, 5 months ago
I love it!! Copy and Paste. The design elitist have spoken. I know plenty of LAs and firms who would love to “copy and paste” a project just to make a monthly income.
My dear Emily, when you get out from the safe haven of academia world and venture out in the “real” world dealing with BUDGETS, COST and the clients who pay for these projects, you…[Read more] -
mauiBob replied to the topic Nerds in the landscape (How does lar respond to a tech culture?) in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 12 years, 6 months ago
Nerd = Landscape architect = No future. LA is dead.
“When public spaces are being replaced with computer chairs how will landscape architecture step in?” Huh? You’ve got too much time on your hands, Emily. Maybe you should be working for the government as a social worker. -
mauiBob replied to the topic A very scary calculator button – Push at your own risk in the forum PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE 12 years, 6 months ago
Trace, I was just rambling. I like to argue about anything and everything. PSU alums should burn their diplomas.
mauiBob replied to the topic A very scary calculator button – Push at your own risk in the forum PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE 12 years, 6 months ago
None of this matters anyway. The world is going to end on December 21, 2012!! So forget everything else and go out there and live it up. Party like its 1999!..
The funniest part is that there are still students trying to become landscape architects or worse, they just started MLA programs. Try to avoid Penn State Univ at all cost.
mauiBob replied to the topic "thank you for applying but…" in the forum PORTFOLIO & RESUME 12 years, 7 months ago
Honestly Pablo, at first glance of your portfolio, I thought you were straight out of school with no experience until I read your resume. No surprise to me you haven’t received any feedback. I’m offering tough, constructive criticism pep talk. No sense for rosy, pat-on-the-back, take it easy on you kind of approach. Not my style. Everyone here has…[Read more]
mauiBob replied to the topic Not what I signed up for in the forum EDUCATION 12 years, 7 months ago
It sounds like too much fun!! I wanna go back to school, the world of fantasy. Enjoy it. 3 years will be over before you know it.
mauiBob replied to the topic Learning Chinese in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 12 years, 7 months ago
Don’t take this the wrong way, former Vandal Roland but my advice: you are spending too much time at things which won’t further your L.A. career. Do you want to be a landscape architect or a Chinese/English interpreter for some American shoe company in Beijing? You’re barely out of school and I’m guessing…need lots of landscape training.…[Read more]
mauiBob replied to the topic LA Job Market in the forum PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE 12 years, 7 months ago
LOL!! Hilarious. It took but a mere 5 minutes to research and write my comment for Zhu. Landscape Architecture is business. FYI my friend, I NEVER start the discussion about my “moonlighting or extracurricular activity” outside this lame field called landscape architecture. In fact, your first paragraphs invites me to respond about the market.…[Read more] -
mauiBob replied to the topic LA Job Market in the forum PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE 12 years, 7 months ago
Try these links at…[Read more]
mauiBob replied to the topic Intellectual Property Rights in the forum PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE 12 years, 7 months ago
I think there seems to be some confusion on a “design” or “product”. If you have a patent on a design or product, then No, people can’t duplicate it. But, a landscape design of a neighborhood park or residential backyard for instance, can be copied to another location. Or are there specific elements in the park or backyard that are protected by…[Read more]
mauiBob replied to the topic Intellectual Property Rights in the forum PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE 12 years, 8 months ago
Heed Jason’s advice. You made the mistake at the start. You need proper verbiage on your proposal or contract protecting your design. And, from my understanding, once the client has paid for the design in full, they can use it for whatever purpose they see fit. Unless, your design or product has a patent.
mauiBob replied to the topic Brazil?! in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 12 years, 8 months ago
Another sell-out! And you have the nerve to call yourself a landscape architect, huh Craig? Here’s a champagne toast for the recession to last another 10 years! We don’t need anymore suburban sprawl and Hummer H1 vehicles. This recession shook up lots of foundations and made people think twice about over abundance of personal materials. Those who…[Read more]
mauiBob replied to the topic Brazil?! in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 12 years, 8 months ago
The worst kind of landscape architect or someone in this field! Damned the future generations and the unhealthy environment coming their way as long as I get mine now, who cares what follows? Its all about me and how much I make. This is actually the same mentality that put the U.S. economy in shambles. Wall Street and the major Banks ring any bells?
mauiBob replied to the topic Anyone know what the job market is like for an MLA grad? in the forum EDUCATION 12 years, 8 months ago
Craig,Yeah, you heard me my friend. Loud and clear too. Mano a mano. See the latest business news today? New round of market jitters, unemployment rate goes back up, consumer spending went down, new construction permit applications fell…it all spells doom for the landscape architect. Minimum of 5 years before any significant construction boom…[Read more]
mauiBob replied to the topic Anyone know what the job market is like for an MLA grad? in the forum EDUCATION 12 years, 8 months ago
Earthworker, for the past 2 years I’ve been going around in circles with this “LA employment issue” and nothing ever comes of it. Every month or two, someone new post this similar question. I say let the grads and others sink or swim. Don’t bother with anymore suggestions. Let them find out the hard way! Previous comments in here by recent grads…[Read more]
mauiBob replied to the topic Anyone know what the job market is like for an MLA grad? in the forum EDUCATION 12 years, 9 months ago
Education Ourselves Into Shackles?
“There’s a cancer that threatens to poison the global economic recovery, and it’s not Europe or the housing market. It comes, in fact, from the very thing that’s supposed to elevate our populace and our economy: graduate school.”http://www.fool.com/investing/general/2012/04/17/educating-ourselve…
mauiBob replied to the topic Should I major in landscape architecture? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 12 years, 10 months ago
LOL! Craig, great last paragraph! My NYC landscaper friend, I’m happier than you might think. I just bought a house in South Maui and it didn’t come from LA salary. It came from my past investments in the market and current planning position.
Look man, I agree with you to a point. I just think you need to tell the hard truth along with the rosy…[Read more] -
mauiBob replied to the topic Should I major in landscape architecture? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 12 years, 10 months ago
Craig, my NYC landscaper friend, while I admire your optimism for our profession, it can at times border on fantasy. Let me bring you back down from cloud 9. You are confused and seem to be forgetting about who exactly is Michael? He can’t go out after college and bring in clients. He needs to start from ground up, meaning an entry level position.…[Read more]
mauiBob replied to the topic MLA Program Decision in the forum EDUCATION 12 years, 10 months ago
“Anyone know what the job market is like for an MLA grad?”
This trend has already been discussed on Land8 (link above) and once a month someone ask about school comparisons. I suggest you read it from start to finish. It also depends on where you prefer to work: public or…[Read more]
mauiBob replied to the topic Anyone know what the job market is like for an MLA grad? in the forum EDUCATION 12 years, 10 months ago
Brian, it depends on your bachelors degree. 2 years for MLA if you had a BLA/BSLA or 3 years if some other type of degree. And many schools vary on this requirement.
Bottom line is why a MLA? Isn’t anyone paying attention to the economy and which professions are ALWAYS hit the hardest during recessions? People are just so stubborn and don’t make…[Read more] - Load More